

时间:2023-01-05 16:10:07 竞争 我要投稿
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  对于竞争的看法英语作文 篇1

  In modern society, there is an eternal topic, that is, competition and cooperation. A person can not live independently in the society, and the competition and cooperation between people is the driving force for our social survival and development. The trees are long and short, the water is clear and turbid, the people are busy in the world, they are inseparable from competition and cooperation.

  The so-called competition is the behavior of two or more individuals or groups that win over each other in an activity, that is, both parties fight for a goal, and only one party can win, while cooperation is the behavior of two or more individuals or groups. In order to achieve the common goal of joint cooperation in an activity, both parties have the same purpose, and both parties share the results.

  For the competition, you will not be unfamiliar. Without the competition of the mid-term examination, we will not stand here. However, without cooperation, the "North South dialogue" and "South South cooperation" will become empty talk. Without cooperation, the establishment of the international space station will become a bubble. Without cooperation, we will still live in the shadow of "SARS" today Bird flu is a problem.

  But competition and cooperation are not opposites. Some students have separated them too much. Some only talk about competition but not cooperation. When other people ask him questions, they don't turn back a sentence of "don't know". They think that to solve other people's problems is to cultivate an opponent for themselves, which is not good for their own competition. Such people are selfish and will be eliminated by the society. Some people think that competition is unnecessary and pay attention to cooperation unilaterally, which leads to a miserable state of complacency and lack of initiative When he was still dreaming in his comfort zone, the world had forgotten it. Therefore, the above two methods are not correct. We should put competition and cooperation in the same important position, so that they can make the best use of everything, and use things for themselves, so that they can reach a higher level.

  If life is compared to a play, then competition is a pair of critical eyes under the stage, and cooperation is a friend who performs with you. Students, let's treat the competition and cooperation correctly and make the most beautiful flowers.

  对于竞争的看法英语作文 篇2

  Today, with the rapid development of China, earth shaking changes have taken place. Should this change arouse our deep thought? Looking back, why is our country so backward? Is it not competing with other countries? No, I want to say no firmly. It is because China used to be a closed door country and not cooperate with other countries. At present, China has implemented a good policy of opening up to the outside world, with rapid development of the country and good development of other countries, so it seems that competition and cooperation can win-win.

  The development and competition between countries are essential. Only with competition can we continuously promote national development, develop new products, and make the country prosperous and the people rich. Today's development of China is inseparable from the competition with other countries, not only the national competition, but also the domestic technology, food, large-scale industries, etc. But at the same time of competition, businessmen from all countries are cooperating closely to make both sides benefit and develop together. Since China's opening to the outside world, its economy has been developing, its comprehensive national strength has been improving, and people's living standards have been rising. From this point of view, only competition and cooperation depend on each other to achieve a win-win situation.

上海419论坛  China is an ancient civilization with a long history, and its economy reached its peak in the Tang Dynasty. But later it became so backward because we only focused on the competition with other countries and closed the door. I think that only by myself can we achieve the rapid development of our country until today's situation. It seems that focusing on competition will only lead to the decline of the country.

  As the saying goes, "one fence, three stakes, one hero and three gangs," it means that people should help each other. In our study and life, if you often help others, teach all you know to others, and do not compete with others, it will only make you lose motivation, stop, lose interest in learning, and only stay in the knowledge you originally knew. So if you want to not only get good results from others, you have to get good results. It's not hard to see that only competition and cooperation depend on each other to achieve win-win.

  To sum up, it can be seen that competition cannot exist alone, and cooperation cannot monopolize the Golden branch. Only competition and cooperation depend on each other can win-win, and win-win can be achieved only by closely relying on competition and cooperation.

  对于竞争的看法英语作文 篇3

上海419论坛  In the vast social world, all kinds of intense competition are going on everywhere and all the time. They are not for people to watch, but to promote the indispensable power of social development. If in the competition, in order to achieve personal goals and harm others by any means, it is a great violation of the significance of the existence of competition. Competition is based on the principle of common improvement. Therefore, we should unite and help each other to promote competition through good cooperation, not only to achieve our own goals, but also to contribute more to society.

上海419论坛  Cooperation, a familiar word, is understood by different people. "Cooperation is the formation of a new substance from several substances under certain conditions," said the scientists The dictionary explains: "cooperation is for a common purpose, to cooperate with each other in doing something or accomplishing something together."

上海419论坛  Throughout the ages and at home and abroad, are not all successful people good at cooperation? Taking the computer industry as an example, the vast majority of good software is the result of collective creation, and there are often more than one major developer who makes creation and contribution, so it is difficult to make great achievements alone. Therefore, in today's development of science and technology, scientists who are good at cooperation have a greater chance of achieving great achievements. There is an example: a young man with outstanding ability, quick and reliable work, honest and sincere, never proud, careless of colleagues, and harmonious relationship with partners. Later, he went to a company to develop software. When he found that there was a mistake in the program compiled by his subordinates, he pointed it out in a euphemistic way, and the subordinates also corrected the mistake. When discussing software production, colleagues expressed their own opinions, and he also chose the best one, which made the software have a certain position in the market soon. This event also embodies the connotation of cooperation: not only their own brilliant, but also to enable people better than him to give full play to their talents.

上海419论坛  When it comes to cooperation to create a win-win situation, we have to tell a little story: there are two hungry people who meet a fisherman. The fisherman gives one person a fish and the other gets a fishing rod. But one day later, the people who had fish ate up the fish, and finally died of hunger; the other was too hungry to go fishing, and died of hunger. In fact, they can cooperate and enjoy fish together. Go fishing again

上海419论坛  To be a good cooperator can improve one's quality in the competition. I hope everyone can cooperate with our classmates and build our class into a dynamic and win-win collective!

  对于竞争的看法英语作文 篇4

上海419论坛  Campus security has been a big topic many people pay great attention to. Students' fight,injury and being robbed can be heard of from time to time.Some students have fights with each other,some are injured unexpetedly,some students' belongings such as ,bikes and cell phones are stolen.What's more,some students are extorted money by the bad boys in society.

  What has caused these problemsIn my opinion,the reasons are as follow.First of all,students nowadays have less awareness of law.They can't tell what is legal and what is not.Second,schools don't have a good management. People in society can enter them easily.These people go into the campus,stealing and fighting.

  But how to solve the problemsWe should strengthen the education on law in school,letting the students know what is right and what is not.We're supposed to place great emphasis on campus management.Only students can go into the campus and people in society can not without permission. I hope our campus is a safe and peaceful place for us to learn.

  对于竞争的看法英语作文 篇5

  In recent years, petition has bee more and more important in our life. Competition fills with learning, business and sport. Competition has been an indispensable thing that is full of in modern society.

  As a student who will bee the main force in the future, we must have petition spirit. Competition makes us work hard and improve work effect, if firms are not petitive they should not survive, so do people. Competition is important to an athlete, too. Competition can be motivation that make we do something better.

上海419论坛  But the other important thing is how to improve our petition spirit. In my opinion, we should learn more knowledge and know more other things which can expand our field of vision. Taking part in contest and petition are effective ways. To firms, they should product more goods in limited time and expense little stuff, in a word, reduce the costing.

  对于竞争的看法英语作文 篇6

  In nowadays, it is quite common that we compete with each other for various competitions. However, it is also essential for people to cooperate with each other for we are members of society. When confront with cooperation and competition, people seems to have a difficult time in choosing them. Some people tend to compete with each other for they believe they can win rewards by defeating others. Some hold that we should cooperate with each other. Some think that we should not only cooperate with others but we should compete with others as well. In my opinion, I think that competing is more important for us. Reasons are listed below.

  First of all, competing is more important than cooperation in our society. In school, we compete with others by doing better in our study. When we are looking for jobs, we compete with others applying for the same position. When we go to a competition, we fight with others for rewards or fame.

上海419论坛  Secondly, we can be stronger by competing. If we want to win others, then we have to be stronger than others. Thus, we have to improve ourselves constantly. Consequently, our skills will be enhanced and we will get more experience to avoid failure.

  对于竞争的看法英语作文 篇7

  There has been a heated debate on the relationship between petition and cooperation in the modern society where severe petition and harmonious cooperation surround us. Numerous people argue that petition is the mainstream in this society, and everyone should be petitive. Nevertheless, a considerable number of individuals claim that the advantages of cooperation incredibly outweigh the benefits acquired from petition, and therefore, cooperation is the major point supposed to bear in mind. As far as I am concerned, both petition and cooperation are essential and significant in our daily life and social progress.

  The reason why I hold that both petition and cooperation exert positive influence can be justified in the following illustration. On one hand, petition engenders the impetus triggering every improvement in human society. Driven by the impulse of pursuing the excellence, each individual is forced by the pressure of petition, attempting to be the best. Without petition, they would be content with their current possession. In this case, their present condition, even the present human society, will stay still and no improvement will be achieved. In spite of the strong desire to success and be the best, the significance of cooperation arises from the impossibility to plete everything alone in the current society. It is inconceivable for an individual to live without the assistance from others. Every single person needs to cooperate with others to survive in the modern days, to conquer stumbling blocks, to plete integrated tasks, or to achieve higher expectations, all of which are not able to be conducted by mere petition.

  All the illustrations above can warrant the point that both petition and cooperation are indispensable. Although there is no perfect and universal recipe to the relationship in modern society, the public mitment of the necessity of the balance between petition and cooperation may be the first step towards the right direction. Consequently, it is high time that it must be recognized that petition enhances individuals capability while cooperation bines all ability to overpower any obstacles.

  对于竞争的看法英语作文 篇8

  Cooperation and Competition

  Which is more important in life, cooperating with others, or selecting petition? The answer may vary from person to person. For many people, to work with other people can increase working efficiency. They can also improve their ability of munication through the teamwork. However, large numbers of people do not agree. They like working alone and peting with others. In my opinion, I think cooperation is more important than petition in modern life.

上海419论坛  It is true that the modern society is a highly petitive society, but it also needs social cooperation. It helps bring individual abilities into full play and makes up for each other’s inadequacy. As an old saying goes, “Two heads are better than one.” Cooperation is especially necessary because we can not achieve anything if there are only petition and no cooperation in many cases. So if we are good at cooperating, we will be able to figure out a way to success more easily.

  What about the petition? Competition helps enhance individual abilities. It makes people creative. Without petition, people would create nothing. They would feel satisfied with their present condition. Competition is beneficial to the society to discover best use of talents. However, it has some disadvantages.

上海419论坛  Competition easily causes deterioration of interpersonal relationship. It makes people more selfish and narrow. Also many people

上海419论坛  feel pressure under petition and do not know what to do.

上海419论坛  Apart from these, cooperation and petition are both essential to people. They are equally necessary for a person to achieve success in his or her future life. But I prefer cooperation to petition in daily life.

  对于竞争的看法英语作文 篇9

上海419论坛  Since September this year, the college students are now allowed to get married in campus, which is declared officially by the National Education Bureau. The results of this issue take a broad influence on the colleges, even on the whole society. Some are in favor of it while some are against it. Whether college students should be allowed to set up a family has become a hot topic to be fiercely argued from then on.

  Some believe it is reasonable for college students to select marriage in campus. Firstly, the college students have reached the national legal ages. Secondly, suppose two students are fall in love with each other. Is it necessary for them to struggle to avoid marriage until graduationThe couples are supposed to help each other, love each other and conduct the harmonious little family on their own. All the matters they are faced with will not only help them taste sweet produced by family but also get to know the hardness to sustain a family. Furthermore, college students are usually to be found living together. Such behavior has no difference from those done

  after marriage. We should rather legalize such behavior than put aside them to happen secretly. However, some think it more negative than positive for college students to get married on campus. In their opinion, the college students, especially male students, are too young to be likely to shoulder the burdens brought by family and take the relative responsibility. On the other hand, it is showed by study that the devoice rate of those who get married early is much higher than that of those who get married late or at right time. Such high devoice rate is mainly due to the less consideration taken before marriage, even being a totally prompt impulse to some extent. Some stubborn problem appears gradually after marriage, which leads to the mutual discontents between couples and end up in devoice as a solution.

上海419论坛  It that case, I think, with more supports from parents and society, we can cope with study and love more intellectually if we ideally balance the positive and the negative caused by marriage on campus.

  对于竞争的看法英语作文 篇10

  Nowadays, many people think that college students should take a part-time job for several advantages. For one thing, it gives the students a chance to know the society to learn to be independent. For another, they can also get financial reward and working experience as well, which is helpful to their growth. What's more, they can put what they have learned into practice, and know their strong and weak points so that they can improve their studies and personalities, which are beneficial in their later lives.

  However, still many people think taking part-time job may have some negative effects on students. In their opinions, it will take them much time and energy, and will affect their studies as a result. What's worse, some students may be so keen on making money that they may neglect their studies in the end.

上海419论坛  In my opinion, I am in favor of taking a part-time job. But we have to keep a balance between the job and the study. After all, study is our main task at school.

  对于竞争的看法英语作文 篇11

  Competition is common in every field of life. for eample, the olympic games is the most famous competition in the world. In the four hundred meter swimming race, the swimmers plunge into the water at the signal. each swings his or her arms and legs and tries his or her best to be the first. also there is the competition for jobs, for promotion, for customers, and so on. we can say, in a certain sense, competition stimulates peoples interest in work and helps society to go forword.

  We often find that competition goes hand in trend with cooperation. take, for eample, a volley ball match. The members of the team cooperate with each other. One serves the ball, then another passes the ball to a certain height for a still other to hit it over the net while the other members try to block it on its return. it requires good tearn work to win the game.

  While we advocate competition, we cannot forget cooperation. human beings are social beings. No one can eist alone in the society. If you want to play the game well, you have to play with others. You cannot play single-handed and win. You have to cooperate with your playmates, who may make the social ladder for you to climb to the top.From cooperation we get mutual help and understanding.With cooperation the world is progressing at peace and in harmony.

  对于竞争的看法英语作文 篇12

上海419论坛  In recent years, competition has become more and more important in our life. Competition fills with learning, business and sport. Competition has been an indispensable thing that is full of in modern society.

上海419论坛  As a student who will become the main force in the future, we must have competition spirit. Competition makes us work hard and improve work effect, if firms are not competitive they should not survive, so do people. Competition is important to an athlete, too. Competition can be motivation that make we do something better.

  But the other important thing is how to improve our competition spirit. In my opinion, we should learn more knowledge and know more other things which can expand our field of vision. Taking part in contest and competition are effective ways. To firms, they should product more goods in limited time and expense little stuff, in a word, reduce the costing.

  对于竞争的看法英语作文 篇13

  Competition makes people original and creative. It very necessary to compete if human society wants to advance. (Even animals compete for survival.)

  Without it, we would become lazy and nobody would rake any responsibility. When three monks live together, there will be no drinking water. This Chinese proverb vividly describes why China's productivity was so low before Mr Deng came to power.

  At that time, we had the so-called planned economy. There was no competition at all. So neither farmers nor workers worked hard. China was on the edge of collapse. Competition can stimulate people to try their best to do anything. For example, in 100-meter race, each sportsman runs as quickly as possible, trying to win the champion. The same things happen in our society and in our daily life. If a company wants to surpass others, it must compete with them. It must raise its efficiency.

上海419论坛  All the companies doing this will no doubt benefit the whole society and the whole human race. Being a student, I must compete with other students in our studies. I must study hard in all the fields so that I can be a useful man when I enter the society after graduation.

  对于竞争的看法英语作文 篇14

上海419论坛  Both petition and cooperation play a large role in the advancement of society, both in business and non-business areas. Competition forces people to improve their products or services, and hence benefits the recipients of these products or services. Cooperation, however, plays an even more important role in development of individuals and the society as a whole, because it drastically increases the scale of these improvements. Working in groups and teams far increases the productivity of individuals. Thus, I firmly believe children should be taught to cooperate rather than to pete.

  First of all, cooperation is an important skill in the future life of all children. They will need to live with other people throughout their life, since they will not study alone, work alone, nor spend their leisure time alone. If they do not know how to cooperate with their classmates, their colleagues, and other family members, then they will lose the chance to live happily. Thus, cooperation skills should be taught before they grow up to face serious problems living with others.

上海419论坛  Furthermore, cooperation is a significant contributing factor to the development of society. While petition generally ends in a win-lose result, cooperation advocates that one plus one is larger than two, three or even a larger number. For example, the petition of two business firms would ultimately lead to the result that one bees stronger and the other fails and goes out of business. However, if they cooperate with each other successfully, they may group together to form an enterprise larger than the mere sum of the two. The more successful cooperation there is, the better the society develops. Thus, cooperation should be taught to children, because eventually they will be the executives of important corporations.

  Admittedly, petition also plays a significant role in many areas. Stressed by the petition, individuals and organizations have to struggle to survive, and so they are forced to make improvements and develop.

上海419论坛  However, in parison, cooperation is more effective in helping individuals and societies to develop, because it benefits not only individuals, but also society as a whole. The reality is that children should be taught both, but if forced to choose only one, parents should undoubtedly teach their kids to cooperate rather than to pete.

  对于竞争的看法英语作文 篇15

  There has been a heated debate on the relationship between competition and cooperation in the modern society where severe competition and harmonious cooperation surround us. Numerous people argue that competition is the mainstream in this society, and everyone should be competitive. Nevertheless, a considerable number of individuals claim that the advantages of cooperation incredibly outweigh the benefits acquired from competition, and therefore, cooperation is the major point supposed to bear in mind. As far as I am concerned, both competition and cooperation are essential and significant in our daily life and social progress.

上海419论坛  The reason why I hold that both competition and cooperation exert positive influence can be justified in the following illustration. On one hand, competition engenders the impetus triggering every improvement in human society. Driven by the impulse of pursuing the excellence, each individual is forced by the pressure of competition, attempting to be the best. Without competition, they would be content with their current possession. In this case, their present condition, even the present human society, will stay still and no improvement will be achieved. In spite of the strong desire to success and be the best, the significance of cooperation arises from the impossibility to complete everything alone in the current society. It is inconceivable for an individual to live without the assistance from others. Every single person needs to cooperate with others to survive in the modern days, to conquer stumbling blocks, to complete integrated tasks, or to achieve higher expectations, all of which are not able to be conducted by mere competition.

  All the illustrations above can warrant the point that both competition and cooperation are indispensable. Although there is no perfect and universal recipe to the relationship in modern society, the public commitment of the necessity of the balance between competition and cooperation may be the first step towards the right direction. Consequently, it is high time that it must be recognized that competition enhances individuals capability while cooperation combines all ability to overpower any obstacles.

  对于竞争的看法英语作文 篇16

  CompetitionAs we all know, petition is a mon phenomenon in our social life. There is constant petition for academic degrees, jobs, customers, money and so forth. In a sense, Competition makes people original and creative. It very necessary to pete if human society wants to advance.

  Competition can stimulate people to try their best to do anything. For example, in 100-meter race, each sportsman runs as quickly as possible, trying to win the

  champion. The same things happen in our society and in our daily life. If a pany wants to surpass others, it must pete with them. It must raise its efficiency. All the panies doing this will no doubt benefit the whole society and the whole human race. Without petition,it is hard to imagine what will offer our world with so much energy to move forward

  Being a student, I must pete with other students in our studies. I must study hard in all the fields so that I can be a useful man when I enter the society after graduation.

  对于竞争的看法英语作文 篇17

  In nowadays, it is quite mon that we pete with each other for various petitions. However, it is also essential for people to cooperate with each other for we are members of society. When confront with cooperation and petition, people seems to have a difficult time in choosing them. Some people tend to pete with each other for they believe they can win rewards by defeating others. Some hold that we should cooperate with each other. Some think that we should not only cooperate with others but we should pete with others as well. In my opinion, I think that peting is more important for us. Reasons are listed below.

上海419论坛  现在,我们经常会跟其他人比赛。但是,与他人合作也是很重要的,因为我们都是社会中的一员。当面对合作和竞争的时候,人们很难抉择。一些人认为我们能够通过竞争打败别人来获奖。一些人认为我们应该跟他人合作。一些人认为我们不仅要跟他人合作,也要跟别人竞争。就我看来,我认为竞争会更重要一些。原因如下:

上海419论坛  First of all, peting is more important than cooperation in our society. In school, we pete with others by doing better in our study. When we are looking for jobs, we pete with others applying for the same position. When we go to a petition, we fight with others for rewards or fame.

上海419论坛  第一,竞争在社会中会比合作更重要。在学校里,我们通过在学业上做的比别人出色来与他人竞争。当我们找工作的时候,我们会与那些申请同一职位的人竞争。当我们参与某项竞赛的时候,我们会与他人争名誉。

  Secondly, we can be stronger by peting. If we want to win others, then we have to be stronger than others. Thus, we have to improve ourselves constantly. Consequently, our skills will be enhanced and we will get more experience to avoid failure.

  第二,通过竞争,我们能变得更强。如果我们要赢得他人,那么我们必须比别人更强。为此,我们必须持续不断地提高我们自己。我们会因此提高我们的自身技能,而且也能得到发展前景好的工作和高新工作High-growth Jobs versus High-payin

上海419论坛  As college graduates start to seek for the first full-time job, the two factors of high-growth and high-pay are most likely to catch their attention. While an ideal job contains both factors, sometimes students just can choose one of them. On my opinion, as a college graduate, it is better to choose a high-growth job.


  Every student wants to earn enough money to buy a beautiful house or a fancy car; they are enjoying what money brings for them. But paring to these material things, the sense of success occupies more important position. The first job plays an important part in forming students’ career outlook and ambition. While the high-pay job lacks of vitality and creativity, students will lose themselves easily.

上海419论坛  每个学生都想要挣足够的钱来买漂亮的房子和车子,他们享受金钱给他们带来的一切。但是和这些物质相比,成功的感觉占据更重要的位置。第一份工作对养成学生职业观和野心有很大的影响。然而高新的工作缺少活力和创造性,学生很容易迷失自我。

上海419论坛  The high-growth job can provide students the chance of promotion. This gives students the motivation to pete for the position, the one who does well will get promoted. For the purpose of getting promoted, students have to fulfill themselves, so they will learn more, even they finish the contract with the pany, and they still can find a good job in another pany.

上海419论坛  高新工作可以给学生带来提升的机会。这给予学生动力来竞争职位,谁做得好谁就能得到升职。为了得到升职,学生不得不提升自我,因为他们能学到很多,即使他们不在这个公司做了,他们在别的工司也能找到一份好的工作。

上海419论坛  High-growth jobs and high-pay jobs both are tempting; some students who are with short sight will choose the latter, while the wise students will choose the former. What decision you make will affect you in the rest of your life.

上海419论坛  发展前景好的工作和高新工作都很诱惑,一些目光短浅的学生会选择后者,然而聪明的学生会选择前者。你所做的决定将会影响你的一生。

  对于竞争的看法英语作文 篇18

  Competition is a mon phenomenon in our social life. We pete when we play games, we try to do better than others in our study, and there is constant petition for jobs, fame, wealth and so forth. We can say that, in a certain sense, petition is one of the motive forces of the development of the society.

上海419论坛  We often find petition and cooperation at the same time. Think of a football game. During the game, one team is peting against the other, but each member of the team must cooperate with his teammates. Otherwise, they would lose the game however skilled every individual player might be.

  While advocating petition, we must not forget cooperation. In modern society, cooperation is especially necessary because except for a few craftsmen and artists, most work is fulfilled with and through other people. In many cases, we can not achieve anything if there are only petition and no cooperation.

  对于竞争的.看法英语作文 篇19

上海419论坛  It is generally received that the importance of competition and cooperation cannot be overemphasized too much. Competition is common in every field of life while it stimulates people's interest in work and helps society to go forward. As competition goes hand in hand with cooperation, cooperation not only lets us get help and understanding, but also makes the world being progress at peace and in harmony. I am convinced that both competition and cooperation are significant and we are supposed to combine them well. There are three justifications to support my argument.

  First of all, competition plays an important role in our life. Darwin came up with the natural selection and competition is universal. "Whether the competition for jobs or for promotion, the competition encourages us to go forward and try our best to build a more advanced society. Furthermore, cooperation is an inseparable part of the livelihood. No one can exist alone in the society. Only by the way that we have teamwork with other can we achieve the greater success. Last but not least, we should combine competition and cooperation. There is no doubt that neither competition or cooperation can separate each other. Some examples can make this point clearer. Take the basketball match for example for example. The members of the team cooperate with their teammates to shoot at the basket while them compete with the other team. After considering the matches, we can take the history of mankind into consideration; the history of mankind is a history of coexistence of competition and cooperation.

上海419论坛  From what has been mentioned above, we can draw the conclusion that both competition and cooperation are of great importance, and it is wise for us to combine them. As college students, we ought to arouse our awareness of competition and cooperation.




  对于竞争的看法英语作文 篇20

上海419论坛  Modern society is a society full of competition, also called for cooperation society, deal with the relationship between competition and cooperation can be based on the society. Competition is the purpose of cooperation, cooperation is the foundation of the competition.

上海419论坛  Consciousness is our cooperation to become so big, we only rely on the collective strength, reached the pinnacle of his success. Make oneself have the power of competition, and the final victory.

上海419论坛  As we are in grade 3, examination of important tasks in front of us is, we've been there is competition and cooperation between classmates, if we ourselves have no confidence, so we can't compete with other opponents on the learning, strive for the ideal result, so we are learning on hand will be so far, our study is not only just want to have the ideal result, and in order to succeed, don't want to communicate with other students in the study, they don't want to tell their own knowledge, it can be stated is don't want to cooperation with each other, is to be a coward, a person who don't want to cooperate with others, even if now the outstanding achievements, in the end after can't so excellent achievements, because of the cooperation in the society is a social state, no one can master all the knowledge.

  Competition and cooperation are inseparable from each other, if there is no competition, cooperation will only make both sides, both sides co-operation not competition, society will not move forward.

  Competition and cooperation is a part of, only common development, we human beings are really development and progress.

  对于竞争的看法英语作文 篇21

  Competition is common in every field of life. For example, the Olympic Games is the most famous competition in the world. In the four hundred meter swimming race, the swimmers plunge into the water at the signal. Each swings his or her arms and legs and tries his or her best to be the first. Also there is the competition for jobs, for promotion, for customers, and so on. We can say, in a certain sense, competition stimulates people's interest in work and helps society to go forword.

  We often find that competition goes hand in trend with cooperation. Take, for example, a volley ball match. The members of the team cooperate with each other. One serves the ball, Then another passes the ball to a certain height for a still other to hit it over the net while the other members try to block it on its return. It requires good tearn work to win the game.

  While we advocate competition, we cannot forget cooperation. Human beings are social beings. No one can exist alone in the society. If you want to play the game well, you have to play with others. You cannot play single-handed and win. You have to cooperate with your playmates, who may make the social ladder for you to climb to the top. From cooperation we get mutual help and understanding. With cooperation the world is progressing at peace and in harmony.





  对于竞争的看法英语作文 篇22

  Competition is just like the fuel of the rocket. Without it we can’t make progress. Without it we wouldn’t take our efforts in doing everything. Competition is the propeller of our daily lives. Due to it we must try our best to do something, or we would lag behind. So competition is beneficial.

  This is why the society is rapidly making progress. The whole society is a competition, while all the members of society are competitor. One man who wants to receive a good job must do better than others. If not, he would be eliminated. This is the reason that the work is done better and better. Competition spread through our daily lives. As a student, we must try our best to study that can we have bright future. As an employer in the company, we must work to the best of our ability. If not, we may fall behind or lose job. Although we may lose in the competition encounters, we may regard the failure as a challenge. From it we may get more experience which would be a key of success. Therefore, competition is beneficial.

  Competition can inspire all the competitors. From the competition, we can receive the experience, no matter what the result is, win or lose.

  对于竞争的看法英语作文 篇23

上海419论坛  With the development of our society,competition has become more and more fierce.Competition usually comes as an important and necessary part of our society especially economic affairs.As is widely recognized,fierce competiton has largely promoted our society.

上海419论坛  Without competition,it is hard to imagine what will offer our world with so much energy to move forward.And as for single person,competition can also force him to struggle and make the most of his potential ability.

上海419论坛  As a college student,first of all you should ease the potential fear for competition.In fact after realising the importance of the competition you can already overcome such feelings.Then you should show your ability and skills adequately.Do believe that whoever will not ignore you only if they have known your talent.

  对于竞争的看法英语作文 篇24

  As the saying goes every coin has two sides. So it is completion.

  Competition between individuals or companies can be tough, aggressive, even ferocious or cut-throat.For individuals, it may hurt self-esteem of the losers, some people think that this help the losers to be strong , less nag and help them see clearly the real socirty , but counterproductive, the unsettling result probably let them give up their ideals, or even the phenomenon of malicious completion may happen. So the winner should be benign, though the exciting fruit is conducive to build self-confident for the winners, they should avoid to have the feeling of outdoing than others, in fact every people’s biggest competitor is himself, we should try our best to go beyond ourselves. In this case ,we can triumph over difficulties with others and share the joy of victory together, this perhaps seliminate the negative effects of competition.

上海419论坛  Competitionhas positive and negative effect, but we all looking forward to the mutually beneficial and win-win situation. but

  Firms may accuse each other of using unfair methods such as dumping, where a competitor (usually foreign) sells products for less than what they cost to produce, or at less than the price charged in the home market. Firms dump in order to build market share and recoup their losses later when, having established themselves to benefit from economies of scale (producing in larger quantities so that the cost of each unit goes down), they are able to charge market prices with a healthy profit margin on each unit sold.

  Competition can also be gentlemanly or even cozy, so cozy that companies may be accused of forming a cartel to agree on prices in a price fixing arrangement. They may then be investigated by a government that looks into unfair trading practices.

  Competitors may also enter into other perfectly legitimate forms of cooperation, such as joint ventures for specific projects. They may even talk about strategic alliances. But like mergers, these can go awry and lead to recrimination between erstwhile (former) partners.

  对于竞争的看法英语作文 篇25

  Competition is a common phenomenon in our society. We compete when we play games, we compete in our study, and we constantly compete for jobs, customers and profit, etc. We can say that competition is one of the motives of the development of society.

  But we often find competition and cooperation go hand in hand. In a football game, one team is competing with the other. But each member of the team is cooperating with his teammates. In most cases, we can't compete without cooperation. Thus they are equally important.

  While we are advocating competition, we can't forget cooperation. Nothing can be carried to an extreme. Pure and exclusive competition leads to failure. Only when competition combines with cooperation can it help in obtaining our goals and satisfying our needs.









