

时间:2022-01-31 18:03:32 季节类英语作文 我要投稿


上海419论坛  冬天,大雪纷飞。人们好像来到了一个幽雅恬静的境界,来到了一个晶莹透剔的童话般的世界。下面小编带来的是关于写冬季的英语作文,希望对你有帮助。



  A north wind blows, and the yellow leaves fall, and it indicates that the winter is coming again.

上海419论坛  In my memory, the winter here is always surrounded by cold. The winter is coming, the snow drifting profusely and disorderly underground, almost overnight, the earth was covered with a thick layer of snow. Freezing temperatures had all the rivers freeze up, rippling into a stiff ice; all the trees don't like spring and summer on the high ropes vitality. Only the bald branches shudder in the cold wind.

  Cold to nature is a kind of cold and desolate, but how can it resist the vitality of life? In the snow, several roadside rhubarb dog is happy to get chase play; several fishermen in the river ice was scuttling fishing net; township enterprises of the machine still roar sing; not the teachers of our school students is a cold scare, still learning a lesson.

上海419论坛  I love swimming freely in the water in summer, but in the cold activity seems to be more powerful. Ball, rope skipping, shuttlecock and so on, all I want everyday activities. Don't look very cold outside, as long as you are willing to play, there will be a feeling of reeky, not afraid of the winter wind and frost. Even if you are in adversity, you will eventually succeed as long as you are not afraid of the difficulties and go forward in the storm. Because there will be a rainbow after the wind and rain.


上海419论坛  Say goodbye to the autumn warm, say goodbye to the noisy waves, say goodbye to the autumn leaves, let us together with the snow all over the sky and the whistling of the wind, to meet the warm bag in the room, to meet the long hanging ice bifurcatio.

上海419论坛  Winter is the favorite season for children, because there are crystal and beautiful snowflakes and crystal clear ice. Although "thousand mountain birds fly, thousands of people trace out." But the ice - playing students were everywhere, and they were in their mouths: "I'm afraid of wearing a coat!" From time to time, the frost on the flowers.

  Look, with the winter cold, walking on the road, people can not help shivering. The ordinary people hide in the house to avoid the cold. And our "school Lang" will continue our "work" but only to hear the "zero". The bell of the next class, we can be relieved, with a cheerful mood, hurried to the sunny corridor to warm. At this time we face is the sun Gonggong touched. Look, some people hold their chin and enjoy the "sunbathing" in the hallway. It's very comfortable; some people have their hands in their pockets and under the sun's bath. It's like a rabbit - like jump; the other is just moving the stool out, reading and sunning the sun... It's really different.

上海419论坛  A burst of music, and again to do the exercise between classes, we stretch out, really do not want, because the road is always to pass a vent, cold ah! However, it is the rule of the school. We marched into the playground at a neat step. "Whirl..." The north wind roar like a screaming, the wind from the teaching building there not hesitate to attack us, but we have a firm belief and cold resistance. "Ah...!" An exclamation. We walked over there and looked back. The tuyere was so easy to walk. It was "no rain how to see the rainbow!" As long as you believe in yourself, you can succeed!

  Ah, look, the cold wind is coming back to us again. "Ha ha" we won't be so easily beaten by you. Because we have a dream in our heart, we have a firm belief in our heart. We must fight the cold and fight to the end.









