

时间:2022-09-25 10:20:03 季节类英语作文 我要投稿


上海419论坛  在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家都接触过作文吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力。为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,下面是小编整理的四季的有关英语作文,希望能够帮助到大家。


  四季的英语作文 篇1

上海419论坛  There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter.


  In spring the weather gradually gets warmer and everything comes back to life. The peasants are busy with sowing.When summer comes, the weather gets very hot. It rains quite often. It is a busy season for the peasants.Autumn is the best season of the year. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. The sky is blue and cloudless. At night millions of stars shine in the sky. It is the time for harvest.Winter is the last season of the year. The days become shorter and the nights longer. The weather is cold and windy. But the peasants are still busy preparing for the next spring ploughing.


  四季的英语作文 篇2

  In China, there are four seasons in a year, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Summer is hot and winter is cold. Spring and autumn are comfortable. Spring lasts from March to May. Summers goes from June to August. From September to November is autumn. At last is winter, from December to February. Among the four seasons in a year, I like winter most.


  四季的英语作文 篇3

  There are four seasons in a year.They are spring,summer,autumn and winter.Every season has three months and each month has about thirty days.

  The first season is spring.In spring time we have warm weather and sunny days.There are many beautiful flowers in the gardens and in the fields.The birds begin to sing their songs.Everything comes to life again.

  The second season we call summer.In summer the weather is very hot and it rains a lot.All trees are beautiful with their green leaves.The sky is very clear and blue,and the sunshine is much stronger than that in other seasons,so many people go to the seaside or the mountains to avoid the heat.

上海419论坛  Autumn is the third season of the year.In autumn the weather becomes cooler day by day.It is the best season we have.So many people like it very much,especially the farmers.They are very busy with their harvest.

上海419论坛  The last season is winter.It comes with frost and snow.The weather grows colder and colder,and much snow falls.But winter is not very long with us,for spring comes again soon.

上海419论坛  一年有四个季节。它们是春天,夏天,秋天和冬天。每个季节有三个月,每个月有三十天左右。

上海419论坛  第一个季节是春天。在春天我们有温暖的天气和阳光明媚的日子。在花园里有许多美丽的花朵和字段。鸟儿开始唱他们的歌。万物复苏了。


上海419论坛  秋天是第三个季节。在秋天,天气变得凉爽。它是我们最好的季节。很多人非常喜欢,尤其是农民。他们非常忙着收割。


  四季的英语作文 篇4

  There are four seasons in a year. They are spring、summer、fall and winter. I like spring. It is warm. It often rains. I can plant trees and flowers in spring. The spring is green. Summer is very hot. I can swim in the river. Fall is a good season. It is nice. I can fly kites in fall. I can eat many apples too. Winter is cold. I wish I can play snow and make a snowman in Beijing someday. Because it does not snow in Xinxing.

  一年之中有四个季节.它们是春天、夏天、秋天和冬天.我喜欢春天,它是温暖的,它常常下雨.我可以种植树木和花卉,在春天.春天是绿色. 夏天是非常炎热.我可以在河里游泳.秋天是一个好季节,它非常好.我可以放风筝,也可以吃很多的苹果.冬天是冷的.我希望有一天我能在北京玩雪和堆雪人.我爱所有的季节,因为它们都非常好.

  四季的英语作文 篇5

  Spring is the start of the year, every thing begins to wake up from the long cold winter; Birds start to sing songs every morning out side the window, trees grow their new leaves. Summer comes right after the spring wind blow itself away. In summer the trees go deep green, people dress in shorts and shirts and skirts, they go swimming a lot. Autumn comes after summer, leaves turn brown and fall down to the ground, fruits and crops grow ripe and farmers harvest in their fields. Winter comes at last, wind blows and snow falls, everyone stays at home and enjoy the peace and quite of winter.

上海419论坛  春天是一年的开始,每一件事开始从漫长的寒冷的冬天,每天早晨鸟儿开始唱歌一面窗口,树长新叶子。夏天到来后本身春风吹走。在夏天的树深入绿色,人们穿着短裤和衬衣和裙子,他们去游泳。秋天是在夏天,树叶变成褐色,跌倒在地上,成熟水果和作物生长和农民们收割他们的田地。冬天来了,风和雪落,所有人都呆在家里,享受和平和相当的冬季。

  四季的英语作文 篇6

  Four Seasons There are four seasons in a year. They are spring、summer、fall and winter. I like spring. It is warm. It often rains. I can plant trees and flowers in spring. The spring is green. Summer is very hot. I can swim in the river. Fall is a good season. It is nice. I can fly kites in fall. I can eat many apples too. Winter is cold. I wish I can play snow and make a snowman in Beijing someday. Because it does not snow in Xinxing. I love all the seasons, because they are nice.

  四季的英语作文 篇7


  Winter comes and summer goes, four seasons change. Unconsciously, I have gone through 13 years. The four seasons with different styles gave me beautiful enjoyment.

上海419论坛  春天,万物复苏。山润朗起来了,水涨起来了,太阳的脸红起来了。那桃树、杏树、梨树都争先恐后地开着花儿。红的像火,粉的像霞,白的像雪,还带着阵阵清香。“沾衣不湿,拂面不寒”,不错的,柔和的春风春雨,又是春天的1个奇妙景观。

  In spring, everything revives. The mountains are runlang up, the water is rising, and the sun is blushing. The peach tree, apricot tree and pear tree are all scrambling to open flowers. Red like fire, pink like Xia, white like snow, but also with bursts of fragrance. "Wet clothes, cold face", good, soft spring wind and rain, is a wonderful landscape in spring.


  In the evening, it began to rain, like cow hair, like flower needles, like fine silk, tightly woven obliquely. At this time, in the spring rain, there is a special feeling. In the morning, when the rain stopped, I pushed open the window. The smell of mud, grass and flowers came to you. At this time, you stand there silently and feel the beautiful world.


  Summer is full of life. Let's stay away from the noise and come to the farmland to feel the joy of harvest. The wheat is ripe. It's golden. It's one piece and one piece. The farmers' faces are filled with the joy of harvest. In the hot sun, they form a wonderful "summer harvest map". The red, yellow and white flowers compete for beauty in summer, attracting the beautiful butterflies, bees, and the green leaves, reflecting the summer sunshine and showing the charm of life.


上海419论坛  In autumn, the grass and trees are withered and yellow, only chrysanthemum stands proudly, adding warmth to autumn.

上海419论坛  “霜叶红于2月花”,1点也不错,1阵秋风吹来,满树叶子纷纷飘落下来,像1群群美丽的蝴蝶,给地上铺了1层色彩斑斓的地毯。

上海419论坛  "Frost leaves are red in February flowers". It's not bad at 1:00. When the autumn wind blows, all the leaves fall down like a group of beautiful butterflies, laying a colorful carpet on the ground.

上海419论坛  冬天,千里冰封,万里雪飘。雪,大自然调皮的孩子。1场大雪过后,万里江山变成了粉妆玉砌的世界。大街上、田野里、校园中,到处都活跃着孩子们的身影。有的在滑雪,有的在打雪仗,欢乐的笑声在空中荡漾。树上挂满了蓬松松、沉甸甸的雪球,1阵风吹来,它们就簌簌地往下掉。

  In winter, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow. Snow, the naughty child of nature. After a heavy snow, Wanli mountains and rivers have become a world of makeup. Children are active in the streets, fields and schools. Some are skiing, some are fighting snowball, and happy laughter is rippling in the air. The trees are covered with fluffy and heavy snowballs. When a gust of wind blows, they will fall down.


  From spring to autumn, the scenery is infinite. The beautiful scenery of four seasons is the most beautiful picture that nature presents to people. I love season 4, I love life!

  四季的英语作文 篇8

上海419论坛  The Four seasons

  A year has four seasons The weather of one season is different from that of any other

  The first season is spring During that time we have warm weather and fine days Animals wake up from hibernation

上海419论坛  The second season is summer The weather is very hot and it often rains It is time for all things to grow up The three months are September, October and November Leaves begin to fall to the ground

  The fourth season is winter The weather is very cold, and most of the plants die at that time People can enjoy skating and skiing





  第三个季节是秋季,三个月分别是九月、十月和十一月。天 气越来越凉,树叶开始飘落。这是一个收获的季节。

上海419论坛  最后一个季节是冬季,这一季包括十二月、一月和二月。天气非常冷,大多数植物都死了。有时候还下雪,人们可以滑冰和滑雪。但是冬天不会太长,因为春天马上就要来临了。

  四季的英语作文 篇9

上海419论坛  There are four seasons in a year. They are spring、summer、fall and winter.I like spring. It is warm. It often rains. I can plant trees and flowers in spring. The spring is green.Summer is very hot. I can swim in the river.Fall is a good season. It is nice. I can fly kites in fall. I can eat many apples too.Winter is cold. I wish I can play snow and make a snowman in Beijing someday. Because it does not snow in Xinxing.I love all the seasons, because they are nice.

  四季的英语作文 篇10

上海419论坛  The first season is spring。The three months in it are March,April and May。 During that time we have warm weather and fine days。 All plants come to life。 Animals wake up from hibernation。 It is time for farmers to get ready for their fields。

  The second season is summer。 The three months are June,July and August。 The weather is very hot and it often rains。 People can go swimming and sightseeing。 It is time for all things to grow up。

  The third season is autumn。 The three months are September,October and November。 The weather becomes cooler and cooler。 Leaves begin to fall to the ground。 It is the harvest time for farmers。

  The fourth season is winter。 December,January and February are the three months of that season。 The weather is very cold,and most of the plants die at that time。 Sometimes it snows。 People can enjoy skating and skiing。 But winter doesn" t stay with us for a long time,for spring comes again soon。

  四季的英语作文 篇11


上海419论坛  Winter comes and summer goes, four seasons change, we have experienced more than ten times of such changes. Among them, the most unforgettable is spring.

上海419论坛  春季是一年的天始,“一年之计在于春”。在春季里,我们要把全年分做的事安排好。春季也是万物复苏的季节。

  Spring is the beginning of a year. "Spring is the plan of a year.". In the spring, we should make arrangements for what we do every year. Spring is also the season for all things to recover.

上海419论坛  看,溪水活泼起来了,天空蓝起来了,大地滋润起来了。树上的花争奇斗艳,火红的,雪白的,淡粉的,五彩缤纷,把孤零零的树枝装饰得花枝招展,再配上五颜六色的蝴蝶和嗡嗡飞着的蜜蜂,真是一幅梦幻般的春花图。小草也不甘示弱,争抢着从地里钻出来,占满了光秃秃的大地,为大地盖上一层毛茸茸的地毯,地毯上点缀着小野花,像一张长小脸,躲在草丛间微笑。

上海419论坛  Look, the stream is lively, the sky is blue, and the earth is moist. The flowers on the tree are colorful, red, white, light pink and colorful. It's a dreamlike picture of spring flowers to decorate the solitary branches with colorful butterflies and buzzing bees. The grass is not to be outdone. It scrambles to get out of the ground and occupies the bare land. It covers the land with a layer of fluffy carpet. The carpet is dotted with small wild flowers, like a long face, hiding in the grass and smiling.


  The spring breeze blows, the grass nods to her, the flowers smile at her, and the river says hello to her. The spring breeze, like a mother, gently caresses the earth, the new shoots and the long hair of willows. The birds came back from the far south. They greeted the lake, sky, flowers and plants and sent them a song of spring. The song flies far away. It wakes the little squirrel to enjoy the beauty of spring. It wakes the wheat to tell him that spring has arrived. The song came to people's ears. Everyone came out of the house. Looking at the beautiful scenery, they were immediately relaxed and happy. They got up to do their own things.


上海419论坛  Looking at this lively picture, I can't help thinking: "we have passed another four seasons, I believe this year will be better!"

  四季的英语作文 篇12


上海419论坛  The four seasons in the countryside are beautiful! But I didn't like the four seasons in the countryside before, but later I enjoyed the beauty of the four seasons in the countryside!


  In spring, the green grass peeped out of the grass. The bright flowers stand proudly. The farmer planted the field carefully. This is the spring of the countryside!


  In summer, mandarin fish swim in the river. The lotus in the pond was covered with dew, and the frogs sang beautiful music.

上海419论坛  到了傍晚,天上的白云染成了火红的晚霞,晚霞也变成了各种动物的模样。小朋友们在池塘欢乐地游泳。这就是乡村的夏天。

上海419论坛  In the evening, the white clouds in the sky become a red sunset, and the sunset also becomes the appearance of various animals. The children are swimming happily in the pond. This is the summer in the countryside.


  In autumn, the farmers carried their cages up the mountain to pick fruit. Each fruit was big and fresh! When the autumn wind blows, the golden leaves fall from the fruit trees. The leaves on the mountain paved the path into a golden road, stretching all the way to the top of the mountain. This is autumn in the countryside.


  Winter, is the white world, the sun father-in-law put on a white coat, white snow paved the path into a white road. The children made a lovely snowman in the snow. It's winter in the country.


  Look! How beautiful the four seasons are in the countryside! Have time to watch it!

  四季的英语作文 篇13

上海419论坛  There are four seasons in a year:spring, summer, autumn and winter.

  In spring the weather gradually gets warmer and everything comes back to life.

  The peasants are busy with sowing.When summer comes, the weather gets very hot. It rains quite often. It is a busy season for the peasants.

上海419论坛  Autumn is the best season of the year. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. The sky is blue and cloudless. At night millions of stars shine in the sky. It is the time for harvest.Winter is the last season of the year.

  The days become shorter and the nights longer. The weather is cold and windy. But the peasants are still busy preparing for the next spring ploughing.

  四季的英语作文 篇14

上海419论坛  There are four seasons in a year.They are spring,summer,autumn and winter.Every season has three months and each month has about thirty days.

上海419论坛  The first season is spring.In spring time we have warm weather and sunny days.

  There are many beautiful flowers in the gardens and in the fields.The birds begin to sing their songs.Everything es to life again.

上海419论坛  The second season we call summer.In summer the weather is very hot and it rains a lot.All trees are beautiful with their green leaves.

上海419论坛  The sky is very clear and blue,and the sunshine is much stronger than that in other seasons,so many people go to the seaside or the mountains to avoid the heat.

  Autumn is the third season of the year.In autumn the weather bees cooler day by day.It is the best season we have.

上海419论坛  So many people like it very much,especially the farmers.They are very busy with their harvest.

  The last season is winter.It es with frost and snow.

上海419论坛  The weather grows colder and colder,and much snow falls.But winter is not very long with us,for spring es again soon.

  四季的英语作文 篇15

上海419论坛  There are four seasons in a year.They are spring,summer,autumn and winter.Every season has three months and each month has about thirty days.

  The first season is spring.In spring time we have warm weather and sunny days.

上海419论坛  There are many beautiful flowers in the gardens and in the fields.The birds begin to sing their songs.Everything comes to life again.

上海419论坛  The second season we call summer.In summer the weather is very hot and it rains a lot.All trees are beautiful with their green leaves.

上海419论坛  The sky is very clear and blue,and the sunshine is much stronger than that in other seasons,so many people go to the seaside or the mountains to avoid the heat.

  Autumn is the third season of the year.In autumn the weather becomes cooler day by day.It is the best season we have.

上海419论坛  So many people like it very much,especially the farmers.They are very busy with their harvest.

上海419论坛  The last season is winter.It comes with frost and snow.

上海419论坛  The weather grows colder and colder,and much snow falls.But winter is not very long with us,for spring comes again soon.

  四季的英语作文 篇16

  There are four seasons in a year. They are spring、summer、fall and winter. I like spring. It is warm. It often rains. I can plant trees and flowers in spring. T he spring is green. Summer is very hot. I can swim in the r iver. Fall is a good season. It is nice. I can fly kites in fall. I can eat many apples too. Winter is cold. I wish I can play snow a nd make a snowman in Beijing someda y. Because it does not snow in Xinxing.

  一年之中有四个季节。它们是春天、夏天 、秋天和冬天。 我喜欢春天,它是温暖的,它常常下雨。 我可以种植树木和花卉,在春天。春天是 绿色。 夏天是非常炎热。我可以在河里游泳。 秋天是一个好季节,它非常好。我可以放 风筝,也可以吃很多的苹果。 冬天是冷的。我希望有一天我能在北京玩 雪和堆雪人。 我爱所有的季节,因为它们都非常好。

  四季的英语作文 篇17

上海419论坛  四季——大家都知道,它分别是春夏秋冬。

上海419论坛  Four seasons - as we all know, they are spring, summer, autumn and winter.

上海419论坛  春季生长的季节,大地充满着生机,万物从此苏醒,从黑暗的泥土向太阳生长,获得重生。万物穿着绿衣衫,在暖洋洋的春风中,炫耀着自己生命的璀璨。田野里一片绿,森林里一片绿,它装扮着我们的地球,使我们生活得更愉快,更健康。

上海419论坛  In the growing season of spring, the earth is full of life, and everything wakes up, grows from the dark earth to the sun and gets rebirth. All things wear green clothes and show off their bright life in the warm spring wind. The field is green, the forest is green. It dresses up our earth and makes our life more pleasant and healthy.

上海419论坛  夏季茂盛的季节,大地由新绿换成了深绿,草木比春季更加郁郁葱葱。一切都显得是那样成熟,花儿也是特别得艳丽。

上海419论坛  In the flourishing season of summer, the land has changed from new green to deep green, and the vegetation is more lush than in spring. Everything seems to be so mature, and the flowers are particularly gorgeous.

上海419论坛  秋季成熟的季节,原野被染熟了。坦荡如低的稻田,一层层的金色浪头涌向无边无际的天边:果园被染透了,黄澄澄的柿子,红彤彤的苹果,亮晶晶的葡萄,金灿灿的鸭梨,芬芳在透明的阳光中荡漾。天空高远了。朝霞不再是鲜红的,它的光线是耀眼的金色。万物大概都不再遵循本身吸收或反射色彩的规律,无一例外地映出金黄的色彩。秋夜,黑天鹅似的夜幕上,十五的月亮有如一只盛满黄金的玉盘。用发光的小星星,大概是从那圆盘中撒落的点点碎金。

上海419论坛  In the autumn mature season, the fields are dyed. The rice field is as smooth as a low one, with layers of golden waves flowing to the boundless horizon: the orchard is dyed through, with yellow persimmons, red apples, bright grapes, golden pears, and fragrance rippling in the transparent sunlight. The sky is high. Zhaoxia is no longer bright red, its light is dazzling gold. All things probably no longer follow their own law of absorbing or reflecting color, without exception, reflecting golden color. Autumn night, black swan like night, 15 of the moon is like a full of gold jade plate. The little shining stars are probably bits of gold scattered from the disk.


上海419论坛  During the sleeping season in winter, nature is preparing for the coming year.


上海419论坛  Four seasons are like this.

  四季的英语作文 篇18

  I lve fur seasns.

  Spring is green with flwers and sngs .The weather is sunn and war .There are lts f beautiful flwers everwhere .The are red,pin,ellw ,purple and white . I lie the ver uch. In spring , I can fl a ite , g n s picnic, ride a bie and plant trees and flwers . I ften g n a picnic with fail n the weeend. I feel ver happ .

上海419论坛  Suer is ht and das are lng . The weather is ht and ht . I can g swiing in the sea .It is ver fun .I ften eat ice-crea, fresh peach and watereln .The are sweet and delicius.

  Autun is glden and farers are bus .The weather is cl and clud .The leaves fall and fall .The clurs are ver beautiful . I can g n a trip,have a sprts eet and pic a lt f fruits .There are apples ,pears,peaches and grapes. It is fun .

  Winter is white and the ear is gne .The weather is ver cld and snw.There is a lt f snw .I can ae a snwan ,pla in the snw ,sate and eat ice icecrea .What ? Eat icecrea ? es! In winter ,eating icecrea is cute and cl ! ust have a tr!

上海419论坛  Fur seasns are s beautiful . I lve the .What abut u ?


上海419论坛  春天是绿色的,唱着美妙的歌。天气很温暖,灿烂的阳光照耀着大地。到处盛开着美丽的鲜花,有红色的,粉色的,黄色的,紫色的和白色的。我们喜欢极了!我可以去放风筝、野炊、栽花种树。周末我经常和家人一起去野炊,我觉得非常开心。


上海419论坛  秋天是金色的,农民伯伯们很繁忙。天气是很凉爽,秋高气爽,晴空万里。树叶落啊落啊,颜色是那么的美丽。我可以去秋游、开运动会,或者去采摘水果。有苹果、梨子、桃子和葡萄,真是太好玩了!



  四季的英语作文 篇19

上海419论坛  there are four seasons in a year. they are spring, summer, fall and winter.spring is warm and sunny. the trees are green and flowers are beautiful. we can plant trees and run on the grass.

上海419论坛  summer is my favorite season. the weather is very hot, sometimes it rains. i like to swim in the swimming pool. and i can wear my beautiful dress. and i can eat ice creams.fall is a beautiful season. the weather is very cool. we can eat a lot of fruits. and the leaves are colorful.

上海419论坛  winter is very cold. but in nanhai it does not snow. we can not play with snow.

上海419论坛  i like the four seasons very much.

  四季的英语作文 篇20

上海419论坛  My hometown has a beautiful place for a year, it is a lovely place.Spring, peach blossoms laugh, the willow sprouts, the stream is screaming, as if there is a beautiful piece of music.In the park, the spring flowers, the moon season flowers ... is strivinging us!Summer, hot sun irradiated on the big tree.The branches of the big tree dense layers covers the sun, as if a green big umbrella.Beautiful lotus flowers in the pond have red, white, purple, beautiful!In the fall, the leaves flew in the forest, and the ground seems to have a layer of gold.Fire red maple leaves are far away, as if a flame.There is an apple tree, a vine, a pomegranate tree in the orchard ... Apple seems to be a small lantern hanging on a branch.Grapes like a pearl, bright crystal.Pomegranate smiles without a mouth.In winter, the floor is covered with thick snow, white.Snowflakes floated in the air, as if a butterfly is dancing.The stream is frozen.Snow covered is on the branches, as if give the big tree to silver.This is the four seasons of my hometown, I love my hometown!

  四季的英语作文 篇21

  Spring, everything is recovered, the grass is quietly explored, and the willow has changed the new dress, and the children took off the heavy cotton jacket, and went to the nature.In the summer, the hot sun puts the hot roast, the children are bare, rushing into the water, like a cheerful fish ride in the water.In autumn, fruit is mature, and the peasant is brought to the joy of harvest to meet his labor fruit.Walking along the way, smile, talk, a burst into the forest.In winter, a small flower floated from the air, soon, the ground became a white.The adults led the child and piled up the snow in the snow.The snowman who piled up is like people in their hometown, it looks so kind, friendly, and there is no malicious.The four seasons of the hometown!How beautiful you are, I will always love you!

  四季的英语作文 篇22

上海419论坛  the four seasons in shanghai

  in shanghai, spring is the best season. it usually comes in february and march. in spring, you can see green trees and beautiful flowers everywhere. the weather is getting warmer but it often rains. summer comes from may to july. its very hot. in summer we usually have heavy rain and strong wind.autumn is from august to october. the weather in autumn is quite warm. it seldom rains. it is the best season for tourism.from november to january is winter. its very cold. theres ice and sometimes snow. if winter comes, can spring be far behind?

上海419论坛  the coldest season in shanghai is in december and january.the hottest season is in july and august.

  四季的英语作文 篇23

上海419论坛  我的家乡是一个不起眼的小山村,但它却用甘甜的泉水和肥沃的土地养育了祖祖辈辈的家乡人。

  My hometown is a small mountain village, but it uses sweet spring water and fertile land to raise the hometown people for generations.


上海419论坛  Spring is a season full of life. My hometown is no exception. People go to the land with farm tools on their backs, and a new busy life begins. Willows sprouted on the roadside, blowing people's faces in the spring wind. There was a loud reading sound in the red brick houses at the head of the village.


  In summer, it's very hot. The farmers are working under the hot sun. Sweat drips into the land. It's really "sweat drips under the grain"!


  By the river, a group of children are playing. Some are fishing, some are swimming, some are fighting water battles At this time, it's nice to make a wicker hat.

上海419论坛  秋天,一个丰收的季节。秋高气爽、景色迷人。去山上走走是少不了的事。山上一片红色,映着袅袅的炊烟,真是一派农家气息。沿着弯弯曲曲的羊肠小道向下走,就来到了一片小树林。这里枝叶茂密,地上还有一层厚厚的叶子,走上去软软的。孩子们爬上树,摘几个果子吃是当然的了。吃着这山果子,孩子们的心里是甜滋滋的。再往下走是一个黄瓜泉,泉口像一个黄瓜,上面长满了绿色的苔藓,它的名字就是这样来的。夏天泉水甘甜可口、清凉无比。冬天,水温很高,泉面腾起一片白雾,如仙境一般。

上海419论坛  Autumn is a harvest season. Autumn is crisp and charming. It's necessary to go for a walk on the mountain. The mountain is red, reflecting the curl of cooking smoke. It's really a kind of rural atmosphere. Walking down the winding path, you come to a small forest. Here the branches and leaves are thick, and there is a thick layer of leaves on the ground. It's soft to walk up. It's natural for the children to climb up the tree and pick a few fruits to eat. Eating this mountain fruit, the children's hearts are sweet. Further down is a cucumber spring. The spring mouth is like a cucumber, covered with green moss. Its name comes from this. In summer, spring water is sweet, delicious and cool. In winter, the water temperature is very high, and a white mist rises on the surface of the spring, like a fairyland.

上海419论坛  冬天,下起一场大雪。孩子们正忙着堆雪人、盖雪房子、打雪仗……比城里的孩子花样还多。最常见的群体游戏是点起一堆篝火,大家围着火堆唱呀跳呀,有的人拿一个带尖的铁棍烧几个土豆,吃着这美味的土豆,乡亲们心里暖洋洋的。

  In winter, it snowed heavily. The children are busy making snowmen, building snow houses and fighting snow Wars More than the kids in town. The most common group game is to light a bonfire. Everyone sings and dances around the fire. Some people burn a few potatoes with a sharp iron bar and eat the delicious potatoes. The villagers feel warm.

上海419论坛  我爱我的家乡,它带给我土香土色的情趣。我爱家乡的乡亲们,他们带给我纯朴的气息。

  I love my hometown. It brings me the taste of local flavor and color. I love the villagers in my hometown. They bring me a simple atmosphere.

  四季的英语作文 篇24

上海419论坛  Four Seasons in a YearThere are four seasons in a year.Four seasons are colourful and pretty.Spring is the most beautiful season.When spring comes,everything comes to life.Grass and trees turn green,and flowers begin to come out.Summer is a hot season.The sun is shinning.Trees and crops grow fast.People who like swimming enjoy this hot season.Autumn is a cool and busy season.Farmers are busy getting in crops.We are rich in many kinds of fruits in autumn.So people call it's a harvest season.Winter is cold.It often snows heavily.After snowing,the ground is covered with white snow.So we say winter is a white season.

  四季的英语作文 篇25

  There are four seasons in a year. they are spring, summer, fall and winter.spring is warm and sunny. the trees are green and flowers are beautiful. we can plant trees and run on the grass.

上海419论坛  summer is my favorite season. the weather is very hot, sometimes it rains. i like to swim in the swimming pool. and i can wear my beautiful dress. and i can eat ice creams.fall is a beautiful season. the weather is very cool. we can eat a lot of fruits. and the leaves are colorful.

  winter is very cold. but in nanhai it does not snow. we can not play with snow.

  i like the four seasons very much.

上海419论坛  一年有四个季节。他们是春天、夏天、秋天和冬天。树是绿的,花是美丽的。我们可以种树,在草地上跑。

上海419论坛  我最喜欢的季节是夏天。天气很热,有时下雨。我喜欢在游泳池里游泳。我和我可以穿漂亮的衣服。我可以吃冰creams.fall是一个美丽的季节。天气很凉爽。我们可以吃很多的水果。叶片和鲜艳。

上海419论坛  冬天很冷。但在南海不下雪。我们不能玩雪。

上海419论坛  我非常喜欢四个季节。

  四季的英语作文 篇26

  There Are Four Seasons in a Year一年四季

上海419论坛  There are four seasons in a year.They are spring,summer,autumn and winter.Every season has three months and each month has about thirty days.

上海419论坛  The first season is spring.In spring time we have warm weather and sunny days.There are many beautiful flowers in the gardens and in the fields.The birds begin to sing their songs.Everything es to life again.

  The second season we call summer.In summer the weather is very hot and it rains a lot.All trees are beautiful with their green leaves.The sky is very clear and blue,and the sunshine is much stronger than that in other seasons,so many people go to the seaside or the mountains to avoid the heat.

上海419论坛  Autumn is the third season of the year.In autumn the weather bees cooler day by day.It is the best season we have.So many people like it very much,especially the farmers.They are very busy with their harvest.

  The last season is winter.It es with frost and snow.The weather grows colder and colder,and much snow falls.But winter is not very long with us,for spring es again soon.

  四季的英语作文 篇27

上海419论坛  We all know that there are four seasons in a year.However,life in different seasons is different.In spring,we can see birds making nests in the trees.In summer,people like swimming in the swimming pool because it is too hot.In autumn,leaves fall from the trees.In winter,students usually wear thick winter uniforms.I love the four seasons because they can give me different feelings.

  四季的英语作文 篇28

  Spring is the frist seasons of year,trees and flowers are beautiful and flourish.

  Summer is the second season of year,the days arelonger and the nights are shorter. The sun get up early and get down late.

上海419论坛  Autumn is the third season of year.Everything is turn yellow in Autumn.

上海419论坛  Winter is the coldest season of year,we can make a snowman and play snow games.

  I like summer best,because I can rat ice-cream in summer.









