
元宵节 Lantern Festival

时间:2022-02-10 19:55:43 节日类英语作文 我要投稿

上海419论坛元宵节 Lantern Festival

  New Year is the biggest festival for Chinese people. After about half a month, there is a traditional festival, it is the Lantern Festival, which is also important. The first round moon day in the New Year is special. People continue to celebrate the New Year and enjoy the time with their families.

元宵节 Lantern Festival


  The coming of Lantern Festival is various. Some people said that it is related with Buddha. When the Buddhas meditated, they need light in front of them, so the light can drive away monster for people. Today, in some areas, people light up lanterns to beg for a son from god. No matter what the story is, the traditional festival is favored by people and the government pays special attention to remind this tradition.

上海419论坛  元宵节的来源有多种说法。有些人说它与佛有关。当佛陀冥想时,他们需要点灯,所以光对于人们来说可以赶走怪物。今天,在一些地区,人们会点亮灯,向上帝祈求要一个儿子。无论故事是怎么样的,传统节日都受到人们的喜爱,政府也特别重视这一传统。

  There are many activities on Lantern Festival, and the most traditional game is the riddle. People can read some riddles that are written in the lanterns. They can get prizes if they know the answers. I love riddle so much, because when I figure out the answers, I will be very proud of myself, at the same time, I can learn some funny knowledge.?


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