

时间:2021-07-15 13:20:50 节日类英语作文 我要投稿





上海419论坛  Father's day? Today. Everyone must ask me, how can I celebrate the festival without my father? Please keep looking down!


  Today is father's day. My mother and I agreed early that we would go to my grandma's house for father's day. So the first thing I wake up in the morning is to be busy with my homework so that I can have more time to play for a while. Because yesterday I wrote Chinese and math, today I just need to finish writing English.

上海419论坛  很快,作业写完了。我们便匆匆忙忙地下楼买一些水果,直奔姥姥家。今天的天儿可真热,不一会儿的功夫,我就大汗淋淋了。

  Soon, the homework was finished. We hurried to buy some fruit in the basement and went straight to grandma's house. It's really hot today. After a while, I'll be sweating.


上海419论坛  When I came to grandma's house, my little brother greeted me with a smile. "I miss you, I miss you!" we also gave us a warm hug. As soon as I turned around, when I saw my little brother, I launched an attack on the computer with him. I didn't find a big miracle at all. I was totally immersed in the game.


  When I was eating, I suddenly found that there was no father at the table on father's day. Besides the mother, we are the three future fathers. Aha! Today's father's Day is really different. A father is not at home. What's father's day? We eat, drink and play, but the fathers who support the family are still busy for their livelihood.

上海419论坛  后来才知道,姥爷出远门谈生意去了;爸爸临时有事不能回来了;姨夫和小舅舅也是工作忙脱不开身。都说父爱如山,父爱伟大,我今天真正体味到了。父亲们真的很辛苦!真的很伟大!

  Later, I learned that my grandfather had gone far to talk about business; my father couldn't come back temporarily; my uncle and my uncle were busy with their work. It's said that father's love is like a mountain. Father's love is great. I really appreciate it today. Fathers are really hard! They are really great!

上海419论坛  此时此刻,我想起了和爸爸一起做游戏的情景;想起了和爸爸对打时的可笑模样;想起了和爸爸一起太多太多的画面。可是,今天是爸爸的节日,爸爸却不在家。能不说这是别样父亲节吗?

  At this moment, I think of the scene of playing games with my father; I think of the funny appearance of fighting with my father; I think of too many pictures with my father. However, today is Dad's festival, but dad is not at home. Can't you say it's another father's day?


  Here, I sincerely wish all the fathers: happy holidays! Always smile!










