

时间:2021-08-16 10:40:12 观后感 我要投稿


上海419论坛  导读:《变形金刚3:月黑之时》是迈克尔·贝执导执导的一部科幻动作电影,为派拉蒙影业出品的《变形金刚》系列电影第三集。下面小编为大家带来变形金刚3的英文观后感,希望能帮助到大家。



上海419论坛  I watched the first day of Transformers 3. I'll read it again today. The overall feeling is still good.

上海419论坛  "Transformers 3" has been filmed to third is not easy, after all, the first is too perfect, and in the story does not give the second and third stories of the development of the space of development. Therefore, the second part is not very satisfactory, and the third part is also unsatisfactory. It is a bit boring in the story, leaving the audience only the space for special effects. The plot is very simple, the theme is still "protection of the earth", but the bad egg from the Megatron became a "traitor" to resist the enemy, Megatron to return to the second seat, the play is also very little. And this time the fire played more, the Royal enemies, in order to rebuild the planet of sabotan, used the space bridge to move the sabotan to the earth, making human beings their slaves and helping them to build sabotan. Of course, all this eventually failed! But the iron and the eccentric were killed, and the iron was not known to death, and the Bumblebee had almost hung up. Optimus Prime lost one arm and the drama of Megatron was too small. These are always a little regrettable. Although this is a necessary result, it is always a bit cruel.

  The characters of the film still rely on Sia's excellent performance, and trutru's funny performance enriches the content of the film. For the heroine, the audience is unanimously dissatisfied, without Megan Fox's sexy and hot, of course not acting, although Megan will not play, but Megan will be a good vase and try to show it. I'm going to play. There are a lot of problems surrounding the reality, such as employment, showing that it is so difficult to find a satisfactory job even the top students of the Ivy League school in the current economic crisis.

  The movie is excellent for the use of 3D technology. The deformation, fighting and firearms of robots are still excellent and hot, and this is also the focus of Michael Bei's performance. The use of long lens gives the audience a sense of space on the camera's grasp and camera, and the installation of 3D cameras on the parachute athletes is also more realistic to show the attitude of the soldiers in the air. The involvement of the army has always added to the movie's fights, and has also satisfied the audience's appetite. NASA, man's first moon landing, Aldrin's guest appearance and Kennedy's reproduction gave the film a sense of reality. It has to do with what people want to know about official secrets and the mentality that officials often deceive people to carry out secret experiments. Of course, Michael Beck gave the audience the right to know.

  In addition to the change and fight of the robot, and the shock of music, it has always been one of the main reasons I like the Transformers 3, as well as the music of Michael's "brave island" and "Pearl Harbor".

  In general, when the plot is not very satisfactory, it has a special effect, and the setting of the scene of fire has made people gradually get into the film to enjoy it, so this is a film that is very suitable for leisure. Great, exciting and enjoyable.



上海419论坛  影片人物上依然靠希亚的出色表演,特鲁图鲁的滑稽表现来丰富影片的内容,对于女主角,观众们一致性地表现了不满,没有梅甘·福克斯的性感和火辣,当然也不会演戏,虽然梅甘也不会演,但是梅甘会当好花瓶,竭力去表现自己会演戏。片中加上了大量的围绕现实的问题,比如就业,展现了当今经济危机下就连常青藤盟校的高材生想找一份满意的工作都是如此困难。












