
高中英语作文|The Popularity of Snatching R

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高中英语作文|The Popularity of Snatching Red Envelopes

上海419论坛  在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。写起作文来就毫无头绪?下面是小编为大家整理的高中英语作文|The Popularity of Snatching Red Envelopes,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。

高中英语作文|The Popularity of Snatching Red Envelopes

  The Popularity of Snatching Red Envelopes

上海419论坛  抢红包的流行

上海419论坛  Red envelopes have a long history in our country ,but the situation has dissimilated over time as a consequence of snatching red envelopes during the Spring Festival this year.

上海419论坛  红包在我国已有悠久的历史,但随着历史的变迁,这一情况也随之改变,而今年的抢红包也尤为不同。

上海419论坛  There are always some controversial comments arising when something becomes popular .Snatching red envelopes is now being questioned by more and more people as well .Some people take it for granted that snatching red envelopes has damaged the Spring Festival this year .For instance ,they firmly believe that snatching red envelopes may keep us at a distance from our family .Meanwhile ,there are also other groups of people who hold a different point of view ,they think that snatching red envelopes not only is a fantastic new idea but also draws two people closer .


  Personally, my attitude for this matter is positive ,with reasons as follows .

上海419论坛  我个人认为新式抢红包会产生积极的作用,原因如下:

  Firstly ,snatching red envelopes enriched our Spring Festival rather than had a boring one .

上海419论坛  新式抢红包丰富了我们的春节生活,而并没有破坏效果。

  Moreover ,the reason why Chinese people are crazy about snatching red envelopes is that we are wild about auspiciousness and excitement during the Spring Festival which can be achieved by snatching red envelopes .

上海419论坛  此外,中国人之所以对抢红包如此痴迷原因在于我们都热衷于春节时得到吉祥等吉兆。

  Lastly ,snatching red envelopes also brings us good luck and conveys the genuine wish that we are yearning for .What's more,it is a good way to increase the festival atmosphere .


  To make a long story short ,snatching red envelopes is a light spot in this year .Think it over ,though I do believe the original intention of this activity is not bad ,it has been twisted as well .Even so ,we can't deny the positive aspect of snatching red envelopes ,only in this way can we guard the pure emotion and our ambition in our mind .

上海419论坛  长话短说,我觉得抢红包是今年的一大亮点,仔细想一下,尽管我觉得旧式红包尚可接受,但也有所改变,尽管是这样,我们还是不能否认抢红包的积极效果,只有这样,我们才能保持内心纯洁的情感和志向。

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