

时间:2021-06-05 14:35:53 高三年级英语作文 我要投稿




上海419论坛  Safety is something everyone must follow. Once we fail to observe safety and have an accident, we may lose our lives forever. Only once in life, we should cherish our own life.

  Although we are only primary school students, we should obey campus safety. I once saw a news story. Some students crowded up the classroom from the classroom late at night. Because the students crowded each other, on the first floor stair railing squeezed bad, some students fell to the ground, the back of the students don't know the crash is still crowded forward, the results led to the tragedy. The accident killed 21 people and wounded 47 others, six of whom were seriously injured. There are many, many more. In fact, the accident can be avoided, if everyone lined up to go, don't have not crowded, so the accident would not have happened, would not be killing so many people, isn't it?

  Also, don't make a noise when we're in class. You chase me. In one elementary school, 40 students were injured in a crush accident in the classroom. We can avoid this series of accidents, but why do we want them to happen?

上海419论坛  I advise the school to carry out more safety education activities, and we will obey the traffic safety ourselves. Life is precious, will it ever happen again?



上海419论坛  还有,我们课间时,不要打打闹闹,你追我赶。在一家小学,课间时,发生40名学生挤压事故,造成18名学生受伤。我们明明可以避免这一系列事故发生的,可为什么还要让他们发生哪?



  Campus is a beautiful place, with the delicate and charming flower smiling face, there are green trees to meet us. Campus is a place full of wisdom, let us know what we don't know secrets. Campus is a happy place, we with friends to play a joke, the campus everywhere permeated with our joy. Although the campus brings us laughter, it also brings us small surprises.

  Remember my friend said that on one occasion, she went to patrol. Come to the basketball court, see there are many students in the play a game: some in the elastics, some in playing table tennis, and some in playing badminton... Every student's face was smiling and he was very happy. Suddenly there is a classmate, I do not know he was excited, or want to cut a dash, unexpectedly by hand grasp basketball pole sideways above the pole, the body to jilt to jilt, like a flexible monkey. Instantly, the students are to he cast envious eyes, he saw, dumped more more powerfully. Dumped more than a dozen times, may be he is too tired, can also be slide in the hand, he suddenly fell down. The students in his one hand picked up his one hand, painfully shout: "it's killing me! It's killing me!" The teachers immediately sent him to the hospital for examination.

  After this, the principal immediately notify all students come to the basketball court, tells students the things, and warned the students don't climb the railings and other dangerous thing, also strengthened the written law!

上海419论坛  So let's not do anything dangerous. Because all we want is a campus that brings laughter to us, and we don't want a campus that brings us a little surprise!









