

时间:2022-10-12 13:25:31 高考英语作文 我要投稿




  我的祖国英语作文 篇1

上海419论坛  China is my motherlandthat is a great country. It has a long history of more than five thousandyears. It’s one of the Four Great Ancient Civilized Nations in the world and it’sthe only one that still exists. Therefore, there are many brilliant heritagesleaving by our ancestors, such as paper-making, gunpowder, compass and so on.Moreover, it’s a modern country now. In the past sixty years, China has greatlychanged and is one of the fastest growing countries in the world. People’s lifestandards have been increasingly improved that no one could imagine before.After the Beijing Olympic Games and Shanghai World Expo, the influence of Chinaon the world has greatly enhanced. Therefore, there are more and moreforeigners visit to and work in China, because they are so curious about ourcountry and to some of them, it’s the land of hope. I am so proud of mymotherland and I am sure that it will be better in the future.



  我的祖国英语作文 篇2

上海419论坛  My motherland has a backnon of the Great Wall.

上海419论坛  It holds thousands of water, standing on the ground; it is highly climbing the night sky, and people appreciate the star.My motherland, there is a pair of clear eyes called Sun Moon Lake.It looks at the lives of the people, and it is difficult to tear.My motherland has a golden scorpion named Lushan Waterfall.It has always sang songs hello, letting "the most dangerous moment" warng; he always shouted against the sky: "Reading for the rise of China!" My motherland, there is a pair of science and technology.It went to the resilience, built the building high building;

  it revealed the haze of the sky, so that the spaceship contained in the soul of the soul soared.There is a cluster of the blood vessels called the Yellow River, the Yangtze River, which has the greatest totem - five-star red flag.

  我的祖国英语作文 篇3

上海419论坛  I love my motherland, because she has a thousand years of brilliant history; I love my motherland, because she is profound and deeply hiding the endless treasure, and she has a thousand miles; I love my motherland, because she is civilized, beautiful, beautiful, A thousand tens of thousands of Chinese children are incorporated. I love my motherland, because she has cultivated a lot of talents with many virtues. It is our motherland to prosper. Motherland mother, she fed us with the rivers and milk, and hugged us to protect us with the broad mind.

  Only the word 'mother' can reflect the love of the motherland, because in this world, the mother is our favorite, no one does not love her mother, patriotic is the same, like a mother who loves himself. Historically, many Chinese children will rather lose valuable life, and they are not willing to be a slave. Zhang Yimai will be killed by the Japanese, and don't want to provide the falling of the eight-way army. For the Mission of the motherland, Qu Yuanzhi is the river is the motherland, Wen Tianxiang is generous and sorrowful, for the motherland; a generation of hero children Have your own blood. Just like Song Zuying lyrics: 56 constellations, fifty-six flowers, fifty-six brothers and sisters are a family, fifty-six language comes into one sentence, love me, China loves me, Zhonghua. With these powerful power, our motherland is more prosperous.

  我的祖国英语作文 篇4

上海419论坛  毎当我想起我生活在这里的祖国,整个心儿便悠悠地飘到那青青的山上,飘到了那艳艳的花上,飘到了那清清的溪流上……啊,我的祖国。是我依恋。我最爱的地方……

上海419论坛  When I think of the motherland where I live, my whole heart will float to the green mountain, the gorgeous flower and the clear stream Ah, my motherland. It's my attachment. My favorite place

上海419论坛  在我的祖国,你可以看到一山山翠绿的森林,一条条流淌的小溪,一座座古老的房子。人们也幸福的生活着。

上海419论坛  In my motherland, you can see a mountain green forest, a flowing stream, an old house. People also live happily.


  When I was a kid, I loved playing in the mountains. The mountain is so quiet and quiet that there is no sound at all. The sunlight is scattered through the cracks of the trees. It's like a jewel. There are a few melodious birds singing occasionally, which brings infinite vitality to the forest. It's so beautiful! My friends and I are always trying to catch the bird, but it didn't work out. One of my friends said that the bird is the soul of the mountain!

上海419论坛  大山的水好清好清,一泓泉水,清澈透明,冬暖夏凉,总也流不尽。干渴的人们一口一口喝干了它,可它又不紧不慢地渗出来。大山的水真甜呀,喝一口,细细品尝,甜进心里。听奶奶说:“就连那小动物也爱喝那水呢!”还是妹妹说的好:“那泉水是大山的乳汁。”

上海419论坛  The water of the mountain is so clear and clear. A spring is clear and transparent. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. It can never flow out. The thirsty people drank it up one mouthful at a time, but it seeped out again. The water in the mountain is really sweet. Take a sip, taste it carefully, and it's sweet in your heart. Listen to grandma said: "even the little animals like to drink that water!" "The spring is the milk of the mountain," said my sister


  The grass watered by the milk is green. The mountain is like a green carpet. The flowers of all kinds embroider the green carpet with colorful patterns. The slowly flowing stream is decorated with bright lace for the mountain. Wild flowers are also beautiful, shooting in the grass is like stars, like eyes, in the breeze also blink.


上海419论坛  The children nurtured by Dashan's milk are witty and brave. I learned from the TV that Japanese devils invaded our homes. How did Dashan's children organize to fight against the Japanese invaders and introduce them into the story of total elimination in Dashan. After watching it, I was very excited and often thought: how brave our Chinese people are, unwilling to be slaves to the country, resolutely fighting against the enemy, not afraid of bloodshed. They are the pride of the Chinese people!


  Ah, motherland! How much fun it gave me, how much reverie it aroused, and how much attachment it left me I love my motherland not only because of its beauty, but also because of its strong patriotic spirit.

  我的祖国英语作文 篇5

  Motherland - Mother, a sacred and cordial name. The motherland is every one of our Chinese people, every young and middle-aged and well-deserved mother.

上海419论坛  Our national anthem - "Volunteer march", vigorous bold, magnificent, it records the Chinese people brave fighting the process, exciting, people up, is the best patriotic poem.

  Our country is a civilization with a long history of five thousand years and a splendid culture. She has a land of 9.6 million square kilometers and has a splendid culture of reputation. It has four great inventions, both inside and outside, Has a majestic Forbidden City Palace, has a beautiful scenery of the Suzhou Forest Park, there are unparalleled Summer Palace.

  Five thousand years ago, like an old and long poem, but also like a long picture, more like a wonderful novel ... ... show the mother of the mother of sixty years, "Shenzhou five "The completion of the Three Gorges Project, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the success of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo ... ..." Shenzhou VII "" Chang'e One "" Temple One "successful launch, the return of Hong Kong and Macao, the completion of the Three Gorges Project, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the success of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo ... ... All this is all that shows the prosperity of our country today.

上海419论坛  Everest taught us to have a tall and straight backbone; the Millennium snow-capped mountains taught us pure and wisdom; the Great Wall taught us great morals ... ... our country is a giant, Pentium of the Yangtze River, the Yellow River is his endless Blood, dense forest is his elegant long hair, towering mountain is her not the backbone of the beam, the vast plain is her broad mind ... ...

  Motherland, we are proud of your children and we are proud of having your mother.

  I am proud, I am Chinese; I am proud, I was Hualong's successor! I love you, my motherland!

  我的祖国英语作文 篇6

  Today is our motherland s birthday-National Day. On TV, I know China is great, Chinese people are brave and hard-working. And I know that fifty-five years ago, China was very poor.

上海419论坛  And Chinese people suffered a lot. Only the Communist Party can lead Chinese people to build New China. The Chinese people can become the hosts of the country. As a word says: Without the Communist Party there would be no new China.

  我的祖国英语作文 篇7

  Today is our motherlands birthday-National Day. On TV, I know China is great, Chinese people are brave and hard-working. And I know that fifty-five years ago, China was very poor.

上海419论坛  And Chinese people suffered a lot. Only the Communist Party can lead Chinese people to build New China. The Chinese people can become the hosts of the country. As a word says: Without the Communist Party there would be no new China.

上海419论坛  Our great motherland is one of the largest countries in the world. It has a population of over twelve hundred million. Beijing is its capital.

上海419论坛  We Chinese people are brave and hardworking. We have a glorious revolutionary tradition. We drove out all the enemies. In 1949 the Peoples Republic of China was founded. Since then great changes have taken place in our motherland. Now our country is getting stronger and stronger. We Chinese people are working hard to make our motherland into a powerful country.

  我的祖国英语作文 篇8

  China is my motherland that is a great country It’s one of the Four Great Ancient Civilized Nations in the world and it’sthe only one that still exists.

  Moreover, it’s a modern country now People’s life standards have been increasingly improved that no one could imagine before Therefore, there are more and more oreigners visit to and work in China, because they are so curious about our country and to some of them, it’s the land of hope.

  我的祖国英语作文 篇9

  ory of the motherland!

上海419论坛  October 1 is the motherland from the past to the present day is motherland a wash shame before the day is the most glorious day is the day the motherland people's turn to do the master! Is the most glorious day in the history of Chinese!

上海419论坛  Is the 61th day this day! The motherland has spanned half a century success! Today is beautiful but I believe that when I was in the day when everything new song of the motherland will be going to be another ring from around the world.

上海419论坛  中国的历史长河流经了五千年的漫长岁月在所历经的五千年里中国受尽了列强的欺压饱受了无尽的风吹雨打换来了难以洗刷的耻辱!随着天安门城楼嘹亮的歌声随着崭新的五星红旗向着东方冉冉升起随着万炮齐鸣随着庄严的宣告——中华人民共和国成立!无数的鲜花抛向长空晶莹的泪珠溢满人民的眼眶歌声欢呼声敲锣打鼓声响遍大江南北"56个民族56枝花56个兄弟姐妹是一家……"无数的中华民族的子民聚在一起唱着跳着笑着!中国受压迫受欺凌的日子终于结束崭新的生活即将到来中国人民从此站起来了!

上海419论坛  有一首歌这样唱道"长江长城黄山黄河在我心中重千斤无论何时无论何地心中一样亲流在心里的血澎湃着中华的声音可是身在他乡也改变不了我的中国心!"这首歌唱出了亿万中国同胞的心声唱出了海外华人华侨的心声!祖国是每一位中国人的根只有扎根在祖国的广袤大地上心中才会踏实温暖.

上海419论坛  几千年来中国人的爱国壮举数不胜数.从林则徐的虎门销烟到岳飞的精忠报国再到周总理的"为中华之崛起而读书"无数的英雄好汉谱写了一支支嘹亮雄浑的爱国之歌.何谓国家 先有国才有家中国的子民正是将这种精神风貌发展到了极致!

上海419论坛  "今天是你的生日我的祖国……"不知不觉中我们的新中国已经走过了7个年头……在今天的日子天安门前飘扬着五彩的气球竞放着无数的鲜花!今天的每时每刻纪录着祖国一点一滴的成长纪录着祖国的耻辱纪录着祖国的辉煌!


上海419论坛  又是这一天第61个这一天!祖国已成功跨越了半个世纪!今天是美丽的但我相信当我又在这一天时一切的一切将又会崭新祖国的歌声将会响遍全世界!

  我的祖国英语作文 篇10

上海419论坛  祖国在我心中,扮演着父母的角色,它用爱滋润了十三亿人民子弟,让我们快乐地生活在这个大家庭里。

  The motherland plays the role of parents in my heart. It moistens 1.3 billion people's children with love and makes us live happily in this big family.


上海419论坛  The motherland in my heart is the bright sun, which lights up the road of the future, so that the darkness does not come again.


  The motherland is like a giant in my heart. It holds up the dream of 1.3 billion people and creates immortal myths.


上海419论坛  Ah, China. You are always in our hearts.

  我的祖国英语作文 篇11

  My motherland is a dragon in the east of the world, a rooster in the east of the world. I love my motherland. My motherland is vast, beautiful and rich. It is the world-famous ancient civilization - China.

  I love my motherland, it is a beautiful garden, and I am one of the small flowers, open to the full. It's a kind mother, caring for me and growing up.

  I love my motherland, which is the third largest power in the world and a multi-ethnic country. There are 56 ethnic groups in China, with a population of 1.3 billion and a water area of more than 4.7 million square kilometers.

  In 20XX, the great Communist Party of China ushered in its xxth birthday, the Beijing Olympic Games in 20XX. Because of the heroic Olympic athletes; Because that one with sweat and hard work in exchange for the Olympic gold medal; Because China is a very friendly host. I am proud of being a Chinese.

上海419论坛  China, a dragon awakened by "China, my dear motherland", is proving to the world that the Chinese are not the sick men of East Asia.

  我的祖国英语作文 篇12

  China is an ancient civilization with a history of 5000 years. Let's just look at the Great Wall, the four great inventions and the PI. All of them are shining with the light of Chinese wisdom. As a Chinese, I deeply feel a kind of pride and happiness, and feel the deep love of my motherland

  As early as 5000 years ago, on the edge of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, China's long-standing culture appeared: Yangshao culture of the Neolithic age and Banpo village; Hemudu culture in the Yangtze River Basin; Dawenkou Culture in the Neolithic period and so on. All of them reflect the long history and rich connotation of Chinese culture.

上海419论坛  Listen, the wheel of history rolls forward

  After hundreds of years of hard suffering and struggle, the Chinese nation finally ushered in today, this glorious day, the 60th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China!

  Since the 60th anniversary of reform and opening up, great changes have taken place in China. Listen to my mother, when she was young, food and clothing were all problems. All kinds of food had to be bought with tickets. Otherwise, even if she had money, she could not buy food. My mother said, "my life at that time was very hard. At that time, I accompanied my mother to the butcher's shop to buy meat. It's a sea of people. The long line can't see the edge. Line up, line up, can't help but say, give you a piece of meat, not by your own choice. At the same time, they are always worried about whether they have their own goods. I've seen a lot of adults pull and pull in line, and they don't give in to each other. So what I was most afraid of at that time was to accompany my mother to buy meat. "

上海419论坛  Now, as long as we have enough money, you can choose as much meat as you like, and we can be fat and thin according to our own wishes. There's a lot of freedom.

  This is only a small part of the changes in reform and opening up, and there are many more. The things that people didn't dare to think about before have come true 60 years later. Today's life is as happy as heaven for that time. Therefore, as young people in xinshida, we must cherish today's life and not let it go in vain.

上海419论坛  I think there are probably two things that make Chinese people happy in the past 60 years. One thing is that they don't need all kinds of food stamps to buy food. The other thing is that people are most excited about it: Chinese people can hold their own Olympic Games!

  20XX Summer Olympic Games, let other people know that China's national strength is strong, China is not the sick man of East Asia, but an Oriental dragon! His awakening shocked the world. China, my motherland, will always be the best! I love you. motherland!

  Listen, the wheel of history rolls forward, China's tomorrow will be more brilliant!

  我的祖国英语作文 篇13


  On the national day night, accompanied by my mother, I came to the West River of Jiujiang Confucian forest square to watch fireworks.


  The fireworks have not started yet, and the Riverside Avenue and the Rulin square are full of people. I wish the fireworks would start soon so that I could have a look at them.


  All of a sudden, we were startled by the sound of "bang". Quickly looked up at the sky, found that the fireworks began, the crowd then boiling.


  WOW! The fireworks are colorful and beautiful. Beautiful fireworks add infinite vitality to the dark sky. Some fireworks are called sparkles. When they rush to the sky, they rush to the sky like a white rocket, that is to say, when they unfold, they start to be red. In a flash, they turn green. Then they scatter on the earth, like green stars falling from the galaxy. Some fireworks are called butterflies flying. They swim to the sky like a happy fish. When they bloom, they stretch out here and there like a white flower bud. Their charming smiling faces are very beautiful.

上海419论坛  最后燃放的是一支红色的烟花,散落时像一只只红色的灯笼,眨着眼睛徐徐降落。这数不清的灯笼,如同我此时的心情,依依不舍,希望燃放烟花的时间再长点、再长点。

上海419论坛  At last, a red fireworks was set off, scattered like a red lantern, blinking and falling slowly. This countless lanterns, like my mood at this time, are reluctant to give up, hoping to set off fireworks longer and longer.


  I hope the fireworks on national day will be more beautiful every year, which symbolizes the prosperity and prosperity of our country.


  I love the fireworks on the national day night, and I love my motherland even more!

  我的祖国英语作文 篇14

  Dear teacher, dear classmates: Hello! I am from Xu Jiamin, Hu Jiamin, Huangfeng Primary School. Today, my speech is "I love you - the motherland".

  Our motherland has a beautiful name. She is called - China. The motherland is sixty years old. After the past 60 years, I have witnessed a motherland from nothing, from backward to prosperity. After 60 years of hard work, 60 years of hard work, now, in the new look, stand in the forest of the world.

上海419论坛  The world saw the vicissitudes of the motherland, and the history recorded the footprints of the growth of the motherland, people felt the magical changes in the motherland. The successful launch of "God 5" "God Six" "God 7" is carrying China's 100-year dream, flying towards space; the largest Three Gorges project, let the world shocked again, want to walk on the "world row" It turns out that it is just a beautiful embarrassment, but now, Tianlu is not only singing in the singing, the sound of the whistle has brought a good luck in the snowy plateau ...

  my country has joined the World Trade Organization, which marks the leap of the Chinese economy. In 2008, the Beijing Olympic Games became the "unparalleled event", showing the unlimited charm and new spiritual features of the ancient civilization in 5,000 years. Now we have ushered in the World Expo that is about to be held in Shanghai. This is enough to prove the brilliance and power of our motherland.

  However, in the development of the motherland, we have also experienced countless wind and rain. The invasion of diseases such as SARS, avian influenza; 08 years of frozen disasters, "5 · 12" Wenchuan Earthquake Instead, China is stronger. The motherland has changed in every corner of the motherland. In the past 60 years, especially in recent years, my hometown - Shang Street Town is more refined.

上海419论坛  The backward street town behind the year has quietly left, and now I can see the top of Shangliang Town, you can see the ground, especially the spring bamboo shoots, people's living standards are significantly improved, and the dining table is rich, people The wearing is neat, there are more people who go out to take a car, and every family lives on a new house, uses the Internet, goes up, plays games, life is rich!

  On the interlaced road, the car Sichuan flows, and the landscape tree on both sides of the highway, the flowers and trees around the road are vibrant, and people feel the endless and tenacious vitality of the motherland. Motherland, I love you! I love you, one grass, I love everything, you are a giant dragon, hovering in the world, you are a auspicious torch, pass happiness and happiness to every corner.

  We live in your arms and feel extremely happy, very proud. We are the successors of the new era, always remember the teaching of Hu Grandpa, and strive to be "four good boy" and work hard, use his own intelligence and teen to dress our motherland, let the motherland will be better tomorrow. thank you all!

  我的祖国英语作文 篇15


  Winter has passed, and spring is slowly coming to us.


  Spring in the branches, a bud out of a small head. Spring in the field, rape flowers, golden yellow, very beautiful. In spring, grass sprouted on the grassland, like a green carpet. In the garden in spring, the colorful flowers are very spectacular. Spring under the eaves, swallows fly back.

上海419论坛  春天到了,祖国处处是春天,我爱祖国的春天。

上海419论坛  Spring has arrived, the motherland is everywhere spring, I love the motherland's spring.

  我的祖国英语作文 篇16

  China, my motherland, is really a great country.

上海419论坛  It stands in Asia and lies on the west coast of the ocean. China covers 9,600,000square kilometers. People of about 1.3billion live and work together on the land.56 nations make up the whole population of China.

上海419论坛  As is know to anybody, China has a long history of 5000 years, which turns out rich culture and special style. It’s said that every corner of Chinese ancient history was filled with varieties of prominent art works.

上海419论坛  All this influences people here by giving them a lot of feelings, experiences, images and ideas about life. But China also had a troubled past since 1840. She saw a lot: Xinghai Revolution against feudal dynasty in 1911,the anti―Japanese war during 1937―1945, the civil war broken out in 1946.Most big events brought pains, poverty to Chinese people, but they never gave in . Oppositely, people learnt not to weep when faced the hardship.

  They were taught to be strong enough to solve each problem. It’s the troubled time that create the valuable character for Chinese people. Finally they were succeed in rebuilding and developing the motherland.

上海419论坛  China was founded as an independent country named People’s Republic of China in 1949 . After that, it began to its door to the world and built bridges of friendship with many other countries. Since then, China set its steps of fast development on all the sides, especially in the field of science and technology. We can say that new Chinese history is filled with great achievements. To exploring space, the CSA has developed the highly successful Long March rocket series.

  At present the scientists are preparing for the nation’s first manned space flight flying to the moon. In the field of genetic research, China also plays an important role. In 2000,our scientists have announced that they completed the their part of the international human genome project.

上海419论坛  Up to now, China has all the way received more and more attentions from the whole world. She is showing its great changes to the world and becomes active on the big stage of the world. Surely she’ll have a better future.

  我的祖国英语作文 篇17

上海419论坛  Today is our motherland’s birthday-National Day. On TV, I know China is great, Chinese people are brave and hard-working. And I know that fifty-five years ago, China was very poor. And Chinese people suffered a lot. Only the Communist Party can lead Chinese people to build New China. The Chinese people can become the hosts of the country. As a word says: Without the Communist Party there would be no new China.

  我的祖国英语作文 篇18

上海419论坛  Of the motherland, and I'm proud of you

上海419论坛  Mother, for any people, are so sacred, so intimate. I know that the great motherland is our mother, because each of us life, joy and happiness are related to the safety of the motherland are closely related, closely connected, I am living in the warm embrace of the motherland is how much pride.

  Increase with age, I learned from the classroom and in the books more and more aware of our motherland is a long history of five thousand years of ancient civilization. She has a vast territory of 9.6 million square kilometers, has universally acclaimed Chinese culture, has a well known overseas, four great inventions, a stretch thousands of miles of the Great Wall, the world's eighth wonder of the Qin terracotta warriors and horses, the magnificent Imperial Palace in Beijing, Suzhou, unparalleled garden, there is a wealth of treasures and beautiful scenery ... ... five thousand years of history, like an old poem, like a long scroll, demonstrating the motherland that has experienced many vicissitudes in the face and body strong and unyielding.

上海419论坛  For the motherland's bright and strong, I do not know how many of the revolutionary martyrs to shed its blood, so that the motherland break free chains, a new life; How many patriots, stand by a common fate with the motherland. Fate of the nation, every citizen is used to be fathers of rhetoric, the face of broken rivers and mountains, we are the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries one after another, for the motherland's prosperity and happiness of the people of the party.

上海419论坛  Whenever I see the five-star red flag raised, ears hear the majestic strains of Anthem, the always felt blood boil, there are stocks from the heart cries: the motherland, and I'm proud of you.(约290字)




上海419论坛  随着年龄的增长,我从课堂上和书本上越来越多地了解到我们的祖国是一个具有五千年悠久历史的文明古国。她有着九百六十万平方公里的广阔疆土,有着有口皆碑的中华文化,有着饮誉海外的四大发明,有绵延万里的长城,世界第八大奇迹秦兵马俑,壮丽的北京故宫,无与伦比的苏州园林,还有丰富的宝藏和秀丽的风光五千年的历史,像一首古老的诗篇,也像一幅长长的画卷,展现着祖国母亲饱经沧桑的脸和那坚强不屈的身躯。 为了祖国的光明和富强,不知有多少革命先烈抛头颅洒热血,使祖国挣脱铁链,获得新生;又有多少爱国志士, 与祖国同甘苦共命运。国家兴亡,匹夫有则曾是先辈们的豪言壮语,面对破碎的河山,我们老一辈无产阶级革命家前赴后继,为祖国的富强和人民的幸福而奋斗。


  我的祖国英语作文 篇19

上海419论坛  亲爱的老师,同学们,你们好!今天我演讲的题目是《祖国就是我的母亲》。

  Dear teachers and students, Hello! The title of my speech today is "motherland is my mother".


  "Liu Yi, go back to my hometown and have a look?" In the summer vacation two years ago, my father asked me again. I'm still the old saying: "no, go back to yourself!" At this time, I recalled the scene that I used to go back to my hometown to see Grandma: we slept in a low thatched hut without mosquito nets, and at night I was unable to sleep all night because of the mosquito bites; in front of the door was a pile of cow dung, which was smelly and dirty, and the muddy road was full of puddles. If I stepped on the puddles carelessly, the whole foot would sink, and I could not easily draw my feet out, but the shoes were left in the mud Tan Li... Dad seemed to see my mind and said to me, "now go back to my hometown and have a look. Do you still recognize grandma's village and grandma's house?" I thought to myself: is this true? So I went home with my father by car.

上海419论坛  来到了罗山彭新乡下,啊!真美!难道这是我的眼睛花了?我揉了揉眼睛,没有呀?本来以前那坑坑洼洼、崎岖不平的小路,现在已变成一条平平坦坦的柏油路,路两旁种满了花草树木,蜜蜂在唱歌,蝴蝶在跳舞,这几年村里的楼房就像雨后的春笋般一排排地拔地而起。我和爸爸来到奶奶家,哇,两层的楼房,墙壁刷得雪白雪白的,如同粉装玉砌。家具也崭新的,刻着龙凤图案。房子很大很大,他们再也不用灶头煮饭了,都换成沼气炉,方便快捷……和奶奶住在一起的叔叔带我走进一个房间,掀开桌上的一块花布,呀,这正是我再熟悉不过的东西——电脑。叔叔熟练地操纵着电脑,犹如在弹钢琴一般。我想不到家乡人的素质提高得那么快!家乡人也在展望未来,放眼世界。吃过午饭,我悠闲地在村边散步,看见远处那些农民不再用牛拉犁耕地,而是用各式各样的拖拉机犁地。

  Come to Pengxin countryside of Luoshan, ah! Beautiful! Is this my eye flower? I rubbed my eyes, didn't I? In the past, the pothole and rugged path has become a flat asphalt road, with flowers and trees planted on both sides, bees singing and butterflies dancing. In recent years, the buildings in the village have sprung up in rows like mushrooms. My father and I came to grandma's house. Wow, the two-story building with white walls is like a jade building with powder. The furniture is also brand-new, with dragon and phoenix patterns. The house is very big. They don't need the stove to cook any more. They all change it into a biogas stove. It's convenient and fast My uncle, who lives with my grandmother, took me into a room and opened a piece of cloth on the table. Ah, this is the most familiar thing I know - the computer. My uncle manipulated the computer skillfully as if he were playing the piano. I can't think that the quality of the people in my hometown has been improved so fast! Hometown people are also looking forward to the future and the world. After lunch, I took a leisurely walk around the village and saw the farmers in the distance no longer plowing with cattle, but with various tractors.


  The people in my hometown have changed, the land has changed, and the transportation has become convenient. There are buildings, telephones, mobile phones, computers in the city, and they all have them. What magic has brought such a huge change? I couldn't think about it. When I went home, I asked my grandmother. She said with a smile, "it's still the party's policy. The goal of connecting villages and roads has been achieved. The agricultural tax has been exempted. Students don't pay for school. Everyone has medical endowment insurance. Do you think we admire the life of the people in the city?". It dawned on me that it was all the credit of our country!

上海419论坛  同学们,你能不为我家乡的变化感到惊叹吗?你能不为我们祖国的伟大而感动吗?面对此情此景,我不禁想高声喊:“祖国,我们的母亲,我们永远爱您!”

上海419论坛  Students, can you not marvel at the changes in my hometown? Can you not be moved by the greatness of our motherland? In the face of this situation, I can not help but want to shout: "motherland, our mother, we love you forever!"

上海419论坛  我的演讲完了,谢谢大家!

  My speech is over, thank you!

  我的祖国英语作文 篇20

上海419论坛  Ring the bronze chimes, thick and clear Zuosus right rhyme is far away, crossing the five thousand years of long years and fifty-three years of colorful flowers season, in the river, the sun, mountains, The sea of u200b u200bsea, the flourishing ripples, sounding the echo, condensed a topic in the hearts of hundreds of millions of yellow descendants: motherland! We use the "Book of Songs " and the sound rhyme of Qu Yuan's "Orange "; with the ancient wind and Yuefu, the poetry and scatter; with the Beijing opera and Qin, the scorpion and the tyrants sings you the glory of the years and magnificent years, sing your magnificent Mountain river bright landscape. We take Yue Fei's "full Jianghong ", with the "righteous song " of Wen Tianxiang, with Lu Xun's "shout ", with Zhu Ziqing's "back " sing your unyielding backbone, sing your unyielding dignity And sacred. We use the bouquet of wild flowers in Qu Qiubai; the poverty of Fang Zhimin; those grass roots in Yang Jingyu; with the patch of Liu Zhidan's chest; with the oil lamp before Jiao Yulu window; The string of footprints, sing your tenacity and tenacity, sing your soul and spirit. Dear motherland, let us use the hand of Cai Kiki to pick up the sang, let us shout the throat of the sea, in the golden season in the golden season, sing the national anthem and fluttering five-star red flag, sing The passion of the DPRK is in the past 100 years.

上海419论坛  Yellow River, Yangtze River, Taishan, Kunlun, Wanli Mountain River, hurt from Tianan men, walked through a team of Lei Feng, walked through a team team Xu Honggang, walked through a team team Li Xun, walked through a team of flour - Go out of the pace of the most beautiful scenery of the Chinese people; go out of the most spectacular squares of the Chinese nation! Looking up to the blue sky, "Shenzhou Ship ", space shuttle; overlooking the earth, the Three Gorges Project, the magical of the world. Dear motherland, the implication and accumulation of five thousand years, fifty-three years of abandonment and inheritance. You gathered the most widest of the world's most popular popularity, regardless of the wind blowing waves, peace and development are your enthusiasm! You are not humble, and you will be in the new century! In the "16th National Congress " Dongfeng, the new generation of Chinese leaders are going to lead the Chinese nation to new glories.

  我的祖国英语作文 篇21

  I come from China. My country is very beautiful. The spring is warm. But summer sometime is very hot. The autumn isn't hot,but isn't cold. The winter is pretty cold in Nost of my country.It will be snowy in Nost of my country winter.


上海419论坛  I love my country.


  我的祖国英语作文 篇22

上海419论坛  I stood in front of the motherland map, the majestic mountain river is printed inside.The golden is the desert, dark brown is high mountain, blue is the lake, green is the plain.Light green evergregation, light blue things bay.Mother, mother, your majestic mountain river, we can't finish it in a lifetime!Everest, the head is in the west.Nansha is island, spreading the pearl string.Wuyue is very chest, Jiang River Yang Zunfan.Sushing, the Three Gorges is ridiculous.Mount Taishan and Wang Xiongqi.Mother mother, spreading a wonder on your land!Mother mother, you have a long history, waiting for people to explore!Where is the railway, where is it is a wasteland.The desert is waiting for the green, and the river is waiting for the power station.The grand blueprint, one day will be realized!I love the motherland!- The majestic motherland!

  我的祖国英语作文 篇23

上海419论坛  How great you are in the motherland!You are nurturing the 135 million children!Selflessly give us everything!You are like a sunshine, warm us; you are like a spring breeze, stroking us; you are like a spring rain, moisturizing us.The motherland, you are a day, giving us hope, giving us ideals, giving us happiness we want.Forbidden City, Great Wall, Yangtze River, Yellow River, these are all wealth you give us, unique, unparalleled wealth.Civilized countries, civilized cities, willing to be more prosperous tomorrow in the motherland!

  我的祖国英语作文 篇24

  Once, the old China was poor and lagged behind the world, but since the policy of Reform and Open has been carried out, China develops very fast and now its market is booming. A lot of foreigners come to China to seek for cooperation and more foreigners learn mandarin. When they come to this big country, they fall in love with the food and are attracted by its diversity. I am so proud that I am part of this country. Every time when I see the news about our government, I feel so proud. When we are in danger, the government will send the rescue team immediately. I love my country.

上海419论坛  曾经,旧中国是很贫穷,很落后的,但自从改革开放政策实施以来,中国发展得非常快,其市场也正在蓬勃发展。很多外国人都来中国寻求合作,越来越多的外国人也在学习中文。当他们来到这个大国,他们爱上了食物也被其多样性所吸引。我很自豪,是这个国家的一部分。每次当我看到有关我们政府的消息,我都会感到很自豪。当我们处于危险之中时,政府会立即派遣救援队进行救援。我爱我的祖国。

  我的祖国英语作文 篇25

  China, my motherland, is really a great country.

  It stands in Asia and lies on the west coast of the ocean. China covers 9,600,000square kilometers. People of about 1.3billion live and work together on the land.56 nations make up the whole population of China.

  As is know to anybody, China has a long history of 5000 years, which turns out rich culture and special style. It’s said that every corner of Chinese ancient history was filled with varieties of prominent art works. All this influences people here by giving them a lot of feelings, experiences, images and ideas about life. But China also had a troubled past since 1840. She saw a lot: Xinghai Revolution against feudal dynasty in 1911,the anti—Japanese war during 1937—1945, the civil war broken out in 1946.Most big events brought pains, poverty to Chinese people, but they never gave in . Oppositely, people learnt not to weep when faced the hardship. They were taught to be strong enough to solve each problem. It’s the troubled time that create the valuable character for Chinese people. Finally they were succeed in rebuilding and developing the motherland.

  China was founded as an independent country named People’s Republic of China in 1949 . After that, it began to its door to the world and built bridges of friendship with many other countries. Since then, China set its steps of fast development on all the sides, especially in the field of science and technology. We can say that new Chinese history is filled with great achievements. To exploring space, the CSA has developed the highly successful Long March rocket series. At present the scientists are preparing for the nation’s first manned space flight flying to the moon. In the field of genetic research, China also plays an important role. In 2000,our scientists have announced that they completed the their part of the international human genome project.

上海419论坛  Up to now, China has all the way received more and more attentions from the whole world. She is showing its great changes to the world and becomes active on the big stage of the world. Surely she’ll have a better future.

  我的祖国英语作文 篇26

  A riot of rooster, it is my motherland, he has a loud name called China.

上海419论坛  My motherland mountain river and magnificent, land fertile, there are many famous places of interest and beauty: majestic Taishan, beautiful Emei Mountain, and magnificent and tall Huangshan. This year is the 62nd anniversary of the founding of New China. The motherland has already changed the earth-covered changes. The Chinese people's thoughts, culture, economics, and technologies have made great progress. From the previous muddy road to today's spacious, flat asphalt road, developed from the big pedal bicycle to the current luxury sedan, maglev train ... Listening to grandmother said that the previous child is very difficult: That time If you want to study, you don't know how difficult it is. But everything is different, and the motherland gave us a different treatment. Now that children go to school has become a matter of course, because it is already a cultural world. In 2003, Shenzhou No. 5, Shenzhou 6, Shenzhou No.7, successfully sealed, and added a lot of brilliance to our motherland. On May 12, 2008, the Sichuan earthquake destroyed the beautiful homes of Sichuan people, but he couldn't shake our will. Everyone organized donations to support the disaster reconstruction of Sichuan compatriots. We have always believed that the strong Wenchuan people in the future will be as happy and happy, and a good day. In 2008, the Bird's Nest in Beijing successfully held a grand Olympic Games. The gold medal, silver medals won in the Olympic Games, which is a lot of gains, which is a very happy thing. What is unforgettable? However, the architecture of the Bird's Nest also has greatly reflected the wisdom and strength of the Chinese people, but also let the world have seen China's great technology technology. As the future of the motherland, the hope of the motherland, we must continue to carry forward our Chinese nationality. Spirit, revitalize China, build. Significant motherland from me, from the little things around you ...

上海419论坛  Finally, I have to say loudly: "I am proud of myself a great motherland, and cheer. "









