

时间:2022-03-26 12:31:11 高考英语作文 我要投稿


上海419论坛  无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家都写过作文吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。那么,怎么去写作文呢?下面是小编为大家整理的高考记言英语作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。


上海419论坛  “嘭”的一声巨响,五彩斑斓的火焰带着梦想与希望直冲云霄,划破静谧的漫漫夜空,留下一道道最完美灿烂的轨迹。

  "Bang" a loud sound, colorful flame with dreams and hopes straight to the sky, across the quiet long night sky, leaving the most perfect brilliant track.


上海419论坛  I walked along the river and watched the fireworks rising on the other side. Although they were not rare, they were so beautiful that they seemed to see the prosperity of life that I forgot to move forward.

上海419论坛  我爱这烟花,确信无疑,就像对书本的感情,偏执而无法扭转。它虽然始终停留在预定的轨道上,却总以自己的方式向盈盈的月光挑战,向绚烂的星空挑战,它注定将成为夜空中的主角。

上海419论坛  I love the fireworks, and I'm sure it's just like the feeling for books, which is too paranoid to change. Although it always stays on the predetermined track, it always challenges to the full moon and the gorgeous starry sky in its own way. It is destined to become the leading role in the night sky.


上海419论坛  And why don't we? With the green hope and the passion of youth, I write three years of frivolity and the vicissitudes of life. We laugh heartily and are proud of the success of the hard struggle; we are sometimes silent and speechless to show off our efforts to write on the topic of the sea and think about the future direction of life; we remember the past and sprinkle the unbearable sadness when we are frustrated, but we can always pick up the sails and set sail again with expectation.

上海419论坛  十二年的`人生路,比起时隐时现的烟火,更显出它的坎坷和绵长。或许,它承载的不仅仅是闪光的那一刻精彩,更有人生的蓝图、人生的归宿。

  Twelve years of life, compared with the hidden fireworks, shows its ups and downs and long. Perhaps, it carries not only the brilliant moment, but also the blueprint and destination of life.


上海419论坛  Twelve years of struggle only for a few hours, it is full of the students' beautiful vision and yearning, full of the sweat and tears that will never be back. It's not the end of life, but it's the end of the way.


  Looking back at the distance, the fireworks on the other side are still on fire, and the large pieces of color permeate the river, highlighting the colorful waves. I stood on the Bank of the river and looked down, as if I had entered the tunnel of time and space full of light and shadow. I could see every bit of the past.


  The faces of our friends, happy, angry and sad, emerge one by one in the dazzling night sky. Either because of the teacher's praise, happy as a three-year-old child clapped his hands and cheered; or with a shocking report card, sad full of sorrow; or looking at the students led by the certificate, throwing him an envious and envious look, but never willing to admit his good; if you want to have a math problem, and a friend's face red.


  Twelve years before the college entrance examination, there was such a sour, sweet and bitter life. Let's make progress in the bitterness and take the sweetness in the progress. In these years, we have been growing up, and we have learned to grasp the perfect youth and understand the helplessness of others. It's not only philosophers who know how to think about life. We also think while walking.


  In my eyes, the gorgeous fireworks in the air seem to outline a colorful picture of life, which contains a paean of youth composed by our moving heartstrings in the past 12 years.










