
历年英语高考满分作文:鼠标The mouse

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历年英语高考满分作文:鼠标The mouse

  在学习、工作、生活中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?以下是小编整理的历年英语高考满分作文:鼠标The mouse,希望能够帮助到大家。

历年英语高考满分作文:鼠标The mouse

  历年英语高考满分作文:鼠标The mouse 1

  The mouse is a most effective device used by people to communicate with a computer.


上海419论坛  For most people,it’s almost impossible to operate a computer without a mouse,let alone surf the Internet.A well-chosen mouse is really handy,flexible and convenient in controlling the screen.With the functions of ing,deleting,moving and copying,it enables us to edit test,browse web page and download what we want.It can even bring us a flood of music,movies and PC games.Just imagine,all this can be done with a cute mouse.

上海419论坛  对大多数人来说,它没有鼠标操作电脑是不可能的,更不用说上网。选择一个好的鼠标是非常方便的,在控制屏灵活方便。具有插入,删除,移动和复制,它使我们能够测试编辑,浏览网页和下载我们想要的东西。它甚至可以给我们带来大量的音乐,电影和电脑游戏。想象一下,所有这一切都可以做一个可爱的小老鼠。

  A convenient tool can certainly make our work easier,but it doesn’t always help in a positive way.Too much ready information on our fingertips leaves little room for knowledge pursuing.Too many ready answers make us less excited in finding truth.Relying too much on mouse clicking makes us lazier and less creative both mentally and physically.


  历年英语高考满分作文:鼠标The mouse 2

上海419论坛  “鼠标”因形似老鼠而得名“鼠标”(中国大陆用语,港台作滑鼠)。“鼠标”的标准称呼应该是“鼠标器”,英文名“Mouse”,全称:“橡胶球传动之光栅轮带发光二极管及光敏三极管之晶元脉冲信号转换器”或“红外线散射之光斑照射粒子带发光半导体及光电感应器之光源脉冲信号传感器”。它从出现到现在已经有40年的历史了。鼠标的使用是为了使计算机的.操作更加简便,来代替键盘那繁琐的指令"Mouse"鼠标是一种通过手动控制光标位置的设备。现在系统普遍使用的是二键或三键的鼠标。操作鼠标可以做如下事情:如确定光标位置、从菜单栏中选取所要运行的菜单项、在不同的目录间移动复制文件并加快文件移动的速度.你可以定义鼠标的按键,例如选择物体或放弃,这些功能依靠使用的软件实现。使用鼠标进行操作时应小心谨慎,不正确的使用方法将损坏鼠标。

  Because of the shape of mouse named "mouse" (The mainland Chinese language,Hong Kong and Taiwan for the mouse)."Mouse" standard name should be "mouse",Its English name "Mouse",name: "rubber ball round transmission of the grating with light-emitting diode and phototransistor of wafer pulse signal converter" or "spot of infrared radiation scattering particles with light-emitting semiconductor and photoelectric sensors,sensor signal of the light pulse." It appears to now have 40 years of history.The use of the mouse are operated in order to make the computer more convenient,to replace keyboard commands that cumbersome.

上海419论坛  Mouse is a cursor position through the manual control equipment.System now commonly used keys are two or three button mouse.Operation of the mouse can do the following things: such as cursor position to determine,from the menu bar select the menu item to run in different directories to copy files between the mobile and to accelerate the speed of the mobile document.You can define mouse buttons,such as selection of objects or abandon These functions depend on the use of the software implementation.

  Use the mouse to operate should be careful not correct to use the mouse will be damaged.

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