

时间:2021-05-24 11:18:07 高二年级英语作文 我要投稿
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  How to talk about my winter holiday, that's really enjoy them all, endless aftertaste, a big harvest!

上海419论坛  I learned to pack book cover. Perhaps you may laugh at me, ha, is so big, also learned to pack book cover? Ha, let you to smile, anyway I was optimistic. Is my parents only daughter, always spoil me, protect me, at ordinary times is not their bag for me is to buy ready-made, I rarely do this work in teams. Only at home this time, parents work busy, I try to remember my father used to do book cover, slowly groping, meditate, after dad guidance, I finally have resulted in findings that saw the image of uncomfortable, I'm happy to jump three feet high.

上海419论坛  Common saying: "the countless tears and sweat makes call success"! Winter vacation, I special attention to mathematics, dad extract some questions from the computer do for me, I do on a per, will be happy. Especially for mom and dad are a little don't understand "cows eat grass" problem, I also did the right thing. Of course, I am careless, careless, sometimes doesn't even remember the triangle area, not only in this way, because of carelessness, many entirely wrong.

  In the winter holiday, I learned to pull two songs again, father also said I bow firm than before, and tone up is much more comfortable.

上海419论坛  In the cold winter, I gained so much "fruit", I have satisfied, don't! Less than! Maybe when I go to pick fruit.


上海419论坛  我学会了包书壳。也许你可能笑话我,呵,都这么大了,还才学会包书壳?哈,任你去笑吧,反正我挺乐观的。我是爹妈的独生女,平时总宠着我,护着我,平时不是他们帮我包,就是买现成的,我一般很少做这种协手的活儿。这回,爹妈工作忙,我只有在家试着回忆爸爸以前做书壳的情形,慢慢摸索、琢磨,经过爸爸指导,我终于取得了成果,看见那别别扭扭的形象,我高兴得一蹦三尺高。



上海419论坛  在寒冷的冬天里,我收获了如此多的`“果实”,我已心满意足了,不!不足!也许还有果实等我去采摘。


上海419论坛  A happy and short winter vacation quietly slip from our side, we have ushered in a new semester, in the winter holiday fun like the stars in the sky, countless, is the pieces of my heart cannot erase memories. Each star shine, every piece of the past are deep-rooted.

  Four Cousins haven't party, during the winter vacation, we get together again, happy and happy, happy to play. As the growth of the age, our game also upgrade year by year. This year, it's not, and to learn to play badminton. To test whose skill more better, we decided to grandpa held in the courtyard of a special badminton tournament, in order to make the game fair notarization, we invited two impartial referee。 Grandpa and grandma.

  To be fair, we used the "rock, paper, scissors". What a "good luck pawn" first by my brother and I play, I am confident, believed oneself can certainly when the champion. An opening, I work hard for elder brother. And brother fight, confidence one hundred times. Instead, my ball for a while to the west, east, erratic ball, make brother dizzy, tired, finally abandon pat surrender, I couldn't help to get carried away.

  The second round began, I still immersed in the joy of just now. And there was a good cousin had caught my strategy, each time can easily return the ball, even violently strike back, smashes. It's my turn to the toes, and brother hooted aside, this is "fuel", I'm very worried! Is badly behind a few balls, and eventually be eliminated by off the ball too much. Have mercy on me this champion dream is a flash in the pan, can only be "guan yu lost jingzhou。 Pride goes before a fall".

  Turn themselves "god" cousin play, only they didn't win a few, 30 rounds to war. Finally "sophisticated" cousin slightly better, and become the first among the four of us.

  Looking at the cousin due to win the praise of maternal grandparents very happy expression, the strength of my heart can only admire her. Modesty helps one to make progress, conceit makes one lag behind the old adage that article is never the wrong not eternal truth, I must keep in mind, motivate yourself constantly.

上海419论坛  一个快乐而短暂的寒假悄悄地从我们的身边溜走,我们又迎来了一个新的学期,发生在寒假的趣事就像天空中的星星,数不胜数,是我心头不可抹杀的一件件往事。每一颗星星都闪闪发亮,每一件往事都刻骨铭心。




上海419论坛  轮到自诩“球神”的表哥上场了,也只有他俩才有得拼,才能大战三十几个回合。终于还是“久经沙场”的表姐略胜一筹,成为我们四人中的佼佼者。

上海419论坛  望着表姐因赢得外公外婆的夸奖而眉飞色舞的表情,我内心只能佩服她的实力。谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后的古训,真是条永远都错不了千古真理,我要时刻铭记在心,激励自己不断进取。