

时间:2022-03-26 11:37:36 分享 我要投稿


上海419论坛  在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家对作文都不陌生吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?下面是小编精心整理的分享英语作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。



上海419论坛  Lark is singing gently, sparrow is flapping its wings, birds are flying in the same blue sky; grass is green, trees are overcast, plants are breathing in the same land; pedestrians are in a hurry, tourists are free, people live in the same land. Sharing, a magic word, gives us endless wealth and gains.

上海419论坛  分享能带给人们精神上的充实与快乐。分享是一种大智慧。懂得分享的人能收获高于常人几倍的快乐。比尔·盖茨曾说:“每天清晨当我醒来,我便思索着如何与他人分享我的快乐,因为那会使我更快乐。”盖茨的确如其所言做到了分享:他与世人分享他最新的研发成果;他与社会分享自己的财富;他在分享中得到了人们的敬重,在敬重里获得了更多的快乐。不会分享的人只能在自我为中心的`小圈子中自以为“幸福”地度过每一天。没有分享,便不能开阔心胸,而心胸狭隘如何能有真正的快乐?分享就似一种催化剂,有了它便可以催生出更多的幸福与快乐。

上海419论坛  Sharing can bring people spiritual enrichment and happiness. Sharing is a great wisdom. Those who know how to share can gain several times more happiness than ordinary people. Bill Gates once said, "every morning when I wake up, I think about how to share my happiness with others, because it will make me happier." Gates did share as he said: he shared his latest R & D achievements with the world; he shared his wealth with the society; he got people's respect in sharing, and gained more happiness in respect. People who don't share can only spend every day in a small self-centered circle thinking that they are "happy". Without sharing, you can't open your mind. How can narrow-minded have real happiness? Sharing is like a catalyst, with which more happiness and happiness can be produced.

上海419论坛  分享能够提升人生的情趣与境界,赢得人们的尊敬。竹林七贤徜徉在山水之间,在分享彼此的志趣之时升华了各自的情谊;苏轼与王安石虽然政见不同,却喜欢互相探讨诗词、分享两人的文学见解,因而他们的友情坚如磐石;居里夫妇毫不吝啬各自的一点一滴,无论是财富抑或是科研成果,他们都与世人同享,所以他们成为了我们毕生爱戴尊敬的对象……因为分享,人与人之间的隔阂渐渐消失;因为分享,他们收获了双倍的幸福;因为分享,他们得到了世人的尊敬。

  Sharing can enhance the interest and realm of life and win people's respect. The Seven Sages of the bamboo forest roamed among the mountains and rivers and sublimed their friendship when they shared each other's interests; though Su Shi and Wang Anshi had different political views, they liked to discuss poems and share their literary views with each other, so their friendship was as solid as a rock; the Curies and his wife were not stingy with each other's little bit, whether it was wealth or scientific research achievements, they shared with the world, so They have become the objects we love and respect all our lives Because of sharing, the gap between people gradually disappears; because of sharing, they get double happiness; because of sharing, they get the respect of the world.


  Sharing can make all kinds of cultures get along harmoniously and make international relations more harmonious. The world is a big family, and the splendid cultures of all countries need to be shared by the world. Looking back on the history of China's ancient seclusion, it is not difficult to find that in a closed environment, the cultural convergence and single meeting are becoming increasingly serious; and then think about the fascist wanton killing of people and culture in the Second World War, which almost pushed the world to decline step by step. Modern society needs harmony, we should learn to share. Because sharing can make culture move to a new peak and create a harmonious and peaceful international environment. Sharing will make the world a warmer family!

上海419论坛  让我们懂得分享,让我们试着分享,让我们充分发挥分享的魔力,让分享这个神奇的词语在生活中熠熠生辉!

上海419论坛  Let's know how to share, let's try to share, let's give full play to the magic of sharing, let's share this magic word shine in life!










