

时间:2021-08-15 14:50:52 初二年级英语作文 我要投稿


上海419论坛   暑假来了,我也轻松多了,哈哈,可以痛快的玩个够。可妈妈说帮我报了兴趣班,我顿时说我没兴趣,可妈妈偏要我去,没办法,母命难违呀。


上海419论坛   The summer holiday is coming, I have much more relaxed, ha ha, can play enough. But mum says I signed up in class, I suddenly said, I have no interest, but my mother asked me to go, no way, mother life difficult violations.

上海419论坛   我们来到了无极老师的教室,我看了又看,有很多的乐器:吉他、架子鼓、小提琴、二胡、葫芦丝、竖笛……妈妈问我想学什么,我说随便,妈妈就说学架子鼓,我也没说什么,算是默认了。

上海419论坛   We came to the endless teacher classroom, I looked at it again and again, there are a lot of musical instruments: guitar, drums, violin, erhu, flute, clarinet...... My mother asked me to learn what I said casually, mom says the drums, I didn't say anything, it is the default.

上海419论坛   开始几天,我不敢说话,只是老师说什么,我就点头,慢慢地,我胆子也大了起来,和老师一起学习,一起说笑话,几天后来了两个小朋友也是学架子鼓的,我越学越好,还参加了文化宫的活动,架子鼓一期的学习结束了。

上海419论坛   The first few days, I dare not speak, just what the teacher said, I nodded, slowly, I took heart, together with the teacher learning, joke with, a few days later, the two children also learn the drums, the more I learn, the better, is also part of the palace of culture activities, shelf a study over the drum.

上海419论坛   妈妈和老师在说可以学些其他的东西吗?老师对我说:“你还想学什么呀!”我说:“吉他”。妈妈就帮我报了名。刚开始的几节课我都不想去,妈妈却鼓励我说:“别放弃,努力就行了”。我又重新去上课了,对吉他也产生了极大的兴趣。

上海419论坛   The mother and the teacher can learn something else in that? The teacher said to me: "you want to learn what ah!" I said: "guitar". My mom helped me signed up. I don't want to go to the first few lessons, but mother encouraged me to say: "don't give up, to do it". I have to go to class, but also had a great interest in the guitar.


  I summed up the drum with passion, patience to learn how to play the guitar. Study of these two kinds of musical instruments, I have a great interest in music, later wants to be a musician.








八年级下册英语作文带翻译 我的暑假05-09


