

时间:2023-06-12 10:42:39 保护环境 我要投稿


上海419论坛  在日常的学习、工作、生活中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,以下是小编收集整理的保护环境英语作文范文,欢迎阅读与收藏。



上海419论坛  My hometown is Shiyan City, Hubei Province. There is Danjiangkou reservoir, the largest artificial freshwater lake in Asia. The water in the reservoir is pure, clear and delicious. The teacher told us that Shiyan City has excellent water resources, while Beijing is dry and short of water. Therefore, the central government decided to lead the water from Danjiang River to Beijing to let the people in the capital eat our sweet and delicious water. This is the South-to-North Water Transfer Project. One day last summer vacation, my parents and I came to the Hanjiang River to play. What I saw was that many people were washing clothes near the river, others poured unfinished drinks into the water, there were discarded plastic bottles beside the water, and the sewage from the factory also flowed into the river... Seeing here, I think many people have no awareness of environmental protection, As the location of the “South-to-North Water Transfer” project, if the environment cannot be well protected, it will not only make Beijing people unable to drink clean water, but also affect the economic development and quality of life of Shiyan City. Therefore, we should take action to build our homes and protect the environment. In fact, protecting the environment is also very simple. We can start from protecting the environment of the school. For example, abide by the regulations on prohibiting littering of all kinds of wastes, throw the wastes into designated places or containers, avoid using disposable beverage cups, lunch boxes and plastic bags, replace them with cartons, take care of flowers and trees, give less New Year cards, and keep the campus clean.

上海419论坛  After several years of environmental improvement, the people’s awareness of environmental protection at the source of our “South-to-North Water Transfer” has increased, and the water quality has also improved. Now the Han River is clear, green and quiet, fascinating. Walking along the Hanjiang River, you can’t see anyone washing clothes or floating waste. What you see is a clear river. People can’t help but hold it up and drink a few drinks. Compared with last year, it can be said to be earth shaking. Such a big change is inseparable from the hard work of the builders of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project, It is also inseparable from our citizens who contribute to environmental protection.

上海419论坛  Everyone has a responsibility to protect the environment. Let’s start with the small things around us. I believe that as long as we work together, our hometown will become more beautiful and Beijingers can drink the sweet water of our hometown.


  Since we cried out the first cry, we came to this beautiful world. There is a blue sky overhead, feet on a fertile land, fresh air and warm sunshine. This is our beautiful home together. But now, mother earth is really crying and sending a weak signal of help to people. All kinds of natural disasters are coming to people. Not far away, it is said that Yunnan, China, has suffered the worst provincial drought in a hundred years in recent years. Chuxiong City is particularly serious, with more than 200000 rural people short of water. The severe drought has caused difficulties in drinking water for 7.42 million people and 4.59 million large livestock in the province.

上海419论坛  In 20xx, the sown area of wheat was 37 million mu, and the affected area reached 31.48 million mu, accounting for 85% of the sown area. Water is now regarded by them as the most precious thing. Yunnan has always been a place with mountains and water. How could it get to such a point? The ultimate cause of natural disasters is partly man-made. Because people cut down trees excessively, resulting in water and soil flow, people plant a large number of Eucalyptus in order to seek benefits. Eucalyptus is called “water pump”. As the name suggests, Eucalyptus growth needs a lot of water and nutrients. As long as the soil planted by Eucalyptus will become exhausted and have no water at all.

  In this way, human beings destroy the environment, do not cherish their homes, only for the sake of immediate interests. But why can’t we step back and think about this rich earth, this blue sky, this fertile land, where the forests are lush, the rivers are clear, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, all of which are not the most precious and valuable wealth given to us by God? Without all this, what is the use of other wealth?

上海419论坛  People all know that only by respecting others, others will respect you. Why not treat the plants on our land? To attack and destroy it is to push ourselves into the fire pit. For our better survival and development, we should cherish it and cherish it.


上海419论坛  With the rapid development of science and technology, people’s demand for various resources is also increasing. Of course, some problems also come with it. First, the ozone layer is damaged, and then acid rain strikes, causing serious air pollution. Haze also came. And so on. Scientists have also tried to find a second earth in the vast space, but they have only proved that there is no second planet suitable for human habitation within 40 trillion kilometers around the earth.

  Since our dear mother earth is facing an unprecedented crisis, we should also contribute to the protection of mother earth.

  First of all, we should save paper, because paper is made of big trees. A big tree can help us conserve water and soil, absorb carbon dioxide, spit out fresh oxygen, reduce noise and greening our homes. The function of big trees is so great that should we destroy them? Therefore, we waste paper is equal to cutting down trees and damaging the environment. We can use it to draft, draw, design and so on.

上海419论坛  Then we should save water. “Who is the source of life and the basis of human survival”. We should also protect it. “ “People can have no food for a day, not no water for a day”. It also points out the importance of water to human life. However, because people didn’t protect it well at first, water resources are very scarce now. See this, you will say, cheat who! The sea is so big and there is water everywhere. How can water be scarce? In fact, the water in the sea is salt water, which will make us more thirsty, and we need very little fresh water. According to statistics, at present, the freshwater resources available to human beings account for 0.5% of the world’s total water volume. 26%。 Therefore, we should protect water resources. We can use dishwashing water to water the flowers and mop the floor to flush the toilet. Or put the water outside to purify it. Secondary recycling.

上海419论坛  The earth, the mother of mankind and the cradle of life, has been tortured by us and is groaning in pain: “I’m so painful, I’m so painful...” so, students, let’s take action together to protect our mother earth!


  Whenever I see the blue sky covered by layers of smoke and dust, I think of how important the protective ring is; Whenever I encounter a sandstorm, I will worry about the destruction of vegetation, the loss of soil and water, and the desertification of land; Whenever I see a clear stream polluted by a nearby factory, I will sweat for the little life in those streams; Whenever you see the white trash on the street, you will cry out to me The development of science has not only created a lot of wealth for mankind, but also brought inevitable disasters to mankind: soil erosion, land desertification, reduction of fresh water, extinction of animals, reduction of species and other environmental damage. In this grim situation, can we remain indifferent? What can a primary school student do for environmental protection? Think about it, or start with me.

  At home, I am a good helper of grandma. I told grandma that garbage should also be packaged according to recycled garbage, non renewable garbage and harmful garbage. Our family has set up two waste containers, one for waste paper, waste plastic and one for fruit peel. On arbor day, I bought two fruit trees with my lucky money and planted them in the forest park with my parents. I can imagine my happiness. In school, as the head of the group, I worked harder. My classmates and I insist on holding a monthly Environmental Protection Manual newspaper. Through collecting a large number of environmental protection knowledge materials and comics for publicity, every student has formed a good habit of environmental protection. As many people do not know enough about the pollution of waste batteries, the phenomenon of randomly discarding waste batteries is very serious. I wrote a proposal of “where should waste batteries go” to the headmaster and set up a waste battery recycling box in the school. On the street, seeing an aunt highlighting the chewing gum I was eating, I would run over without worry and tell her, aunt, please don’t spit it on the ground, but wrap it in paper and put it in the dustbin. Imagine what would happen if every piece of gum you ate was spit on the ground?

上海419论坛  I think: if we primary school students in Guazhou county do this, the sky here will become bluer and more beautiful, the air will become cleaner and fresher, the tap water will drink more fragrant and sweet, and the city will become more beautiful! The smile of the new century will be more brilliant! Let’s strive to be a little guard of environmental protection! Let’s shout: “protect the environment, start with me!”


上海419论坛  The environment is like an hourglass. Our home is full of vitality, it is above the hourglass; The barren desert is only dead, but it is under the hourglass. As time goes by, our green home is becoming a barren desert. Now, we are gradually entering the information age, and the sending and receiving of information also depends on energy. Where does energy come from? From someone else? It’s meaningless to send energy from the earth. Nowadays, the production of anything can only rely on factories, and the computers that send and receive information can only be made by factories. If there are factories, there will be emissions, and if there are emissions, there will be pollution. There will be as much pollution as there are factories. Pollution is not a child’s play, just like a piece of white paper. As long as there is a little ink, it will be dyed black. Our home is the same. As long as there is a little pollution, it will have unimaginable serious consequences. It is extremely easy to destroy a city’s blue sky. We only need to build many factories around it to make the city’s cars no longer restricted. Soon, the city’s blue sky will be gone, and the dark sky will replace it. People will get sick, plants will wither, animals will die, all because of the arrival of the God of death, haze. It takes away the vitality, the fragrance of birds and flowers, the blue sky and white clouds that originally belong to us. Haze will destroy everything in this city. It will make us have to leave here and live in other cities without haze. There is a thought-provoking book. It tells the story of alien invasion of the earth. After reading, we might as well think about it: Why did aliens invade the earth? This is because their planet was destroyed by their overuse, so they came to invade the earth. This is the consequence of destroying the environment! Do we have to learn from those aliens? no We can’t do this. We should protect the environment. From now on, start with everyone and the small things around us. Don’t turn the blue sky into gray, don’t turn the green home into a barren desert, and don’t let human beings be forced to wander in the universe!


  In our blue earth, every living creature has its own home. The forest is a paradise for wild animals, the pond is a cabin for small fish, the sky is a paradise for birds, and the earth is the common home of human beings, animals and plants. The earth gives us water and forests, fresh air and food. Our beautiful home, from now on, is a matter of course. But what do we humans do when we take it for granted? According to my parents, the earth used to be a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, birds and flowers, and people can freely breathe the refreshing air. But now, what has the earth become? Human beings do not cherish forests and water sources and spend generously. Forests turned into barren mountains, rivers and sewage flowed across. The abuse of chemical drugs has caused a series of ecological disasters. As far as I know, at present, factories and power plants all over the world emit 5 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year; The emissions of sulfur dioxide, carbon oxides and other harmful gases are also quite large. There are many kinds of exhaust gases entering the atmosphere, and more than 100 kinds have caused harm and attracted people’s attention. Exhaust gas enters the atmosphere and destroys the original chemical organization and nature of the atmosphere. How many people die from lung cancer, global warming melts icebergs, and a large number of crops on the whole earth are reduced with climate change, which is no longer the prediction of scientists. We see the earth crying and the atmosphere burning. One great disaster after another is being staged.

上海419论坛  In the face of disasters, we can’t be indifferent. Everyone has a responsibility to protect the environment! Love our beautiful home from now on. Although we are only primary school students and can not make a great contribution to the environment of all mankind, we can start from the small things around us. From now on: from the protection of our living environment, we can love every tree in the community; Starting from protecting the school environment, we can fill the windowsill of the classroom with flowers and plants. Students, we are the masters of the 21st century. Environmental awareness is the symbol of modern people. We should have the sense of responsibility of the times and make due efforts to beautify and purify the environment. “Don’t do it with evil and don’t do it with good”. Let’s work together to love our beautiful home and start from now on—— Let our beautiful home, the breeze often blows the green willows, and the clear water always accompanies the Cangshan!


上海419论坛  There is only one earth for human beings. It is the natural resource for human survival. If people want to live a happy life, they must consciously protect the natural environment and love the earth. However, in recent years, the earth’s environment has become worse and worse: global warming, hurricanes, rainstorms and other disastrous weather occur frequently, “SARS”, avian influenza and other infectious diseases occur from time to time, which brings serious threats and many inconveniences to human life and work. These are the results of people constantly “hurting” the earth.

上海419论坛  Large areas of forests have been cut down, green mountains have been excavated, beautiful grasslands have become deserts, and clear rivers have become turbid currents. With fewer trees, bald green mountains, barren grasslands and black water, people’s living environment is deteriorated, the air they breathe is deteriorated, and the living environment is “occupied” by many harmful things. The virus takes the opportunity to get into people’s bodies, and we humans will suffer from some terrible diseases.

上海419论坛  A few days ago, I saw such a cartoon in the newspaper: a man was sitting on the top of a tree, cutting down the branch he was sitting on. “Hum, that’s funny.” Some people may think so. Don’t you think it’s just a funny cartoon? Isn’t it satirizing us? Don’t you realize that it is warning us that human beings are unknowingly hurting themselves while destroying the environment.

上海419论坛  When you walk in the street, if you want to spit, what will you do? If you choose to vomit on the ground, have you ever thought about it? Are you hurting yourself? A mouthful of sputum contains a large number of bacteria, which will reproduce and infect when the sun is shining. Similarly, when you cut down a tree, when you dig up a piece of grass, when you pour dirt into the river, don’t you think it’s damaging the environment and “hurting” yourself?

上海419论坛  As the saying goes: “our predecessors planted trees and our descendants enjoyed the cool”. Our predecessors gave us large tracts of forest and green space. What do we leave to our descendants? Whether it is a bare desert or a dense forest, you must choose a dense forest. There is no hesitation. Let’s consciously protect the environment, consciously love the environment, consciously greening the environment, improve our living environment and create a better future!


  There is a river behind my house. I’ve been playing there since I was a child. Grandpa often took me there to fish and catch shrimp. The river was clear and the fish in the water were chasing and playing in groups. There are also towel gourd vines on the river. In summer, it will become “paradise for dragonflies” and “paradise for children”. Today, I still stand on the bridge I once stood on, but what I see is not groups of fish and shrimp, but the garbage of “traveling together”, which makes me feel a little sad.

上海419论坛  One day, I accidentally glanced at the bridge and found that several children were fishing in the river with fish bags. At first, I thought they were fishing, so I felt very funny: where are the fish now? Aren’t you fishing for dead fish? But their performance is too excited, isn’t it? A series of question marks accumulated in my mind. Finally, curiosity overwhelmed my superficial indifference and disdain, and I pretended to walk over inadvertently. However, when I first saw what was in the fish’s pocket, my heart was shocked!

上海419论坛  The children’s fish pockets are not the fish I imagined, but garbage. They didn’t seem to notice my existence and the expression on my face. They were still fishing there wholeheartedly.

  Among them, there was a little boy, because of the fierce sun, sweat condensed one layer after another on his face, as if he had been wearing a transparent and hot veil, but he still stared at the river, and the fish pocket in his hand had not been loosened for a moment, as if he were integrated with the bamboo pole. His face is sometimes excited, sometimes disappointed, sometimes serious and sometimes relaxed, but the same thing is the smile and pride on his face when he fished a bag full of garbage. At this time, I have been moved.

上海419论坛  Inadvertently, the sunset set and the afterglow shone on me and those children, pulling our shadow very long. The shadow wrapped the garbage on the river and my heart at the same time.

  This summer, although there were no fish, loofah vines and dragonflies, the children still fished “fish” together, which added a color to my summer, a color that even painters in the world could not adjust!

上海419论坛  That night, I dreamed that grandpa took me to the river to catch shrimp. The river was still clear and bottomed out. The fish in the water were chasing and playing in groups. There was still “Dragonfly paradise” and “children’s paradise”.


  The earth is the mother of mankind and the home on which mankind depends for survival. We live in her warm arms. She loves us and takes care of us. Protecting the earth is protecting herself. When the earth has not been polluted by human beings, the streams on the earth are very clear, the sky is very blue and the trees are shady. At that time, it is a fairyland on earth. However, today’s human beings are doing things that “hurt themselves”. Under the temptation of money, deforestation and overexploitation promote the balance of the ecological environment. In order to satisfy their own desires, they wantonly hunt and kill wild animals, making many animals on the verge of extinction. For convenience, regardless of the ability of the environment, the sewage is discharged at will, causing damage to the underground water quality... One by one, it is self harm.

  In life, environmental pollution can be seen everywhere. Litter, spit everywhere, trample on flowers and plants, discharge domestic sewage at will, use disposable tableware and increase the number of trips of private cars. Although looking at small things one by one, a little makes a lot. No matter how good the environment is, it can’t afford the damage we’ve accumulated over time.

  It is our common wish to live in a clean, tidy and comfortable environment, so we should build a better life together. In order to build an ideal living environment, first of all, we should establish a good environmental awareness, starting from the small things around us and ourselves. Plant more trees in the surrounding open space, decorate our life with green and improve air quality. Adhere to green travel and minimize the use of private cars. Do not litter. When you see the garbage on the ground, bend down and pick it up in time to stop uncivilized behavior. Refuse to use disposable items and resist all white pollution. Know how to save resources, do not waste water, do not waste food, and turn off water and electricity at will. We should always put environmental protection in mind and implement it.

  As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world. A happy life lies not only in abundant food and clothing, but also in clear water and blue sky. Protecting the environment is the common responsibility of me, you and everyone. We should work hard for our home and work together to make her more beautiful.

  Love the environment, start with me!






英语作文 保护环境01-27




