
与食品安全safet food相关的高三英文作文

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上海419论坛与食品安全safet food相关的高三英文作文

  高三英语作文:与食品安全safet food相关的英文作文

与食品安全safet food相关的高三英文作文

  “民以食为天”。食品安全(fd safet)指食品无毒、无害,符合应当有的营养要求,对人体健康不造成任何急性、亚急性或者慢性危害。“瘦肉精”事件尘埃未落,“染色馒头”“回炉面包”“牛肉膏”又接踵而来……近期食品安全恶性事件频频出现,监管到底缺失在哪儿?我们还能吃什么?食品安全成为老百姓关心的一个热点问题。请你以普通百姓的身份,给某报社写一稿件,说明这一现象,并提出你的建议。


上海419论坛  1) 食品安全问题屡见报道;

  2) 分析上述问题产生的原因;

上海419论坛  3) 提出应对的措施。



上海419论坛  2)不可逐条翻译;


上海419论坛  4) 开头以为你写出,不计入总词数。


上海419论坛  As is nwn t all, fd is a pririt fr the cn peple. Recentl, hwever, reprts abut fd prbles have ften been seen in the newspapers, shwing that peple have alwas been cncerned abut what the eat ever da. The reasn fr this prble is that se f the fd prducers are t fnd f aing ne, leading t the result that the use whatever will ae the fd l gd r taste better withut cnsidering the bad cnsequences. This is nt nral because peple ust cannt live withut eating anthing.

  S we shuld tae all the easures necessar t frbid the fd prducers t ae fd that is nt safe enugh. Laws shuld be strengthened and the gvernent shuld have re cntrl ver these prducers. Onl when peple are n lnger wrried abut whether their fd is safe r nt can the en a better life.

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