

时间:2022-11-17 09:49:58 自我评价 我要投稿


上海419论坛  无论是身处学校还是步入社会,我们会经常用到自我评价,自我评价会促使我们进行自我验证,从而为自我发展提供动力。如何写一份恰当的自我评价呢?下面是小编为大家收集的电气自动化专业自我评价,欢迎阅读与收藏。



上海419论坛  Time flies, blink of an eye to the company has been a year, feeling a lot, a lot of harvest. Into the City Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd., for me is a good opportunity for development, is also a good exercise and enhance their ability to various aspects of the opportunity. In this first special thanks to the leadership and colleagues to give me the strong support, care and help so that I can quickly adapt to the company's management system, and strive to do their jobs. Into the company, I seriously understand the company's development profile, learning the company's rules and regulations, familiar with the company's processes. At the same time, it is truly feel positive, inspiring corporate culture, so I benefited from. Now I work over the past year summarized as follows:

上海419论坛  First, solid work

  I entered the workshop from the sheet metal began to do chest box shell, can be said that the sheet metal shop is my first impression of the company. Have to say, in the sheet metal workshop a month, the master who gave me a good image, so I benefited.

  Last September, I went into the assembly workshop internship, I deeply feel my colleagues work diligently, and strive to perfect the spirit. In the assembly workshop, I focus on access to relevant information, manuals, drawings and instructions to understand the operation of electrical equipment and principles, learning equipment layout, wiring, do row, the second line. Into the assembly plant began, I know that their burden is very heavy, I always remember this sentence to give others a bowl of water, they will have a bucket of water. Because I know that in order to become a qualified technician is not an easy task, as a technician not only to be able to deal with the requirements of customers, more importantly, to be able to solve the problems on the scene, on-site equipment operation Situation to be aware of.

  In May this year, following the installation team to Panzhihua, I seize the time familiar with the drawings, construction plans, drawings, the construction site management, acceptance and other requirements. In the face of difficulties and problems, take the initiative to consult the leadership, and design units and construction units to communicate and coordinate relations, in order to smooth the work of the project. The actual work, due to some local civil engineering changes and drawings, resulting in the wall without leaving holes, bridge and pipe unreasonable, need to open or re-layout to take the line, increase the workload, and after the leadership communication has been resolved. Therefore, in future work, I will pay attention to relevant knowledge, so that their own from the civil, decoration, budget and other aspects of strengthening, good external coordination, and actively design units, construction units and government departments to communicate, to develop a good overall planning, Where the interests of the main companies.

  Second, efforts to learn and progress

  In the work, serious study, and constantly improve themselves, and the use of other time, learn more advanced knowledge. From the simplest manufacturing standards start to do a complete set of equipment, where both their own studious, but also inseparable from the workshop colleagues Q & A FAQ. From the old engineer who I not only learned a lot, but also gave me a lot of sentiment. For the first time I do equipment, colleagues not only help me carefully but also patiently explained to me, very grateful to colleagues for their help, but also in our culture so that the company better work with sufficient confidence.

  Third, shortcomings and shortcomings

  As I participated in the work soon, so in many ways the technology and experience are inadequate, the problems encountered, the problem can not be handled handy. In the future work, we must dare to solve and deal with problems encountered problems, never escape, humbly to the experienced technicians, the old workers to learn; In addition, the timely organization of lessons learned, the existence of doubt, do not understand the aspects are recorded Down, and seize the time to solve the problem, make a record, so that later encountered the same thing, can solve the problem faster. Conscientiously learn all kinds of knowledge, so that their future work, to better complete the leadership of the work and tasks assigned to make themselves more mature faster.

  Fourth, self-evaluation

上海419论坛  Although I participated in the production of labor and technology study time is only one year, but in the ideological and technical have been greatly improved and progress. Not only enrich the knowledge, but also to improve their management and business level, the most important thing is for their own work in the future, to better completion of the task to lay a good foundation.

上海419论坛  Summing up the work of the past year, both achievements and deficiencies. In the future work, only continue to seriously sum up, found inadequate, and strive to correct, in order to get faster progress in order to better serve the company, realize the value of life.


  An excellent electrical engineer with 15 years of electrical work seek the position of electrical engineer, in order to give full play to 10 years of state-owned enterprises and five years of foreign engineers work accumulated by the rich professional knowledge and skills, including the design and review of electrical drawings, various industrial field automation control system installation and commissioning, Of the commercial negotiations and on-site installation commissioning and guidance, all kinds of imported equipment maintenance and maintenance.

  I hope to be able to use my knowledge and accumulated work experience to better serve your company while maximizing the interests of the enterprise. During the project construction period or after the factory is put into operation, I hope to be an electrical engineer.





上海419论坛  有句俗话是这样说的:不谋全局者,不足以谋一时。所以我不断地寻找机会锻炼自己,领导者的能力是能观察入微的。进入学生会,我是从低做起的,当时很不甘心,可现在回想起来,却是十分感激那时的经验。在低处做起,一步一步往上爬,而成为干部,感觉就像在自己的生命中添上了精彩的一幕,成为了另一种无形的力量在鼓励我,让我在修养方面能够品德优良、正直诚恳;在性格方面为人谦虚有亲和力,能有很好处理人际交际的能力。

上海419论坛  在工作方面能踏实,任劳任怨,责任心强,具有良好的组织交际能力,配合部长出色的完成了校团委的宣传活动和内部的各项宣传活动。我结合自身的特长,曾在校团委举办的手工制作大赛中获奖。由于工作积极努力,成绩突出,被评为校“优秀共青团员”,得到老师和同学们的一致好评。无论工作多累,多繁琐,都不再是一种疲惫,而是一种满足和快乐。

上海419论坛  在充满科学,人文气息的大学,我满怀信心和热情地度过了我人生中有重大意义的四年。通过四年的学习和生活,我思想变得更加开放,上进和务实,对知识的追求更加渴望。诚信为本,以德立身是我的做人原则;工作生活中积极进取,严格要求自己,努力塑造完美充实的自我。





上海419论坛  此外,我还积极地参加各种社会活动,抓住每一个机会,锻炼自己。大学四年,我深深地感受到,与优秀学生共事,使我在竞争中获益;向实际困难挑战,让我在挫折中成长,培养了自己吃苦耐劳的精神。祖辈们教我勤奋,尽责,善良,正直;大学培养了我实事求是,开拓进取的作风。并在老师的帮助培养下加入了中国共产党,成为了一名光荣的共产党员。




上海419论坛  At present, he works in the domestic and international famous steel enterprise engineering technology limited company (metallurgy grade A, civilian grade A), mainly engaged in the industry and the people electrical engineering project design work and the project manager work.

  Mainly for the iron and steel metallurgy, such as rolling, steel, sintering, ironmaking, chemical and civil construction projects such as electrical design work, mainly involved in the design project are:

上海419论坛  Large-scale sintering desulfurization project, domestic sewage treatment, waste acid treatment, chemical companies for power distribution system transformation, lime cellar frequency and control system transformation, a district police station and other industrial and civil project design icipate in the project both industrial electrical automatic control system design, and high and low voltage power supply and distribution systems, substations, transmission systems, residential, office buildings and other public construction projects electrical design.

  Up to now, the company has completed more than 100 projects of large and small projects with more than 10 million yuan of investment, mainly in charge of department of electrical professional, chief engineer, registered electrical engineer and project manager.









