

时间:2022-10-12 18:18:19 英语作文 我要投稿




  Looking at the Great Wall, it is the brightest star in human history. In the earth, we can see the continuous Great Wall winding in the mountains; In the long history of history, we can see the time of the Great Wall. In the eyes of the Chinese, the Great Wall is a soldier who defends his country. In the eyes of foreigners, the Great Wall is a mysterious Oriental dragon.

上海419论坛  Looking at the Great Wall, we seem to be back in the qin dynasty. Under the whip swinging of qin shi huang, the men in the harsh voice yelling, the suffering of the Chinese civil shoulder load lines feldspar, mixed with his own blood, with hard work, with a patriotic heart, with a fresh life, of the built in the history of the Great Wall, and the Great Wall of flesh and blood can stand in the east of the world.

  Looking at the Great Wall, we are back in history. In those wars, for many years, entrusted with Great Wall stand tall in the above the earth, rivers, and between the throat region, time and time again to resist the enemys invasion, defender of the sacred territory of the motherland. And you see, the stone on the strong wall of the towering sky, which did not shed the blood of our soldiers? What part of the world is not weeping about the soldiers hearts? Where did not the white bones of the intruders be buried in the stony and wild patches of land outside the wall? Which one does not show the marks of the soldiers battle with the enemy? Then the Great Wall became angry, and it hurt, and leaped up, and, at the top of his head, the iron walled giant of the wall, said to the world, "whoever dares to infringe it will kill one."

  Look at the Great Wall, in the wind we see the love of the blazing love - the state - heart!

上海419论坛  遥望长城,它是人类历史中最璀璨的一颗星。在大地,我们能看见绵绵不断的长城缠绕在群山之中;在历史长河中,我们能望见长城时隐时现;在中国人眼里,长城是保卫祖国的士兵;在外国人眼里,长城是一条神秘的东方神龙。


上海419论坛  遥望长城,我们回到历史长河中。在那些干戈扰攘、征战频仍的岁月里,长城巍然屹立于华夏大地之上,山河之间,咽喉要地,一次又一次地抵御着敌人的入侵,扞卫着神圣的祖国疆土。你再看看,这高耸云天的.坚固城墙上的一块块砖石,哪一处没洒落过我们战士的鲜血?哪一处没有在泣诉着士兵们拼死护国的心?这城墙外面的乱石纵横、野草丛生的一片片土地,哪一处没埋葬过入侵者的累累白骨?哪一处不在显示着士兵们与敌人搏斗过的痕迹?于是,长城愤怒了,心疼了,跃身而起,以他顶天立地,铜墙铁壁般的巨人身姿,诏告天下:“谁敢侵犯,就死命一条”。

上海419论坛  遥望长城,在风中我们看见了炽烈的爱——国——心!









