

时间:2021-12-08 14:21:24 老人与海 我要投稿


上海419论坛  当品味完一本着作后,相信大家的视野一定开拓了不少,何不静下心来写写读后感呢?那么我们如何去写读后感呢?以下是小编精心整理的老人与海英文版读后感(精编),仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。


上海419论坛  Some time ago read "the old man and the sea", "the old man and the sea" is Hemingway written in Cuba in 1951, a medium-length novel, was published in 1952. The old man and the sea is one of Hemingway's most famous works, he tells the story of an old man fishing on the sea all the year round. Once he caught a big fish, but he had met on the way back to groups of sharks, the old man work hard and struggle, but failed in the end, the shark ate all of the meat, the old man dragged a pair of big fish skeleton back.

上海419论坛  Novels of all time is very compact, before and after only four days: the day before at sea, the old man returned from the sea, with reference to play around the characters one by one, the relationship between the group and the old man, a love he, with his children learn fishing manolin; A pair of very selfish parents; A group of respected him, but always can't understand his fishing; A concerned about his hotel owners. The old man lived in such a character groups, by contrast, he had a significantly different with others, he is very optimistic, open-minded, is an experienced, the industrious and brave and confident, adventurous, deeply loves the life of a simple Cuban fisherman. At the same time, also can produce the hub-and-spoke structure clue clear, central focus highlight, the effect of the story is concise and lively.

  The old man said: "a man is not born to defeat, you can destroy it, but can't beat him." Such never-say-die spirit inspires us, we should not learn this spirit?


上海419论坛  小说的全部时间非常紧凑,前后只有四天:出海的前一天,一老人从海上归来为引子,让周围的人物一个个出场,交代了他们与老人之间的关系:一个热爱他,跟他在一起学习钓鱼的孩子马诺林;一对非常自私的父母;一群尊敬他,但永远不能理解他的打渔人;一个关心他的酒店老板。老人就生活在这样的人物群体中,相比之下,他与众人有着明显的'不同,他很乐观,心胸开阔,是个经验丰富、充满信心、勤劳勇敢、富于冒险、热爱生活的纯朴的古巴渔民。同时,这种轮辐式结构还能产生线索清晰明了、中心集中突出、故事简洁明快的效果。

上海419论坛  老人说:“一个人并不是生来就要给打败的,你可以消灭它,却不能打败他。”这种永不言败的精神激励着我们,我们不应该学习这样的精神吗?








