

时间:2023-06-20 11:00:23 试题 我要投稿
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上海419论坛  听力部分(40分)

  一、Listen and choose.听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(8分)

上海419论坛  ()1. A. tigerB. waterC. teacher

  ()2. A. carB. callC. circle

  ()3. A. shortsB. horseC. course

上海419论坛  ()4. A. art roomB. classroomC. music room

  ()5. A. coatsB. goatsC. cows

  ()6. A. prettyB. cheapC. sheep

  ()7. A. 28B. 18C. 38

  ()8. A. they’reB. thisC. those

  二、Listen and choose.听录音,选择正确的选项。(6分)

上海419论坛  三、Listen and choose.听句子,选择相应的答句。(10分)

上海419论坛  ()1. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, we do.

上海419论坛  ()2. A. No. It’s warm today. B. Yes. It’s very hot.

上海419论坛  ()3. A. Yes, you can. B. No, they aren’t.

上海419论坛  ()4. A. They are 99 yuan. B. They are Sam’s.

上海419论坛  ()5. A. They are cows. B. They are green beans.

  四、Listen and choose.听对话,选择正确的答案。(10分)

  ()1. It’s____________now.

上海419论坛  A. 8:00 a.m. B. 8:00 p.m.

上海419论坛  ()2. The shoes are cool and       .

  A. black B. colourful

  ()3. Mike’s old shoes are       .

  A. too small B. too expensive

  ()4. Are the shoes cheap?

上海419论坛  A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren’t.

上海419论坛  ()5. The shoes are for       .

上海419论坛  A. Mike’s birthday B. Christmas

上海419论坛  五、Listen, choose and write.听录音,选择并填写单词。(6分)


上海419论坛  一、Read and judge.单词画线部分发音相同的打“√”,不同的打“×”。(6分)

  ()1. hat art

  ()2. number shirt

  ()3. word homework

上海419论坛  ()4. farm warm

  ()5. circle table

  ()6. lunch music

上海419论坛  二、Read and choose.认读单词或词组,选出不属于同一类的一项。(10分)

上海419论坛  ()1. A. windy B. rainy C. snowy D. dress

  ()2. A. school B. art C. music D. PE

  ()3. A. six B. first C. seven D. twelve

  ()4. A. sheep B. horse C. cow D. carrot

上海419论坛  ()5. A. get up B. watch TV C. English class D. go to school

  三、Read and judge.看图读对话判断,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。(10分)

  四、Read and choose.选择正确的答案。(10分)

  ()1. —Where is the computer room?

  —It’s next to the library.

  A. Sorry. B. Hurry up.  C. Excuse me.

  ()2. —Lily, it’s nine o’clock. It’s time for .

上海419论坛  —OK, Mum.

  A. lunch B. bed C. PE class

  ()3. It’s very cold outside today. Please put on your .

  A. scarf B. sunglasses C. shirt

  ()4. Look at this picture. It’s Mr Yang’s farm. It’s not very big, but it’s so nice and clean. There are two____________at his farm. They are black and white. How funny!

  A. horses B. hens C. cows

  ()5. —____________ —They’re very cool and nice.

  A. How much are these pants?

上海419论坛  B. How do you like these shoes?

  C. Can I try these gloves on?

  五、Read and judge.阅读短文,判断正误,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。(10分)

  Dear Grandma,How are you? Thank you for the new brown pen. How cool! I love it!

  Now I am writing the letter(信)at my new school. It’s nice and big. We have a music room, a computer room, an art room, a gym and a library. The music room and the art room are on the second floor.

  We have an English class every morning. In the afternoon, it’s time for art, music or PE class. Oh, it’s 3 o’clock in the afternoon. It’s time for PE class. See you soon, Grandma.


  ()1. Tom’s new pen is black.

上海419论坛  ()2. Tom’s new school is nice and big.

  ()3. The art room is on the second floor.

  ()4. Tom has English, music or PE class in the afternoon.

上海419论坛  ()5. Tom is writing the letter in the morning.



上海419论坛  1. they’re very expensive(.)

上海419论坛  ____________________________________________

上海419论坛  2. no it isn’t(, .)

上海419论坛  ____________________________________________

上海419论坛  3. what’s the weather like in London(?)




上海419论坛  一、Listen and choose.听录音,选出你所听到的内容。

上海419论坛  1. tiger 2. call 3. shorts

  4. This is the music room.

  5. These are goats.

  6. It’s very cheap.

  7. W: How many horses do you have?

  M: 38.

  8. W: What are these?

上海419论坛  M: They’re tomatoes.

上海419论坛  二、Listen and choose.听录音,选择正确的选项。

上海419论坛  1. Go to the library. Read a book.

上海419论坛  2. M: What time is it?

上海419论坛  W: It’s three o’clock.

  3. It’s warm inside. Take off your shoes.

  4. W: What are these?

  M: They’re horses.

  5. M: What’s the weather like in Sydney?

  W: It’s cloudy.

上海419论坛  6. W: How much is that coat?

  M: It’s 200 yuan.

  三、Listen and choose.听句子,选择相应的答句。

  1. Do you have a library?

  2. Is it cold?

上海419论坛  3. Can I go outside now?

  4. How much are these pants?

上海419论坛  5. They’re green and long.

上海419论坛  四、Listen and choose.听对话,选择正确的答案。

  It’s 8:00 p.m.

上海419论坛  W1: Mike, tomorrow is your birthday. Let’s go shopping!

  M: Great!My old shoes are too small. I’d like a new pair of shoes.

上海419论坛  W2: Can I help you?

  M: Yes, please. I’d like those colourful shoes. They’re cool. Can I try them on?

  W2: Sure. Here you are.

  W1: They’re nice. How much are they?

  W2: They’re 300 yuan.

上海419论坛  W1: They’re expensive, but we’ll take them.

上海419论坛  M: Thank you, Mum.

  五、Listen, choose and write.听录音,选择并填写单词。

  Two little birds are sitting on a wall.

上海419论坛  One is big and the other is small.

  A cute little girl is playing with a ball.

  Be careful, little girl!

上海419论坛  Don’t knock them off the wall.


上海419论坛  一、1—5. ABACB 6—8. BCA

上海419论坛  二、1—6. BBAAAA

  三、1—5. BAAAB

  四、1—5. BBABA


上海419论坛  参考答案-笔试部分

  一、1—6. ××√×√×

上海419论坛  二、1—5. DABDC

上海419论坛  三、1—5. √×××√

  四、1—5. C BAC B

上海419论坛  五、1—5. × √√××

上海419论坛  六、A)

上海419论坛  1. They’re very expensive.

上海419论坛  2. No, it isn’t.

上海419论坛  3. What’s the weather like in London?B)

  4. That is the gym.

  5. It’s time for dinner.

  6. Are these hens?

  7. They are/ They’re too small.


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