

时间:2022-08-28 16:02:10 经典美文 我要投稿
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上海419论坛  导语:人不必须要生得漂亮,但却必须要活得漂亮。以下小编为大家介绍英语优美文段摘抄大全文章,欢迎大家阅读参考!








上海419论坛  于人只有一次的生命,你发誓要好好珍惜。


上海419论坛  悟到这点的时侯,你知道;今晚的梦中再不会出现那只摇摇晃晃的小船。

上海419论坛  冬雨淅淅,还是决定出去。郊外的那片树林里,你看到了那些在自然界中自生自灭的乔木和灌木。在冷风冷雨中相互凝视。你猜想它们是在致意,或许悬在倾诉心曲。听不懂它们的言语,却明了它们之间必存在一种属于它们的默契。

上海419论坛  原来,有些最美好的情感竟然是孕育在最黯淡的日子里。于是,怀着一丝颖悟,你踏上回家的路。

上海419论坛  星星睡了的时候,你坐在灯下,翻着厚厚的日历,瑟瑟作响,酌每一张纸片上,都与满了你梦中的呓语和不经意时的寻觅。抚着这些远逝了的日子,你问自己:是否收藏了太多的过去,和那些关于过去的记忆……


  In the morning, you bath in the dawn, the number of walking into the forest, the first green mining under this season. Put it in your heart, and hope that the small, small space that this leaf covers can be a place for your mind.

上海419论坛  The years of early spring dissolved into all the secrets of the young heart.

  You have been addicted to a very beautiful, very hazy feeling for a long time. Until one day, you say to yourself: hazy because of the existence of vague vision, there is a distance beauty, but this feeling can only be hidden in the heart, careful care, and dare not let it beat in the sun. After that, you sown a song for yourself:... Water it takes away the time of the story, changed a person, in the sentimental and first waiting of youth...

  Although the tears in my eyes, you still smile to the sun. You say you grow up, knowing that youthful youth needs a process that is red by green.

  Looking at the familiar swallow at the edge of the eaves, it's autumn now. The leaves have not completely withered, but the swaying posture is more like to make you feel a sense of sadness, I wonder if this is it glad or sad: the tree has withered, when next year green, but each time the decline and Xingrong for its life, not a difficult transition, it the life experience I do not know how much time such misery.

  So, you say, people may be lucky. For life and death are always only once.

上海419论坛  There is only one life in a person, and you swear to cherish it.

  That night, you look at the sky, suddenly feel palpitations: he is not like that of a star, hidden in the cold turkey? In this age, this season, no white and dark blue should be life in the sky. Because bright red and golden are releasing enthusiasm, they are never repressed.

  When you know this, you know that there will never be a wobbly boat in tonight's dream.

上海419论坛  The winter rain Xixi, decided to go out. The woods in the suburbs, you can see the trees and shrubs that emerge of itself and perish of itself in nature. Gazing at each other in cold wind and cold rain. Do you suppose they are greeted, perhaps hanging in the heart. I can't understand their words, but it is clear that there is a kind of tacit agreement between them.

  It turns out that some of the best feelings are conceived in the darkest days. Then, with a bright, you set foot on the way home.

上海419论坛  When the stars are asleep, you sit under the lights, turn a thick calendar, rustling, with every piece of paper, and you are full of dreams and whispers of casual search. These past days was stroking, you ask yourself: is a collection of too much in the past, and the memory of the past......

  A wind without rain weather, you went to the woods, in a dwarf shrub site, dug a small hole, the tidy calendar inside. After the cover, you go back on your head, the sky is clean, nothing, like your heart at the moment.










