

时间:2022-07-20 16:49:36 经典美文 我要投稿




  英语经典美文 篇1

上海419论坛  There are many apple trees in a garden. They’re good friends. One day an old tree is ill. There are many pests in the tree. Leaves of the tree turn yellow. The old tree feels very sad and unwell. Another tree sends for a doctor for him. At first, they send for a pigeon, but she has no idea about it. Then they send for an oriole, and she can’t treat the old tree well. Then they send for a woodpecker. She is a good doctor. She pecks a hole in the tree and eats lots of pests. At last the old tree becomes better and better. Leaves turn green and green.

  英语经典美文 篇2

上海419论坛  Today is Sunday! On Sundays, I usually play the flute.My father usually reads the newspaper. My motherusuallycleansthe house. Buttoday my mother is in bed. She is ill. My father has to do the housework. Now, he is cleaning the house. “Sam, can you help me?” “Yes, Dad!” Now, we’re washing the car. Where’s my sister, Amy? She is playing my flute. What a lucky girl!

  英语经典美文 篇3

上海419论坛  One day a dog with a piece of meat in his mouth was crossing a plank over a stream. As he walked along,helookedintowater,andhesawhis reflection. He thought this was another dog carrying

  a piece of meat. And he felt he would like to have two pieces. So he snapped at the reflection in the water, and of course, as he opened his mouth, the piece of meat disappeared quickly.

  英语经典美文 篇4

  Tony is seven years old. He is an honest and polite boy. One day, it was Sunday. Tony, his sister and his mother stayed at home. He was watching TV and his sister was reading books. His mother was washing clothes. Just then, his father came back with a bag

上海419论坛  of pears. Tony likes pears very much and he wanted

上海419论坛  to eat one. His mother gave him four and said, “Let’s sharethem.” “Whichpeardo youwant, Tony?” asked his mother. “The biggest one, mum.” “What?” said his mother, “You should be polite and want the smallest one.” “Should I tell a lie just to be polite, mum?”

  英语经典美文 篇5

上海419论坛  Today is Susan’s birthday. She is nine years old. Her friends are in her home now. There is a birthday party in the evening. Look! Mary is listening to the music. And Tom is drinking orange juice. Jack and Sam are playing cards on the floor. Lily and Amy are watching TV. Someone is knocking at the door. It’s Henry. He brings a big teddy bear for Susan. The teddy bear is yellow. Susan is very happy. All the children are happy. They sing a birthday song for Susan.

  英语经典美文 篇6

上海419论坛  It was a cold winter day.A farmer found a snake on the ground. It was nearly dead by cold. The Farmer was a kind man. Hepicked up thesnake carefully and put it under the coat. Soon the snake Began to move and it raised its mouth and bit the farmer. “Oh, My god!” said the farmer, “I save your life, but you thank me in that way. You must die.” Then he killed the snake with a stick. At last he died, too.

  英语经典美文 篇7

  Two young trees are standing on the top of the hill. Their names are Tim and Alan.

上海419论坛  One day, it’s sunny and warm. Some birds are singing in the trees. The wind blows, and the trees are talking. “What do you want to be when you grow up?’’ asks Tim. “I’m not sure. I think I want to be a chair or a desk.” answers Alan, “Maybe I want to be

  a toy box or a baseball bat. I like children.”“What do you want to be when you grow up?” asks Alan. “Me?” says Tim, “I just want to be a tree. I want to be

上海419论坛  a house for birds and spiders. I want to have many apples. And when it’s sunny and hot, people and animals can stand under me.”

  英语经典美文 篇8

  Hong Kong is a nice place, especially in summer. JulyisahotmonthinHongKong.Butit’san excellent time for swimming. There is a beautiful beach at Repulse Bay (浅水湾). To get there, you can take a bus from Central. Lots of people go to the beach on Sundays and Saturdays. But if you go on a weekday, it is will be not so crowded.Visitors to Hongkong need passports. But people from many countries do not need visas. Hongkong is a nice place for holiday. There are many shops.

  英语经典美文 篇9

  Water is very important for living things. Without water, there must be no life on the earth. All the plants and animals need water to drink, to cook food and to clean ourselves. Water is needed in farms, factories, offices, schools, families and many other places.

  Water is found in seas, rivers and lakes. It can be found everywhere in the world, and it also can be found in the air.

  英语经典美文 篇10

上海419论坛  This is the twins’ bedroom. It is a nice room. The two beds look the same. This bed is Lily’s and that one is Lucy’s. The twins have one desk and two chairs. Their clock, books and pencil-boxes are on the desk. Their schoolbags are behind the chairs. Some nice flowers are on the desk. Some nice pictures are on the wall. Is there a kite? Yes, it’s under Lily’s bed. The bedroom is very nice.

  英语经典美文 篇11

  One of the animals that help people a lot is the dog. In some countries, dogs pull wagons. In the cold north, dogs pull sleds.

  There are other ways that dogs help us, too. Policemen use them to look for missing people. Soldiers use them to carry letters and medicine .On farms, dogs take care of sheep and keep them in the fields. At night, they take the sheep home. Dogs help the blind with work. Some dogs are good and kind. Some dogs are good at another skill.

  英语经典美文 篇12

  Betty is a lazy girl. She doesn’t study hard, and she doesn’t help her mother with the housework, either. “What are you going to be when you grow up, Betty?” Mother asks. “You’re too lazy. No job will ever fit you.” “But I know one,” says the girl, “I’m going to be Father Christmas,” “You want to be Father Christmas?” Mother is surprised, “But why?” “Because he works only one day in a whole year.”

  英语经典美文 篇13

上海419论坛  A little monkey picks up a pumpkin and wants to takeithome.Butthepumpkinistoobig.The monkey can’t take it home.

  Suddenly he sees a panda riding a bike towards him. He watches the bike. “l have a good idea. I can roll the pumpkin. It likes a wheel.”

上海419论坛  So he rolls the pumpkin to his home. When his mother sees the big pumpkin, she is surprised and says, “How can you carry it home?” The little monkey answers proudly, “l can’t lift it, but l can roll it.” His mother smiles and says, “ What a clever boy!”

  英语经典美文 篇14

上海419论坛  Have you ever wondered about the stars? In some ways, stars are like people. They are born. They grow old. And they die. A star is born from dust and gas. Slowly the dust and gas make a ball. The ball gets very hot. Then it starts to give off light. The young star grows into a giant. Many years go by. The older star begins to get small again. At last its light goes out. The star’s life is over.

  英语经典美文 篇15

上海419论坛  Radio and television are very popular in the world today. Millions of people watch TV. Perhaps more people listen to the radio.

上海419论坛  The TV is more useful than the radio. On TV we can see and hear what is happening in the world. However, radio isn’t lost. It is still with us. And listeners are becoming more. That’sbecause a transistor radio isn’t lost. It is still with us. It is very easy to carry. You can put one in your pocket and listen to it on the bus or your bike when you go to work.

  英语经典美文 篇16

  It’stwoo’clockintheafternoon.Thesunis shinning and it’s very hot. Nancy has to meet her mother at the train station.

上海419论坛  Now she’s walking in the street. There are no trees and she’s fat. So she feels very hot. But she doesn’t find a boy walking just behind her. And she meets a friend and says “hello” to him. “Who’s the boy behind you?” asks the man . Now she sees the boy. She is angry and asks, “Why are you walking behind me, boy?” “There’snoshadeinthestreet, you know.” answers the boy. “It’s cool behind you, I think.”

  英语经典美文 篇17

  My dad works from Monday to Friday in a bank. he uses the computer to count money. His job is very important in the bank.

上海419论坛  Dad is also busy at home. At weekends he cooks dinner. Usually he cooks Italian food. On Sundays he makesfive pieces of pizza. Sometimes hecooks chicken and makes Chinese food. My mum watches and helps him. I help my dad, too. I wash the dishes.

  Many people think it is strange for a man to cook. But my dad enjoys his hobby. Cooking relaxes him. He is a weekend cook.

  英语经典美文 篇18

  Jack is a good boy but he doesn’t like to use his head. He often says something withou thinking.It makes others unhappy.

  Mr. Black teaches math in a school. He’s old now and he likes children.On the Friday Mr. Black doesn’t go to work, because he’s ill in a hospital. And Jack’s mother will see him after dinner. “I want to be there with you.” says Jack. “You’re a rude boy. I can’t take you there.’’ says his mother. “Don’t worry, mum. I won’t do that again. Please believe me. ” says Jack. In the hospital, Jack says nothing at first. When they’re leaving , he says to Mr. Black, “You look fine. The doctor says you’re going to die, but I don’t think so. ”

  英语经典美文 篇19

  There are about fifty-two weeks in a year. And there are seven days in each week. The first day of a week is Sunday. The other days of a week between SundayandSaturdayare Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday and Friday. Monday is the second day, Tuesday is the third day, Wednesday is the fourth day, Thursday is the fifth day, and Friday is the sixth day. What’s the last day? Do you know?

  英语经典美文 篇20

  I have a friend in the U.S. His name is Don Adams. I know him very well, but I have never met him. We write to each other all the time. My letters are very short. It is still hard for me to write in English. I received a letter from Don yesterday. It makes me very happy. He is coming to my country for a visit next summer. We are going to see each other for the first time.

  英语经典美文 篇21

  My family lives on this street. In the morning, my father goes to work and all the children go to school. My mother takes us to school everyday. She does the housework. She always has her lunch at home, and sees her friends in the afternoon. In the evening all the children come home from school. They always get home early. My father goes home from work and he is often late. After supper my two brothers and I do our homework. We go to bed at ten.

  英语经典美文 篇22

  What do know about the sea? Some people have seen it but others haven’t. The sea looks beautiful on a fine sunny day and it can be very tough when there is a strong wind. What other things do you know about it? Of course, the sea is very large. In the world there is more sea than land. If you have swum in the sea, you know that the sea is salty. Rivers carry salt from the land into the sea. Some places of the sea are saltier than the other places. Do you know the Dead Sea? It is so salty that you can’t sink when you are in the water! And fish cannot live in it!

  英语经典美文 篇23

上海419论坛  Li Hua is a Yong Pioneer. He is going to the park. Now he is waiting for a bus. Suddenly he finds a watchon theground.He askssome people, “Whose watch is it?” But the watch isn’t theirs. So he gives the watch to a policeman.

上海419论坛  Now Li Hua gets on the bus. He is sitting near the window. An old woman gets on the bus. She has no seat. So he stands up and says, “Here is a seat for you, Granny. Please sit here”

  英语经典美文 篇24

上海419论坛  There are all kinds of horses in the world. But one of them you can’t ride. It doesn’t live on land, but in the sea. It looks like the head of horse. So the people call it sea horse. In fact, the sea horse is a small fish. It likes to live in warm water. A sea horse stands up in the water when it swims.

  Father horse carries the eggs to keep them safe in its pouch. Whenthe eggsare hatched, the baby horses swim away.

  英语经典美文 篇25

  There are three trees near the house. There is a big tree, and two small trees.

上海419论坛  In the big tree there is a bird. Can the bird sing? Yes, it can. What’s under the big tree? It’s a cat.

上海419论坛  “I want some food,” thinks the cat. “Bird, my good friend, Come here! It’s time to play games” says the cat.

上海419论坛  “No today, thank you!” says the bird, “You can’t catch me! Goodbye!” Look! The bird is flying!

  英语经典美文 篇26

  A flying fox is not a fox at all. It is a bat. But this bat looks like a fox. A flying fox is very big. It likes to eat fruit. Sometimes the flying fox is called fruit bat.

上海419论坛  The flying fox flies into fruit trees. Then the bat eats all the fruit. So fruit farmers do not like the flying fox.

  英语经典美文 篇27

上海419论坛  Birds don’t fly high up in the sky. The air is too thin.

上海419论坛  It is hard for birds to breathe in thin air. Thin air doesn’t hold them up.

上海419论坛  Birds fly near the ground so that they can see where they are. The birds look for places they know. Then they do not get lost. Some birds fly so low over the ocean that the waves often hide them. Many birds fly a long distance in the spring and autumn.

  英语经典美文 篇28

  Air is all around us. It is around us as we walk and play. From the time we were born air is around us on every side. When we sit down, it is around us. When we go to bed, air is also around us. We live in air. We can live without food or water for a few days, but we cannot live for more than a few minutes without air. We take in air. When we are working or running we need more air. When we are asleep, we need less air. We live in air, but we cannot see it. We can only feel it when it is moving. Moving air is called wind. How can we make air move? Here is one way. Hold an open book in front of your face, close it quickly. What can you feel? What you feel is air.

  英语经典美文 篇29

  There are many clocks in the Brown’s house. They are in different rooms.A big clock stands in a corner of the sitting room. It is a very, very old clock, but it still keeps good time. Mr. Brown winds it once a week.

  英语经典美文 篇30

  Swimming is a good sport. It’s popular. People like swimming because the water makes people feel cool. But if they swim in a wrong place, it is very dangerous. These years, some people died when they were enjoying themselves in water and most of them were students. Summer holiday will be there again. I want to give you some advice. First, don’t get into the water when you are alone. Second, don’t get into the water if there is a No swimming sign. Third, you should be careful in the water. If you remember these, swimming will be safe and it’s good for your health.

  英语经典美文 篇31

上海419论坛  I am a slow walker,but i never walk backward.

  When i thought I could not go on,i forced myself to keep going.though the future is scary,you can't just run to the past because it is familiar.always remember,a man is not old as long as he's seeking something.a man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.

  英语经典美文 篇32

上海419论坛  Last week,we were go to the Laohutan marine park fall camp.We saws dolphins、seals、whale sharks and hippocampus…Then we were go to the happy-theater.The host was very humor,the animals star was very lovely and very clever.Then we were go to a small garden,we were played very happy.Back home after I very excited.

  英语经典美文 篇33

  Dragon boat racing is our the Chinese nation is a traditional activity.It is in the Dragon Boat Festival is to perform an activity.

  People play on the day.boat looks like a dragon.

上海419论坛  Dragon Boat Race made us very happy that we are fully felt the joy of traditional festivals.

  Everyone on this day to contest, display their skills, very lively.

  英语经典美文 篇34

上海419论坛  Do you love your mother? Do you know about her? Do you know how your mother is hard?Mom love you the most in the world. Mother’s love is one of the greatest love in our live. It is like a bottle of wine, the longer it is kept, the sweeter it will be. When we are thirty, it will be our best choice.

  No matter what you are rich or poor, your mother will always love you. So let us return to the mother. Thanks to all the mothers in the world. Thanks your love!

  英语经典美文 篇35

  I have a beautiful table lamp A year ago, my parents bought it for me. I use it when I’m doing my homework. I like it very much. It is black and red. The light from it is soft; it isn’t bad for my eyes. Every weekend I clean it, so it’s very clean all the time.

  My brother also has a table lamp. But it is broken. Mine is very good because I take good care of it. My table lamp has a wonderful name. Its name is Hong Xin. It helps me a lot with my study. It’s my best friend.

  英语经典美文 篇36

上海419论坛  Elephants are the biggest animals that live on land,Only some kinds of whale areebigger,but they live in the sea .The elephantis the second tallest animal in the world.Elephants are the only animas that have a long nose that is called a trunk.They can use the truck like a hand.With its trunk ,an elephant can pick up a 270kg tree,or pick up one peanut.Elephants have the biggest ears of all the animals.Their tucks are the biggest teech.

  英语经典美文 篇37

上海419论坛  My favourite sport is basketball.

  I often play basketball,I wear a T-shirt,jeans and runnersto play basketball.

上海419论坛  I usually play basketball with my uncle and my brother.My uncle and brother hit basketball very well.But I sometimes hurt my hands.

  I like playing basketball very much ,but I now my leg is hurt,I can’t play basketball.I feel sad.

上海419论坛  Basketball is my favourite sport.

  英语经典美文 篇38

  One day, when it rained, I heard a ticking voice outside the window.

  I went out of my dream. I got up and ran down. I went outside to watch. I saw that everyone was in a hurry with an umbrella. Some went to work and some went home. I walk on the sidewalk, quietly walking, I have been walking, suddenly heard the da da da under the downpour. I ran home. As soon as I got home, my clothes were all wet.

上海419论坛  I listened to the call of autumn rain and fell asleep again.

  英语经典美文 篇39

  You see Lift eye looks, Road lined with trees on both sides, Past skyscrapers. At night, Neighborhood, A column column fountain splash. Casino in people mountain people sea! What is? Is the news of the horn, To our home, Wear new clothes, The gorgeous makeup! Ah! Is he, All citizens in weinan, There are old people, youth, children... Let us hand in hand, Weinan create a beautiful tomorrow!

  英语经典美文 篇40

  Summer holiday is from July to August .It s a long time for me to do all kinds of things . I like visiting some places of interest . And I like travelling by train . It takes me too much time , but it saves money .

上海419论坛  Sometimes I stay at home and do my homework , sometimes I help my parents do some house work. When my parents are free , we often go to the park or the zoo , and we have a good time there .

  I have a good summer holiday .










