

时间:2021-11-16 16:30:15 介绍信 我要投稿


上海419论坛  在不断进步的时代,接触并使用介绍信的人越来越多,介绍信是联结双方关系的一个桥梁,其目的旨在证明来人的'身份,以便防止假冒。相信写介绍信是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,下面是小编帮大家整理的求职英语介绍信范文,欢迎大家分享。



上海419论坛  WANTED: Partners to lead their students in a Culture Exchange between Chineseand English native speakers.

  A. Purpose

上海419论坛  We are teachers in elementary school in Taiwan. Our students (age from10-12) want to introduce our Chinese culture and learn more about exotic culture of foreign centuries. So our interested partners and our students will benefit from the culture exchange project.

  B. Benefits

  1. If you are interested in Chinese, it’s a fantastic chance to learn Chinese history, experience Chinese culture and help your students to improve their Chinese.

上海419论坛  2. It will be a life-changing experience.

  3. If your students are America-born Chinese, it’s a good news for them to keep in touch with their Chinese Heritage.

  C. Media for Exchange

上海419论坛  Bilingual (Chinese and English)

  D. Items for Exchange

  Pictures, VCD(or DVD, videotape, etc.) of activities, letters (hand-script), writing works and objects (material things placed before or shown to the learners)

上海419论坛  E. Topics for Exchange

上海419论坛  1. Family introduction

  2. Chinese traditional food


上海419论坛to whom it may concern:

  i've been xxx's manager at xxx engineering for almost four years. it was my pleasure to promote x to mechanical engineer last year, because he consistently meets and often exceeds his job requirements.

  x is an enthusiastic, dedicated employee with reliable work

  habits. he often does not need guidance or supervision, but willingly accepts it when offered. he is consistently successful in improving his skills, and he works hard to do so.

上海419论坛  x is always willing to pitch in to help the team, and he gets the job done right the first time. he is efficient in planning

上海419论坛  projects, punctual in meeting deadlines, and conscientiously adheres to company standards and guidelines.

  you'd be hard pressed to find an employee more dedicated than x, and i recommend him as a rock-solid addition to your engineering staff. if you'd like more information, i'd be happy to provide it. please call the phone number above and ask for me by name.

上海419论坛  sincerely,

上海419论坛  [signature]


to whom it may concern:

  this is to confirm that mr. li dashui has worked as a full-time system analyst in the ny university since jun 1994(or this letter is to verify that mr. li dashui worked as an chemist from july 19xx to technology.

  paticular system projects. mr. li has mainly taken part in the following projects: upgrading banks system for ibm as/400 e45 to ibm as/400 320, ibm as/400 530. the design and development network and database systems for the golden credit card project.

  mr. li is well experienced with ibm as/400 system analysis, tcp/ip protocol, sna protocol and lan; proficient in rpgiii, vb, c/c++ and db2, and skilled in unix, informix, client/server etc.

上海419论坛  mr. li is a hard-working and talented analyst, and is highly sincerely yours,


  zhang jianguo

上海419论坛  senior engineer and technical manage to whom it may concern,

  sincerely yours









