

时间:2021-12-28 09:30:18 教学设计 我要投稿


上海419论坛  作为一名教学工作者,时常需要编写教学设计,教学设计一般包括教学目标、教学重难点、教学方法、教学步骤与时间分配等环节。那么大家知道规范的教学设计是怎么写的吗?以下是小编帮大家整理的博客七年级英语下教学设计模板,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。





上海419论坛  一、语言知识目标


上海419论坛  二、阅读技能目标








上海419论坛  了解克隆,正确地利用克隆技术来为人类服务。




  Step 1 Daily report

上海419论坛  One student comes to the front and gives a report about advantages and disadvantages of science and technology.

上海419论坛  Step 2 leading-in

上海419论坛  The teacher shows some pictures and starts a discussion about cloning.

上海419论坛  Step 3 Skimming

  Task 1: What’s the main idea of the passage?

  Task 2: Match the main idea with each paragraph

上海419论坛  Para 1: A. People’s attitude towards cloning.

  Para 2: B. The problems of Dolly.

  Para 3: C. The impact of Dolly.

  Para 4: D. Two major uses and the procedure of cloning.

  Para 5: E. The definition(定义)of cloning.

上海419论坛  Step 4 Scanning

  Task 1. Look through Para 2 and answer the following questions.

  (1) What are the two major uses of cloning?

  (2) Which one is easier, to make plant clones or animal clones?

上海419论坛  Task 2. Look through Para 3 and fill in the chart.

  Task 3. Do the following translation and word guessing.

  (1). Translation:

上海419论坛  On the other hand, Dolly’s appearance raised a storm of objections and had a great impact on the media and public imagination.

上海419论坛  (2). The word “controversial” in paragraph 4 probably means_________.

上海419论坛  A. complicated B. arguable

上海419论坛  C. important D. valuable

  Task4. Do the following Tor F questions based on Paragraph 5.

上海419论坛  1. People feared some evil leaders might use cloning to reach their goal.

上海419论坛  2. All the research into cloning will be forbidden.

上海419论坛  3. Religious leaders are in favor of human cloning.

  Step 5 Enjoy beautiful sentences

上海419论坛  1. Cloning plants is straightforward while cloning animals is very complicated.

上海419论坛  2. At last the determination and patience of the scientists paid off.

  3. The fact that she seemed to develop normally was very encouraging.

  Step 6 Question and answer

上海419论坛  This part is for students to find if they still have questions. If there is any, they can ask their classmates to help them.

上海419论坛  Step 7 Quiz

  Note: This part is very challenging. In the picture there are five numbers. Students can choose their lucky number and answer questions. Most of the questions are based on what they have learned in class.

  Step 8. Test yourself

  Fill in the blank with proper words.

上海419论坛  Cloning is a way of _______ (make) an exact copy of another animal or plant. It has two major uses. One is _______ gardeners use it to produce plants. The ______ is that it is valuable for medical research on animals. ________, the process of cloning is difficult ___________ (undertake).

  The first successful clone, Dolly the sheep, made the whole _________ (science) world follow its progress, though it had ________ problems than the normal sheep. On the other hand, Dolly’s appearance _______ (raise) a storm of objections and had a great impact ______ the media and public imagination. Different people have different opinions on it. However, scientists still wonder ______ cloning will help or harm us and where it is leading us.

  Step 9 Debate

上海419论坛  Topic: Are you for or against cloning?



  Write a passage entitled My view on cloning.



上海419论坛  一是quiz环节:


  1. Listen to a part of an English song and try to learn from it.

上海419论坛  2. Please use “pay off” to make a sentence.

  3.Give us some detailed information about Dolly.

上海419论坛  4. Translate the following sentence into English.


  5. What is your attitude towards cloning? Give your reason.

  二是test yourself环节:

  Fill in the blank with proper words.

  Cloning is a way of _______ (make) an exact copy of another animal or plant. It has two major uses. One is _______ gardeners use it to produce plants. The ______ is that it is valuable for medical research on animals. ________, the process of cloning is difficult ___________ (undertake).

上海419论坛  The first successful clone, Dolly the sheep, made the whole _________ (science) world follow its progress, though it had ________ problems than the normal sheep. On the other hand, Dolly’s appearance _______ (raise) a storm of objections and had a great impact ______ the media and public imagination. Different people have different opinions on it. However, scientists still wonder ______ cloning will help or harm us and where it is leading us.





  Learning aims:

上海419论坛  1:Knowing the structure of the application letter and useful sentences, and having the ability of writing one in limited time.

上海419论坛  (能写出申请信的篇章结构和常用句型,并在限定时间内完成申请信的写作)

上海419论坛  2:Bing capable of self-evaluating and partner-evaluating.



上海419论坛  Learning aims:

  1:Knowing the structure of the application letter and useful sentences, and having the ability of writing one in limited time.

上海419论坛  (能写出申请信的篇章结构和常用句型,并在限定时间内完成申请信的写作)

  2:Bing capable of self-evaluating and partner-evaluating.

上海419论坛  (能对书面表达进行自评和互评)


上海419论坛  A Letter of Application

  Dear Happy Camp Team,

上海419论坛  Your Happy Camp (快乐大本营) programm interests us very much, so I am writing in the hope that we can have the opportunity to hold our own in our school.We are confident to hold such an event succesfully. The reasons come as follows:

  First of all, our students are very creative and talented, who have many excellent ideas to spread. What is more , we have enough advanced equipment and plenty of fund which can meet the demands of the event. In addition , we have already organized a club consisting of 20 passion members, and they have rich experience in running such an activity.

上海419论坛  We would appreciate it if you could consider my application.If there is any question , please don’t hesitate to contact me. I am looking forward to your early reply.

上海419论坛  Sincerely yours,

  Chen wang

  Useful sentences and structures:

  apply v申请(n. applicant) position职位qualified合格的vacancy空缺recommend推荐candidate候选人interview面试contact联系,接触advertise广告qualification资格secretary秘书student’s union学生会consider consideration考虑favorable有利的reply回复,答复

  I am extremely pleased to see …

上海419论坛  I am confident that I am suitable for …

  I am writing this letter to recommend myself as …

  There is no doubt that +主语+谓语

上海419论坛  The reasons are listed as follows.

上海419论坛  The reson why … is that …

  An advantage of … is that …

上海419论坛  If you need to know any more about me , please contact me at …

上海419论坛  I shall be much honored if you will offer me the opportunity to …

  Thanks for considering my application and I am looking forward to your earlist reply.

  Task 2: Finish the the composition in 15 minutes.






上海419论坛  1.词数不少于100;

上海419论坛  2.可适当加入细节,以使内容充实、行文连贯;

上海419论坛  3.信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

上海419论坛  参考词汇:晨曦希望小学Chenxi Hope School

  Task3: self-evaluation (自我评价 )

上海419论坛  Please evaluate your article according to the following tips:(自查方向点)

上海419论坛  1. Check whether your article covers all the points.(检查是否要点全面)

  2. Check the consistency of the tense and the voice.(检查时态和语态)

  3. Check the subject-verb agreement.(检查主谓一致)

上海419论坛  4. Check the punctuation marks.(检查标点运用)

  Task4: partner-evaluation (小组评价 )

  Please evaluate your partner’s article according to the following tips:(按照以下要点批改同学的作文)

  1. Check whether the article covers all the points.Check whether the structure is completely organized.(检查是否要点全面,组织严密)

上海419论坛  2. Please draw wave lines under beautiful sentences and words.(好句子下划线)

  3. Find out the mistakes and correct them.(找错并改正)

  4. Check whether the handwriting is clean and tidy.(检查书写情况)






上海419论坛  ——每周12学时,任选三门课

上海419论坛  ——担任学生英语俱乐部或英语校报顾问(advisor)




上海419论坛  3.开头语和结尾已为你写好,但不计入总词数。


  Learning aims: 1.Grasp the usages of the past participle as the Attribute, Predictive and the object complement(过去分词充当定语、表语、宾语不足语)and use them freely

上海419论坛  2. Improve ability of making a thorough and anylasing.

上海419论坛  Learning important and difficult points:

  1.Understand and use the past participle as the Attribute, Predictive and the object complement(过去分词充当定语、表语、宾语不足语) freely.

  2.Find out the differences between the past participle and the present participle as the Attribute, Predictive and the object complement(过去分词充当定语、表语、宾语不足语)

  Learning methods: Make a thorough enquiry before class,during class,and work with Ss-Ss, Ss-alone, Ss-T(三探一练四步教学法)

  Learning procedures:

  Enquiry I:

  Make a thorough enquiry before class. Try to finish the work of(SB P23-24 Discovering useful structures)and answer them one by one. during the class.

上海419论坛  EnquiryII:

  Make a thorough enquiry during class.(Ss-Ss.)





  The broken window (=The window which was broken) will be replaced soon.

上海419论坛  破损的窗户很快就会被换掉.

  The books bought yesterday (=which were bought yesterday) are of high quality.


  过去分词和与其相关的名词、代词之间构成一种"动宾关系",即"被动态"。过去分词作定语,主要说明"业已完成的动作"或是"一个在以前某个未知时间发生的动作" 。单个过去分词作定语,分词一般说来写在被修饰的名词、代词之前;分词短语作定语时,分词放在被修饰词之后。

上海419论坛  (1)表示情绪的过去分词作定语:

  --She threw me a quick, frightened glance.他迅速而惊恐地看了我一眼。

  --His face wore a puzzled expression.他脸上有一种困惑的表情。

  --He had a pleased look on his face.他脸上现出高兴的神情。

上海419论坛  --We can hear his excited voice.我们可以听到他激动的声音。

上海419论坛  ----The inspired soldier soon calmed down.那个受到鼓舞的士兵很快就平静下来了。

  --The frightened girl sat in the corner quietly.那位吓得惊慌的姑娘一声不响地坐在角落里。

  --Tom gave a satisfied smile.汤姆满意地笑了笑。

  --There is a worried boy in the corner of the street.在街道拐角有一个焦急的男孩。


  amaze,embarrass,interest,excite,disappoint,encourage,move,surprise,astonish,delight,frighten,inspire,please,puzzle,terrify,shock,satisfy,worry,confuse, amuse, tire等。这些动词构成的过去分词实际上已经成了形容词,它们常常用来修饰人。


  guided missle导弹armed forces武装力量

  cooked food熟食boiled water开水

  frozen food冷冻食品canned food罐头食品

  fried eggs煎鸡蛋smoked fish熏鱼

  finished products成品dried fruit果干

  required courses必修课printed matter印刷品

  written English书面英语mixed feelings混杂情绪

上海419论坛  (3)表示完成的过去分词作定语:

  faded flowers萎谢的花fallen leaves落叶

上海419论坛  escaped prisoners逃犯deceased wife亡妻

  departed friends离去的朋友

  a retired professor退休的教授

上海419论坛  new arrived visitors新到的客人

  a dated map过时的地图

上海419论坛  (4)过去分词短语作定语放在所修饰词之后,作用相当于一个定语从句:

上海419论坛  --They reduced the number of animals used in experiments.

上海419论坛  他们减少了用于试验的动物数量。

  --What’s the language spoken in that country?那个国家讲的是什么语言?

  --Is there anything planned for tonight?今晚有什么活动吗?

  --They are problems left over by history?他们是历史遗留下来的问题。

上海419论坛  --Suddenly there appeared a young woman dressed in green.



  I'm interested in reading novels, written by Jin Yong.我对金庸的小说很感兴趣.

  常见的还有: be surprised, be astonished, be amazed, be moved, be exhausted, be worried, be devoted, be pleased, be inspired, be encouraged, be excited, be delighted, be satisfied, be scared, be frightened, be disappointed


上海419论坛  a. see, hear, watch, feel, find, observe, notice, look at, listen to表示感觉和心理状态的动词

上海419论坛  b. make, get, have, leave表示"致使"意义的动词

上海419论坛  c. like, want, wish, order表示希望,要求等意义的动词

上海419论坛  He won't like such questions discussed at the meeting.


上海419论坛  EnquiryIII:

  Make a thorough enquiry between Ss and teacher.



上海419论坛  1.定语:现在分词作定语常表示"动作正在进行",此时或当时的状态等;过去分词则常表示"动作发生在谓语动词的动作前"等;被修饰的名词一般是现在分词的逻辑主语,是过去分词的逻辑宾语.如:

  I know the man standing there.我认识站在那儿的那个人.

上海419论坛  Is there anything planned for tonight?今晚有什么活动吗?


  The work was tiring.这项工作挺累人的。

  The workers were soon tired.工人们很快就感到累了。


  The book is well written.(表语)

上海419论坛  The book was written by a soldier.(被动语态)


  1.The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see ____ the next year.

上海419论坛  A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out

  【解析】此考题的主句是:The managers discussed the plan检测点在其后的定语从句中,在这个定语从句里,they是其主语,would like to see是其复合谓语,that修饰的是先行词the plan,同时that也是see的宾语,the plan是被执行的,被实施的,只有过去分词可以表示被动,所以C项的carried out是正确答案。

上海419论坛  2. The computer center, ______ last year, is very popular among the students.

  A. open B.opening C.having opened D. opened

  【解析】该题的考察目标为过去分词作定语的用法。句子中computer center与open之间为被动关系。此外open作及物动词时意思为“打开,开张,开办,开设”,强调动作,不侧重状态,鼓不用形容词性的open。B、C为现在分词,不符合题意。据此判定正确答案应为D。

  EnquiryIV: Summary and do some sychronous exercises.

  V: Homework

  1.Review the the usages of the past participle as the Attribute, Predictive and the object complement(过去分词充当定语、表语、宾语不足语)



  1. differ

上海419论坛  v.不同;相异;使?-?-相异


  A differs from B in ...A与B在?-?-方面不同

  A differs with B about/on/over... A与B就?-?-意见相左

  Their house differs from mine in having no garage.


  The two sides still differ with each other over the question of pay.双方在报酬的问题上仍各持己见。


上海419论坛  difference n.不同之处

上海419论坛  different adj.不同的

上海419论坛  make a difference to对?-?-产生变化;对什么有


上海419论坛  different from与?-?-不同,不同于高手过



上海419论坛  用适当的介词填空(原创)

上海419论坛  ①The two squares differ colour but not size.

  ②The husband differs the wife who is to take charge of the money.

上海419论坛  ③It doesn馊make a difference me whether you are going to stay.

上海419论坛  ④This is a different car the one I drove yesterday.

  答案:1. ①in; in ②with; on/about/over

上海419论坛  ③to ④from

上海419论坛  2. undertake

上海419论坛  vt.(undertook;undertaken)着手;从事;承担;保证,答应


  undertake sth.着手/从事/承担某事

  undertake to do sth.保证/答应做某事

上海419论坛  undertake that ...保证?-?-

  The scientist undertakes the experiment.


  I can undertake the responsibility for the changes.


上海419论坛  The lawyer undertook a new case.


  He undertook to finish the job by Friday.

上海419论坛  他答应星期五之前完成这项工作。



上海419论坛  ①他下个月要去西部旅行。

  He will undertake a journey to the west next month.


  I can馊undertake that I餷l finish it on time.

  3. objection

上海419论坛  n.不赞成;反对;异议


上海419论坛  have an objection to ...反对?-?-

上海419论坛  raise/voice an objection提出异议


上海419论坛  object v.反对,不赞成


  object to sb./sth.不赞成某人/某事

  object to doing sth.反对做某事

  object that ...反对?-?-

上海419论坛  No one objected to the plan.没有人反对这项计划。

上海419论坛  We object to being treated like this.


  Why do some people object to human cloning?

上海419论坛  为什么一些人反对克隆人类呢?

  Mother objected that Jimmy was too weak to take up the job.


  The building is the main object of his interest.




  We to punishing a whole group for one person馏fault. (20xx?¤01?¤江西南昌检测)

上海419论坛  Complain B. object C. oppose D. resist

  解析:选B。句意为:我们反对因为一个人的错误而惩罚整体。object to doing sth.反对做某事。

  4. obtain




上海419论坛  obtain意为“获得,买到”。指通过努力或请求而得到,含有满足要求或得达到目的的意味,用于正式语体中。

上海419论坛  acquire意为“经过努力逐步获得才能、知识、习惯等,也可用于表示对财物等的获得”,强调“一经获得就会长期持有”的含义。




  He failed to obtain a scholarship.


  I finally managed to obtain a copy of the report.


上海419论坛  We should try to acquire good habits.

上海419论坛  我们应该努力养成好习惯。

上海419论坛  He found it easy to earn extra money.


上海419论坛  But we can only achieve it together.




上海419论坛  ①The journalist immediately set out to obtain these important facts.

上海419论坛  那位新闻记者立即着手获取这些重要的事实。

  ②Knowledge can be obtained through study.

上海419论坛  知识可通过学习获得。

  5. forbid

  vt. (forbade/forbad; forbidden)禁止;不准;阻止;妨碍


上海419论坛  forbid sth./doing sth.禁止,不许(做某事)

  forbid sb. to do sth.禁止某人做某事

  The law forbids the use of chemical fertilizers.

上海419论坛  法律禁止使用化学肥料。

  I forbid you to tell anyone.





  Smoking is forbidden on the plane.


  His father forbade him to talk to her.


  It is hard to forbid children to play computer games.

  6. owe



上海419论坛  owe sb. sth. = owe sth. to sb.欠(某人)债

上海419论坛  owe sth. to sb./sth.将某事物归因或归功于某人/事

上海419论坛  He owes his father £50. = He owes £50 to his father.


  We owe this discovery to Newton.

上海419论坛  我们把这一发现归功于牛顿。



上海419论坛  ①How much do I owe you the groceries?

  ②He owes his success more luck than ability.

上海419论坛  ③I owe a lot my wife and children.

上海419论坛  答案:①for②to; to③ to

  7. resist



  resist sth.抵制;阻挡某事

  resist doing sth.反对做某事

上海419论坛  can馊resist doing sth.忍不住做某事

上海419论坛  The nation was unable to resist the invasion.


  A healthy body resists disease.


上海419论坛  I could hardly resist laughing.


  resistance n.抵抗,反抗;抵抗力

上海419论坛  resistant adj.抵抗的;有抵抗力的

  be resistant to sb./sth.对某人/某事有抵抗力

上海419论坛  resister n.抵制者;抗拒者;电阻器



  ①He resisted being carried off.


  ②She can not resist the temptation of chocolate.

上海419论坛  她无法抗拒巧克力的诱惑。


上海419论坛  8. pay off


上海419论坛  At last, his hard work paid off.


上海419论坛  Did your plan pay off?你的计划成功了吗?


上海419论坛  pay for付?-?-的钱;为?-?-而付出代价

  pay back sth./pay sb. back sth.偿还某物/偿还某人某物

上海419论坛  pay sb. ...for sth.因某事而付给某人?-?-

  pay sb. ...to do sth.付给某人?-?-去做某事

  pay sb. back for sth.向?-?-报复



上海419论坛  If you go for a long ride in a friend馏car, it馏the custom to offer to some of the expenses. (20xx?¤01?¤江苏启东检测)

上海419论坛  A. pay B. pay off C. pay for D. pay back


  ①After ten years of hard working she finally

  her debt.

上海419论坛  ②Our efforts are sure to .

上海419论坛  ③Have you the milkman this week?

  ④Have you the money the bank yet?

  ⑤I will you next week.

  答案:(1)解析:选C。根据句意可知,这里表示?°为?-?-偿付一部分费用?±,故选C。pay for为?-?-而付钱;为?-?-付出代价。

  (2)① paid off②pay off③paid④paid; to⑤pay; back

上海419论坛  9. in favour of


上海419论坛  I am in favour of stopping work now.我赞成现在停止工作。

上海419论坛  in sb.馏favour对某人有利

  do sb. a favour /do a favour for sb.帮某人忙

上海419论坛  do sb. the favour to do sth./do sb. a favour by doing sth.帮助某人做某事

上海419论坛  favour vt.赞同;支持

  The child favours his father with his brown eyes.

上海419论坛  这个孩子棕色的眼睛像他的父亲。


  表示?°支持,赞同某人/某事?±除了用in favour of之外;还可以用:be for sb./sth.; stand on one馏side等。

上海419论坛  be against sb./sth.表示?°不支持,不赞同某人/某事?±。



  I don馊like to ask people for help as a rule but I wonder if you could me a favour. (20xx?¤01?¤江苏启东检测)

上海419论坛  A. make B. do C. find D. get


  in case of/in consequence of/in favour of/in possession of

  ①All his family are his decision to work in western area after graduation.

上海419论坛  ②While reading, coming across new words, you?ˉd better guess their meanings rather than refer to the dictionary.

  ③Mary told me that she was some lovely jewels.

上海419论坛  ④They had to move to another city the typhoon.

  答案:(1)解析:选B。句意为:通常我不喜欢向别人寻求帮助,但我希望你能帮我的忙。do sb. a favour帮某人忙。

  (2)①in favour of ②in case of

上海419论坛  10. (be) bound to do ...

上海419论坛  一定或注定(做)?-?-

  The weather is bound to get better tomorrow.

上海419论坛  明天天气一定会变好的。

上海419论坛  You饁e done so much work that you馈e bound to pass the exam.你下了这么大功夫,一定能通过考试。


上海419论坛  bound v.跳跃;限制;形成?-?-的界限


上海419论坛  adj.必然的,一定的

上海419论坛  be bound to sth.受?-?-限制;被?-?-所束缚

上海419论坛  be bound for准备到?-?-去;开往;去?-?-地方

  be bound up with与?-?-有密切关系



上海419论坛  ①These problems were almost bound (arise).

  ②When you are dealing with so many patients, mistakes (bound) happen.

  答案:① to arise ②are bound to

上海419论坛  11. be in good/poor condition



  out of condition状况欠佳

上海419论坛  working/living/studying conditions工作/生活/学习环境

  on condition (that)...在?-?-条件下;


  on no condition一点也不;决不

上海419论坛  in excellent condition处于极佳的状况

  The ship is not in a condition/is in no condition to make a long voyage.此船的现状不适宜远航。

  The car is still in excellent condition.这辆汽车状况极佳。


上海419论坛  用适当的介词填空(原创)

  ①The car has been well maintained and is excellent condition.

上海419论坛  ②He?ˉs excellent condition a man of his age.

  ③I had no exercise for ages; I餸really of condition.

上海419论坛  ④You can go out condition that you wear an overcoat.

上海419论坛  答案:① in ②in; for ③out ④on


  12. Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill.


上海419论坛  当时间副词now, then位于句首,谓语是come, appear等表示?°出现?±一类的动词时,主句用全倒装语序。

上海419论坛  Now comes your turn.现在轮到你了。



上海419论坛  In the dark forests , some large enough to hold several English towns. (20xx?¤01?¤河南镇平检测)

  A. stand many lakes B. lie many lakes

  C. many lakes lie D. many lakes stand



上海419论坛  单元要点预览(旨在让同学整体了解本单元要点)



  辨析1. adapt / adopt 2. ignore / neglect / overlook

  3. luck / fortune / destiny / fate


上海419论坛  变化1. comfort n.舒适;安慰vt.使舒适;安慰,慰问comfortable adj.舒服的uncomfortable adj.不舒服的,不自在的comfortably adv.舒适地uncomfortably adv.不舒服地;难受地

上海419论坛  2. classify vt.把……分类,

  把……分级classification n.分类,分级;类别,级别

上海419论坛  3. betray vt.出卖;背叛betrayal n.[u]出卖,辜负,暴露betrayer n.出卖者

上海419论坛  4. superior adj.上级的,较

上海419论坛  高的n.上级,长官superiority n.优越(性),优等

  5. trouble n.麻烦,困难

  vt.麻烦vi.费力troublesome adj.令人烦恼的,麻烦的

  6. pronounce vt.发音;宣布pronunciation n.发音


  单词1. adaptation n.[c]改编

  2. hesitate vi.犹豫,踌躇,不愿

上海419论坛  3. mistaken adj.犯错的,错误的

  4. condemn vt.判刑,谴责,宣告……不适用

  5. acquaintance n.[u]相识;熟悉n.[c]熟人

  6. fortune n.[u]命运;运气;机会[c]财产,财富


上海419论坛  词组1. pass sb. off as...把某人改变或冒充成……

  2. a handful of一把;一小撮,少数,少量

上海419论坛  3. in amazement惊讶地

  4. in terms of...以……的观点;就……而说

  5. show... in带或领……进来

  重点句型1. Generally speaking, people are more polite to those whom they think are of higher social class.

上海419论坛  2. Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering are sitting deep in conversation.



上海419论坛  Ⅰ.词语辨析(旨在提供完形填空所需材料)

上海419论坛  1. adapt / adopt


上海419论坛  adapt v.使…适应,改编This novel has been adapted for radio from the Russian original.这部小说已由俄文原着改编成无线电广播节目。

  adopt v.采用,收养,接受Having no children of their own they decided to adopt an orphan.


上海419论坛  【练习】用adapt与adopt的正确形式填空。

  1). You must ________ to the norms of the society you live in.

  2). Paul’ s mother had him _________ because she couldn’ t look after him herself.

  3). This machine has been specially _________ for underwater use.

上海419论坛  4). These styles can be _________ to suit individual tastes.

上海419论坛  5). We should _________ the consumers’ suggestion.

  Keys: 1). adapt 2). adopted 3). adapted 4). adapted 5). adopt

  2. ignore / neglect / overlook


  ignore v.忽视,不理睬,指有意识地拒绝[+sb/sth];

  neglect v.忽视,忽略,疏忽,指无意识地忽视或忘记[+sb/sth][+to do];

  overlook v.忽略,疏漏,指有意识地或无意识地忽略、遗漏或不采取行动。


  1). She saw him coming but she _______ him.

上海419论坛  2). He _______ to make repairs in his house.

  3). The mother _______ her little boy’ s bad behavior.

  Keys: 1). ignored 2). neglected 3). overlooked

  3. luck / fortune / destiny / fate


上海419论坛  luck意为“命运,运气”。

上海419论坛  fortune意为“命运”,多含变幻无常的意味。

上海419论坛  destiny强调命中注定,是天意。

上海419论坛  fate多比喻不幸或死亡,含宿命的意味。

上海419论坛  【练习】选择luck,fortune,destiny,fate填空。

  1). She told my _______ by reading my palm.

  2). I hope this charm will bring you _______.

  3). A meeting to decide the _______ of the factory is to be held today.

上海419论坛  4). _______ drew us together.

上海419论坛  Keys: 1). fortune 2). luck 3). fate 4). Destiny

上海419论坛  Ⅱ.词性变化(旨在提供语法填空所需材料)

上海419论坛  1. comfort n.舒适;安慰vt.使舒适;安慰,慰问comfortable adj.舒服的uncomfortable adj.不舒服的,不自在的comfortably adv.舒适地uncomfortably adv.不舒服地;难受地

上海419论坛  2. classify vt.把……分类,

  把……分级classification n.分类,分级;类别,级别

  3. betray vt.出卖;背叛betrayal n.[u]出卖,辜负,暴露betrayer n.出卖者

上海419论坛  4. superior adj.上级的,较

上海419论坛  高的n.上级,长官superiority n.优越(性),优等

上海419论坛  5. trouble n.麻烦,困难

上海419论坛  vt.麻烦vi.费力troublesome adj.令人烦恼的,麻烦的

上海419论坛  6. pronounce vt.发音;宣布pronunciation n.发音


上海419论坛  1). The hotel is modern and ________ (comfort) furnished.

  2). She always felt slightly ________ (comfort) in a hat.

上海419论坛  3). We will never forgive his ________ (betray).

上海419论坛  4). She works well with those superior ________ (介词) her in the firm.

  5). The economy has become a ________ (trouble) issue for the Conservative Party.

上海419论坛  6). We had no trouble ________ (find) the address.

上海419论坛  7). The books in the library ________ (classify) according to subject.

上海419论坛  8). Only eleven of these accidents were classified ________ (介词) major.

上海419论坛  9). She doesn’ t like having her ________ (pronounce) corrected.

上海419论坛  Keys: 1). comfortably 2). uncomfortable 3). betrayal 4). to

上海419论坛  5). troublesome 6). finding 7). are classified 8). as 9). pronunciation


  1. adaptation n.[c]改编adapt vt.使适应(合);修改,改编vi. (to)适应


上海419论坛  1). The play is an adaptation of a short novel.这部戏剧是一部短篇小说的改编本。

  2). The adaptation of animals to the environment is rather slow.动物对环境的适应是相当慢的。


  adaptation to对……的适应adapt oneself to使适应;使适合

上海419论坛  [练习]根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的词或翻译。

上海419论坛  1). He tried hard to _______ himself _______ (使自己适应) the new conditions.

  2). He made a quick ________ _________ (适应了) the new environment.

  3). When they moved to Canada, the children _______ _______ the change very well.

  Keys: 1). adapt; to 2). adaptation to 3). adapted to

上海419论坛  2. hesitate vi.犹豫,踌躇,不愿hesitation n.[u,c]踌躇;犹豫不决










