
实习生信 英文

时间:2020-10-28 15:35:54 推荐信 我要投稿

实习生推荐信 英文

上海419论坛   DearAdmissions Officer:

实习生推荐信 英文

上海419论坛   Iam writing this letter to support the admission of XXX to the Harvard GraduateSchool, Statistic. I was Mr. X's internship Referral and advisor for severalyears between 2010 and 2011. We have met and talked several times since.

  Mr. X'sacademic credentials are truly exceptional. He not only knows how to reasonwith numbers and data, but how to render incisive and imaginative practices in mathematic.He performed perfectly in all his tasks. Whether rendering a spread sheetanalysis, making a model or writing a report, XXX always demonstrated uncannymastery combined with critical wit. While many of the staff members I have metperformed very well in the company, X alone has completed work that meetswith tastes of senior managers. Even more importantly he offered new ideaswhich we could comprehend and even assimilate.

  Unlike most ofhis colleagues I have talked in the XXXXX, Mr. X immersedhimself in American culture. He composed a joke as part of his firstpresentation analyzing a current plan. It worked. His colleagues laughed and Iwas witness to masterful culture spanning. X came to us a confidentindividualist uniquely suited to cultural cross fertilization.

上海419论坛   X has a deepreservoir of talent and ambition. He has already accomplished a great deal inthe face of considerable challenge. He has worked hard making use of eachopportunity for improvement, and produced an impressive record for one who hasenjoyed no special privilege. Tan possesses and uses an easygoing manner andspirited conviviality to put people at ease. He can easily make people tobelieve him. In addition, X has special self-study and is experienced inprogramming, especially in C/C++, as well as his intelligent judgment. He learnedearly on the painful lessons of C language, and has learned how to write thepointer and algorithm to make “accepting”. I have every confidence that he willuse this considerable knowledge to tackle completed problems and study on alarger scale.

  While as an internshipmember in our company, X took a lot of tasks under the help of the directorof the Financial Analyst. Financial Analysis, a cumbersome and stressful jobcorrelated with technical analysis and XXXX in stock market. Tanshowed wonderful digital sensitivity for graphic grasp and analysis.

  X is smart.But more important he has acquired wisdom in the statistic and programming. Hewants to expand his considerable fund of wisdom and use it to provide statisticimprovement from the U.S. to China. XXX's ambitions and abilities are in sync.He is poised and prepared to take this next step in an exciting journey. Notonly will managers and staff thank you for admitting such a fine candidate, butso too will those employees, customers and citizens who will benefit from hisfuture employ.

上海419论坛   Sincerely,











上海419论坛   财务分析,是一种复杂的和高度紧张的工作,包括了技术分析和基本面分析。而作为一个实习生成员,谭在我们公司张建分析师的指导下完成了许多财务分析工作,并且表现出惊人的数字敏感性,图形的把握和分析能力。

上海419论坛   X很聪明,他已获得在统计和编程方面的知识,但更重要的是他想要通过努力来扩充自己的智慧和用它来帮助中国统计的进步。他准备申请在美国攻读博士学位并圆满完成这一令人兴奋的旅程。我个人认为,XXXX的追求和能力是同步的。我们所有的经理和员工不仅会谢谢你接纳这样一个优秀的候选人,同时我相信我们的员工、顾客和公民将会受益于他未来的倾情奉献。


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