
《小妇人》Little Women的英文读后感

时间:2021-12-08 14:32:44 读后感 我要投稿

上海419论坛《小妇人》Little Women的英文读后感

  当品味完一本着作后,大家心中一定是萌生了不少心得,此时需要认真地做好记录,写写读后感了。那么我们该怎么去写读后感呢?以下是小编整理的《小妇人》Little Women的.英文读后感,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。

《小妇人》Little Women的英文读后感

上海419论坛  《Little Women》tells the story of a march. Four sisters at home: the pursuit of noble, but who will take care of the eldest sister Meg,full of restlessness is concerned about the families of Joe Erjie, elegant but selfish Pode Amy's selfless spirit and the need to have Beth's family. Their mother, Marge is the kind of wife, father, Mr. Ma Qi army soldiers. Such a boy and their neighbor Laurie, Laurie,MrLawrence's grandfather, aunt Marchi, as well as friends that have occurred around the home such as the diary as a simple story, but a thought-provoking show of affection, friendship, love. The book is a display of pieces of warm sweet picture of family life, sing the praises of eternal love, touched the hearts of countless readers.Ups and downs, warm and sweet life and destiny, pure emotion, deeply attracted me. A strong, content, full of hope for the future of my four from the heroine's learned. The United States and Georgia, Joe, Beth, Amy them a strong, optimistic spirit of storage I heart.

  From their body, I learned how strong and learned how to be contented, but I can not satisfy the need to learn to always be full of hope for the future and try to chase the dream of optimism. I also learned to cherish the double-owned, and so on do not know who died lost their commendable. We found that everyone should be careful not to bring the advantages of the colored eye can only see other people's shortcomings .

【《小妇人》Little Women的英文读后感】相关文章:





5.英文读后感:简爱_《Jane Eyre》


